MovieChat Forums > FrankDracman

FrankDracman (19)


Alexander's Future Soup That was one mean SOB Just watched this Well... Catch up today Watching this now! View all posts >


I think she is super cute with those freckles. Two hotties??? The only one a little attractive was the chic from Industry. Shockingly good! 14. Get the shit beat out of you and never have a bruise or mark. I thought it was well acted and beautifully shot. More partial to Mia. Something about her cranks my tractor! Just finding this show and she is the main reason I keep watching! She is just so freaking beautiful and the right kind of kinky to me! :) I guess we wait and see if American Rust - The Movie comes out in two years. Yea but how does Erin's best friend and ex-boyfriend factor into all of this? Why did she lie about the journals? Was she taking pictures of some of the pages of the journals? There is something about her that is oddly attractive. Being a 100% straight mail, lol, I do find her intriguing. View all replies >