Episode 6 garbage

OMG it should have been the very 1st episode and after watching it I know why it wasn't, because it was so bad it would have made people not watch this show.it was a look back that didn't have to take up the whole episode


I don't think so. If they had shown this episode first we may have stopped watching entirely because it revealed how despicable the three leads really were. By the end of this episode, I completely lost any bit of compassion I might have had for Tilly.


That's weird you say that because I used to like those 2 guys now I hate them especially sweet cop killer shouldn't even have been in an honor ranch


Yes-- I thought Sweat seemed like an okay guy. Now I wouldn't give you two cents for any of them. So if you saw their "backstories"in episode 1, you'd have not stuck around for Episode 2.


Plus I felt a lot less bad for Lyle knowing he was cheating. Tilly was despicable from the beginning.

Seems like Matt didn't mean to kill that OG by suffocating him. Would he have killed the old man regardless?


Yup that guy was dead the second they put him in the trunk.

And yes had I known what piles of crap they all were I would never had watched.


Were not aware they were in prison for murder. This was all over the news back in 2015.


Yeah I agree. I'm surprised that David Sweat, being a convicted COP KILLER, would end up in Honors Row. I would think the guards would treat him more horribly based on his crime.


I agree that the episode was garbage but not because of how completely revolting the characters were. The episode was written and especially directed horribly.

I have felt like I was enduring the constant whining and seedy shit in this show for the cool payoff of the escape and the chase. So after 5 episodes of a mixed quality, outhouse aroma tier show, I figured I would finally get the real intense meat of the old story. But nope. Instead I got a long, drawn out episode that drew three skill-free pictures of those whom we already knew were scum. I started groaning out loud within the first 10 minutes.

I came close to quitting this show around episode 2 but stuck with it. Got this far partially on inertia. It will be inertia alone that gets me to the end. I plan on fast forwarding any scene with Tilly or Lyle. Just want to see what they do in the mountains and their fate (which or sorta remember from the event itself).

I like Benicio in most things but this has got to be his worst performance ever.


I agree totally.i was waiting for the episodes after they escaped but it looks like we're gonna get 1 episode of them on the run.i fast forwarded through most of this episode after figuring out what was ahead


Agreed, wholeheartedly. While watching it, I kept wondering, "Why are they showing all this background." They could have worked that in in bits and pieces of backstory. Especially egregious were the first 13 minutes of E6 focusing on the mundane duties of the policeman who was eventually killed by Sweat and someone else. Unnecessary minutes of showing him going home to smooch it up with his wife. IMO, shows the ineptitude of Ben Stiller as a director.
