MovieChat Forums > Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) Discussion > Why didnt they de-age Hayden Christensen...

Why didnt they de-age Hayden Christensen?

Episode 5 finally gave us a flashback with Anakin and Obi. And it looks like Ewan was de-aged to look like younger self. While Hayden Christensen looked too old. As if he was not digitally de-aged at all. And we all remember his young face in prequels.

There was something off with him. There was no sparkle in his attitude and face.

Still those flashbacks were the only interesting thing about this series. I wish there would be more of them.


Hayden was deaged, compare recent interviews, he looks older than in episode 5.

He did not look as young as he did in Attack Of The Clones (which is around the era where the flashback seems to take place judging by their hairstyles), they should have done more CGI on him.

I actually disliked those particular flashbacks... found it kind of reckless that Jedi were using lightsabers to 'spar', any minor slip and there goes your hand!

So far this series is a 5/10... Ewan is amazing as Obi-Wan though, too bad the writing is sub-par, he's surrounded by annoying characters and it feels kinda cheap production.


I enjoyed flashback. They were like little deleted scenes. With there would be more of them. Specially when Anakin went in his murderous way.


"So far this series is a 5/10... Ewan is amazing as Obi-Wan though, too bad the writing is sub-par, he's surrounded by annoying characters and it feels kinda cheap production."

This is spot on with me.

It's... ok. Ewan is great, Indira Varma's character was interesting, and it's got a few moments of greatness. However, the writing is bad, almost as bad as Boba Fett.

The characters don't really come alive on screen. For instance, there was a lot more they could do with Leia. She should be asking more about her parents, about how she doesn't feel like a princess (which would go with her background), anything to bring a bit more to her. I'm sure Moses Ingram is a decent actress in her own right, but I don't feel anything, whether it be startling fear or hints of compassion, when she's on screen. The twist that she was a youngling fell flat and really made zero sense considering she's brutally murdered Jedi and innocents.

They should have put more time and effort into a tight screenplay and made a movie where Obi-Wan is pulled out of hiding for an adventure. Maybe he has to deal with the Hutts and space mob while trying to keep his cover from the Empire. Maybe he finds out bounty hunters are looking for Yoda. Maybe anything except having to sorta break continuity and go save Leia and confronts Darth again.


"found it kind of reckless that Jedi were using lightsabers to 'spar', any minor slip and there goes your hand!"

I was thinking exactly the same ... WTF??


Ewan hasn’t aged much in general but yeah, Hayden looks like he is 40 instead of 20.


A fan already tried it and it looks pretty good. They should just pay this Youtuber and update the episode.


Yeah, that scene was weird as hell. Anakin was way too old for his supposed age ...


Agreed, definitely should have used the tech, I mean they did in the Fett series for a "certain character" and it looked great!


i thought maybe it was right before he loses his tail thing and let’s his hair grow long but that would be when the clone wars begun and he was married. so i dunno.
