is it scary?

need to know for a friend...


There are no jump scares as such, but I was startled by a few of IT's forms when they appeared. They're more creepy than scary, very much the same as the first movie.


i hate jump scares, sounds like it might be good,


Just saw it and hated all the jumpscares in it. I think there were about 5. I dont know how you could've missed them. For example, under the stand on the ballgame with the little girl.


What I meant by jump scares is something that catches the viewer unaware, and in this movie, as I remember, there were warnings that something was going to happen:

Pennywise was bound to chew on the birthmark girl's face under the bleachers
Mrs Kersh shouted out loud to Beverly before running at her as a witch monster
Paul Bunyan also raised his voice to young Richie before the viewer saw him

I did say I was startled, but other movies have more obvious and unexpected jump scares, as most people know them.

I did not intend to mislead, I guess we all see jump scares differently.


Huh? I haven't seen the movie, but a few people told me that there are a good number of jump scares.


I didn’t find it scary at all but it was creepy. I really enjoyed it and really have no complaints at all.


Only if u have anacroidphobia


I didn't find any of the 2 movies scary, but the 2nd one is just mostly laughable. Basicly it's Pennywise saying to sentences before it transforms to that bad CGI version of him, with the many teeth and than it jumps into the camera. Or if it's not him, it's a bunch of real bad CGI creatures. It had a couple of jumpscares, but you could see them coming miles ahead, so even those didn't work


The tone is just like the first film. If you didn't like that, then you won't like the second.


Yeah I think Michael J Fox should have played Pennywise when he's about to scare them all he starts shaking non stop i mean wtf lol


It would have been super scary, but after a while it became too formulaic for me. Either the monsters would start chasing the characters aggressively or the jump in your face, so after seeing this pattern, it was less scary of an experience for me.

*spoiler alert*

I did find the apartment scene to be the scariest part of the movie.


They overuse cgi they should have implemented better effects in my opinion like a poster said it's more creepy than scary


Not all the time but I thought there were quite a few times that offered quite a few prolonged, excellently choreographed scares and moments of suspense. The scene with the old lady from the first trailer they released- that it 10X better here.

Have a short review of this movie if anyone is interested. Enjoy! Review here -
