MovieChat Forums > Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) Discussion > Can we just stop with the spinoffs?

Can we just stop with the spinoffs?

It cheapens the original trilogy by diluting it with inaccurate, PC prequels & sequels.


Sure. Now why don’t you go ahead and make them stop? I’ll wait, oppressor. XD

But no. And no.

With the approval of so many, they’re fortunately going to keep making more of these films+shows (that will FINALLY move on from the Skywalker folks — Obi-Wan notwithstanding) and expand this universe until... forever. And fascists (I repeat, fascists) like you who DEMAND them to stop naturally can’t do anything about it but cry excessively and shout agenda like the true propagandist and oh-so-snowflaky PC white privileged reich wingers that you are. In closing, hateful and crying reactionary chuds (hey y’all) who live in alternate reality and want them good ol’ pro-exclusion PC days back (days when chuds lived in an apparently 1950’s environment when they were never seriously challenged on anything and affected by the presence of “the others”, thus they never got triggered like they do in these slightly less pro-ahole days) gonna hate and cry.


Get a dictionary and learn to use it you clearly have no clue what a fascist is. My guess is you are one of those inner city blacks playing on your Obama phone instead of going to school.


And there it is......The -ISM. I bet you couldn't wait to unreasonably speculate on the race of Drac. Your white tears are delicious btw.😆


If someone sounds like a cunt they are a cunt if someone sounds like a worthless fuck they are a worthless fuck. It doesn't take much to figure out when someone is completely void of grey matter, your one line tells the world your a liberal pussy trying to score points by throwing out buzz words from the grand liberal book of ignorance... although with you apparently you're finally getting tired so you don't even bother to type the full fucking words anymore.


Your conservacuck tears are delicious!





"Can we stop"

There's been one, LOL.


OP seems to considering anything other than the original trilogy to be a "spinoff." So by that definition, we have had a lot.


Oh there are plenty more coming...

Ahsoka, Dissidents: A Star Wars Story, The Acolyte, Star Wars: Lando, The Rangers of the New Republic, Star Wars: A Droid Story, The Book of Boba Fett, Star Wars: Visions, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, Andor, Kenobi: A Star Wars Story...

Those are all coming, lol.


A world with fewer and fewer movies about real people in the real world, and more and more movies about comic book oafs and silly children's Starwars creatures, is a devolving world.


The real world is depressing. I heartily welcome escapist entertainment.


it looks like spinoffs, prequels and sequels are here to stay. Personally, it doesn't bother me "that" much as long as they're good, which can't be said for the SW prequels, although, I do think Ep 3 was good. Solo: A SW Story was decent but nothing to write home about.

And episodes 7, 8 , 9 have been alright but again, nothing too spectacular. Just decent enough to not be considered trash. But I haven't seen 9 yet. so can't really comment on it.

As of now, it looks like 'The Mandalorian' is the best of the bunch but I haven't seen any episodes yet. I might check them out some day.


The only one that's been good in the last 10 years has been Rogue One. The others that came after have been mediocre to murky garbage..


Spaceballs: the quest for more money


Just ignore them and keep watching what you enjoy... that's what I do.


Disney didn't buy Lucasfilms to lose money they will milk the brand like a vampire sucking a virgin till the corpse is dry.


A smart vampire would feed said virgin as to keep her alive and fresh as much as possible.

Disney, bad bad vampire.


Frankly i blame Lucas more than anyone else. It was a private company he controlled he could have simply put someone in charge of it and oversaw it from the sidelines. It isn't as if he will be able to spend the billions he received or that he needed the money. But he knew once it was sold for huge price that whoever bought it would have to milk it to recover what they paid.
