MovieChat Forums > Mr Inbetween (2018) Discussion > decent show,,,,until the last episode.

decent show,,,,until the last episode.

I rolled my eyes. Never a good sign. He gets kidnapped, put in a trunk, then the car is stolen by 2 other guys, and then he just by chance finds these 2 same guys in a cafe with the safe they stole?
Come on.

If this is the way its going to go now, its a shame..When a show is not credible, and uses unrealistic antics to grab attention, then nothing is believable , hence the rolling of the eyes.

I hope this episode was a glitch , and they dont continue this way.


That was it, the season ended.

Perhaps they live in a very small town or something, but yeah, I knew the moment he was captured that somehow he would prevail.

It's not meant to be that serious.


That was the season finale? But it was only a few episodes. That makes it worse, since all the rest of the shows were somewhat believable. To end a season this way was kinda desperate. They shouldve delved more into his actual character, as a father, an ex husband, a boyfriend, a friend, etc. I thought all that was just beginning to come to light, and then they end it like this. Pity.


Six episodes per season is pretty standard for foreign TV series.


Its been renewed for season 2... I liked it, but just didnt like the finale..Im on to better things now, lol


Yeah. This was pretty weak. Two massive coincidences...

Also, I don't get why Ray let the guy go at the end. I get he was just about to become a father but he was ready to Rob and then hand over Ray to his death. I think I would have just dug a slightly bigger hole...No doubt he'll be back as some type of ally.


Yep agree with you.


I think because the guy was about to be a father, he acted (mostly) professionally and didn't kill anyone. He said he would kill Bobby and Yaniv but he didn't, he took the money and was going to leave. And with Yaniv dead the threat was gone. The guy had been paid and had no reason to harm Ray. And you never know, in that line of business making a friend like that might come in handy. Makes sense to me.


Agreed. Professional courtesy hoping it will pay off later.


It did indeed!


That sounds spoilery, lol! I haven't started the new season yet. Looking forward to it


Consider this, the chop shop guy had to walk back so he wouldn't have parked the car very far away. The carjackers didn't walk far from the chop shop. Ray comes back to town closest to where he was left which is also near the chop shop. The hardware store is near the chop shop. It's actually not far fetched.

The car getting stolen was a bit of a stretch but the show has a vein of dark comedy so no biggie.


I still think its far fetched, but your screen name cracked me up, so I will not debate, lol


His job is to use logic to find people that don't want to be found. Those two didn't even consider they needed to hide. It's very plausible he knew what chop shops operated near by, and it makes sense a stolen car would end up there. And while I agree coincidences happen on TV more often than real life, shit like that does seem to happen often enough to me. I'd say the biggest issue I had was kicking open the trunk from inside. You'd have no leverage, and those locks are tough as hell. He'd have been better going through the seats into the back.


I thought the last episode was awesome!
