MovieChat Forums > The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (2022) Discussion > Racists (and other cowardly imbeciles) h...

Racists (and other cowardly imbeciles) have no idea about Tolkien

Tolkien wrote about beings that weren't white.

He was a Professor, you aren't.

He proudly rebuffed the Nazis. Real ones, not just Trump's uneducated asslickers etc etc.

Tolkien would not be 'turning in his grave' due to race, then, or now.


The people who proudly fought the Nazis wouldn't drink at the same water fountain as the coloured folk.


Tell me how ignorant you are of Talking without telling me how ignorant you are of Tolkien.

"Skin color Pale, occasionally ruddy"

"The three fundamental (as in, they were born different) groups of elves are the Vanyar, the Noldor, and the Teleri, and they are all fair skinned"


"Tolkien’s elves are an amalgamation of Norse ljosalfar (light-elves), with a sprinkling of Celtic faerie myth, such as the white stag, forest feast, trooping faeries (elves), and the “Fair Folk” demonym in The Hobbit.

Since the elves drew from Norse, Germanic, and Celtic folklore, which were all white peoples, it makes sense the elves would be white as well."

Having black elves and black whatevers is literally taking a BIG SHIT on those cultures. And it's RACIST!!!!


LOL, you're quoting some tumblr page to tout an imaginary racial prerequisite for Tolkien's Elves.

Nice try, but you bullshit can't fly.

reply clearly says "pale skin".

In the book they are described, textually, as fair. And when talking about appearance "fair" means one thing: light skin.

But better, show me in which books did Tolkien describe black elves. Or black dwarves.


Hundreds of millions of non-Europeans have light skin and are fairer than millions of Europeans labeled White so your failed attempt at wordplay doesn't work. Elves are not humans and Tolkien specifically described Elves a distinctive Race, entirely different from humans.


"Elves are not humans and Tolkien specifically described Elves a distinctive Race, entirely different from humans."

Yes, and described them as "fair" "pale skinned" - so in your mind a black elf is pale skinned because he is NOT human???

"Hundreds of millions of non-Europeans have light skin and are fairer than millions of Europeans labeled White so your failed attempt at wordplay doesn't work."

And still those hundreds of millions of non-Europeans" are NOT black.

Can you concentrate? We were talking about BLACK elves. Black elves are NOT fairer than white elves.

You fail at logic, HARD.

But at least you admit that Tolkien described the elves as fair skinned and NOT black skinned.

But again, I'm waiting for your Tolkien described black elves ...


Your goal posts are falling apart, Herr asom.


Mine or yours??

You failed to justify how black elves are normal in Tolkiens works. Which is normal because they are not, based on Tolkien's words.

I see that you are out of arguments. ok.


I already schooled you on Tolkien's concepts on Race. White people are not Elves, they're humans. Tolkien didn't specify that only White Europeans can portray Elves as well, so it doesn't matter of Ken Jeoung or Kanye Yeast play Elves. End of.


You didn't school me on anything. But you lack basic understanding.

Tolkien was writing about pale skinned elves. Period. And you AGREED to that.

Ismael Enrique Cruz Córdova which PLAYS an elf in the show is NOT pale skinned. Period.

Also, strawman, can you point it to me where I said that only "White Europeans can portray Elves"???

Also wtf you're talking about ?? Ken Jeoung is NOT in RoP and we were NOT talking about him. Another strawman.

In case you don't know what's a strawman (and with your lack of basic logic I guess you don't) use google.

Stop babbling and stay on topic, if it's not something too hard to do. But you cannot stay on topic (black elves) because YOU KNOW it's a battle that you already lost so you attack whatever strawmans (again, google it) you can find/build.


With every post you prove what a Racist bitch you are with your continued slander of Tolkien's legendarium. Enjoy your Free fall into the Abyss that awaits you.


With every post you're making you prove your lack of knowledge about Tolkien's work, your lack of logic and your lack of understanding.



Most of the complaints I have read are about the bad writing more than the race swapping


The same racists complaining about hiring any black actors for this series are the same ones denying that racism exist.


You have no idea what racism is. Race swapping IS closer to racism than complaining about it ...

And btw, you guys complain every time when a white person plays a character that you feel should not be white. How does that make sense????

Like you fucking complained about Gadot playing a GREEK queen (Cleopatra) just due to your sheer ignorance ...


"Like you fucking complained about Gadot"

You're racist and delusional.


Fucking hypocrites. And liars on top of it …

And of course you are the racists …


You're racist and delusional.


Ironic isn't it?

I remember hearing that rhetoric the loudest when Obama won the Presidency from dozens of closet Racist GOP voters. They touted a post racial America where racism no longer existed. Now their kids who learned from them are carrying Tiki torches, gaslighting Jews and blacks, and screaming about imaginary CRT being taught to grade schoolers.


Just keep the Gnomes in the ghettoes. Fucking faggy gnomes.
