Why do people cheer when a movie bomb?

I never understood why people love to root for a movie to fail. There are plenty of flicks that I don't like so...guess what. I don't freaking see them. I don't comment on them. I plain don't even care that they exist.. I am certainly not going to root for them to fail.. That makes no sense. I have, however, critiqued movies and tv shows that I want to succeed like Batwoman for instance. But I have never rooted for anything to fail simply because it exists.


I root for a movie to fail when I don't believe it was being made by passionate people in the pursuit of love of art. I root for movies to fail that stem from cooperate greed with the aim of propaganda, manipulation, and to alter the nature of our thoughts and memories. I choose, as well, to root for movies to fail that use the love of art to broaden the horizons of viewers to their side of thinking. But that's because i'm an asshole who values my core over theirs. All life is a game. All life is war. And the winners make the rules. Gossip is war. Art is war. These words we share right now are war. For the souls of all humanity.


It's been a bad week for femcels as a whole. Amber Heard was exposed as a liar, Little Wahmen got thrown a token oscar for clothes and now this film has shown HQ can't function strongly and independently at the box-office. Next up, Natalie Portman will be officially trying to remove "man" from her name.


she will however be playing Thor in an upcoming movie .........

un-fucking-believable is what that really is :-(


no one rooted for the movie "passengers" to fail.... except for the feminist/left wing/SJW critics that was offended by the plot of the movie !

movie fans liked it, and was sad to see it fail due to poor and unfair criticism


Perhaps the reason is because Hollywood is perceived as overly political and some films use politicical tweets to gin up controversy to get people to talk about films.
The public gets enough of that in daily life. So, they are glad to see movies, that do this, fail.


Because masculinity is a fragile thing. Have you ever seen a woman celebrate when movies without any interesting female characters bomb?


In my case, I sometimes want certain films to fail when they are part of an endless string of reboots, sequels and prequels.

I felt that the 2000 and 2010 decades were overwhelming with the amount of sequels and reboots. The summer of 2007 was crazy with all the third parters.

This is why I was happy Terminator Salvation failed and Avatar was a box office phenomenon. I thought the Terminator franchise would finally end and new original stories would get made like Avatar. It would be like the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, with lots of new blockbusters.

But that wasn’t the case. Two more Terminator sequels came out and failed. Yet, new original films are few and in between.

Since Hollywood only responds to money, I can only wish that these sequels and reboots start failing so we can get new original filming.
