

This is the second movie now where he has black people beating the hell out of and killing annoying white people. In Get Out it happens at the end of the movie where it seemed to me when I saw it that he took extra pleasure in that scene and wanted the audience to as well. It was hard to say for sure though because it's something you could argue that the story demanded.

But now here it is again in US with an annoying white couple and their two annoying white daughters. The black protagonists get to beat the hell out of and kill the whole annoying white family. To be fair they are clones of the white family but I think the purpose is the same. They are fodder for liberal whites and blacks to take pleasure in seeing be beaten and killed. You could never reverse the races in those scenes and not be called a racist filmmaker.

I don't know anything about his comedy show but Id be curious to see if it had similar themes as well, and it'll be interesting to see if it recurs again in his next movie.


He does exhibit an anti-white bias. He's said so himself. He's similar to Lee Daniels and Spike Lee.


white people who watch all these movies are so weak..... "look at me , i am not a racist, i love black movies and i go watch a NBA game every week."

"I am so great, so progressive, so tolerant."

yeah, until one the day the truth moves in next door


I have black neighbors on both sides of me, and it doesn't bother me a bit. I don't watch the NBA or go to black movies. But, Peele clearly has an agenda. That simple.


He absolutely has an agenda. I agree. But doesn’t everybody?

I appreciate his new Twilight Zone series. He did a really good job. I don’t care what color he is, and I’m just gonna be honest even if the mf’er is racist I would still watch it lol. Just sayin’. It’s hard to find anything else to watch nowadays.




Considering that Peele is half white. Maybe these movies are a metaphor for himself. Hes always has to beat the White out of himself to prove hes a real black man. You know, like Obama not black enough type stuff. Either that he has deep seeded mommy issues. Maybe he got the plot to Get Out. Because he thought hes mom was going to kill him and take his skin as a child or something. Frankly if want explorer racial issues. Comedy is better way to do it than mediocre horror movies.


I gotta say the stuff you mentioned is no different than a lot of the stuff in the Friday the 13th movies.


Are you really crying about this being racist?

It’s a movie and movies are going to reflect the collective rage of systematic racism.

If you’re so meltable, imagine how you’d melt if you were black.


There are going to be black people beating up white people, who’re people beating up black people. Maybe a Chinese person doing some ninja shit on a Russian mobster. Maybe a green alien wouldn’t appreciate a movie about yellow aliens f*kin up only green aliens.

It’s 2019. It frikin sucks that race is brought into *everything*. Does it piss me off when a movie is picking on white people? Hell yeah. But I got enough shit going on in the real world. I’m a woman in American. I identify as white, even tho I’m mixed w/ African. I’ve always been the “white girl” blah blah blah. “Jenny from the block” bullshsz. I get where you’re coming from but if a black guy wants to hire all black ppl to beat up so white ppl in a movie and the movie is good than I’ll watch it - if it comes off as some racist dialogue then I’m gonna open my mouth about it. I’ll do the same if it sucks.

Just sayin’ we’re all being discriminated against in one way or another. Let ppl shine n do what they wanna do as long as it’s not hurting someone else.


I'm not white, but I get these impressions as well.
I don't think Peele hates white people, but he seems to include parts that are just there to appeal to white-hating black people, black race nationalists and BLM-supporters(F The Police scene).

His movies are very much black nationalistic and clearly it's working out for him since that's what's drawing the big crowds to the theaters these days as black people and "culturally black" people have become an increasingly important demographic group.


A proud Trump voter, I presume?
