So what is going on with Nebula?

I didn't notice any reference to the physical change in Nebula, Karen Gillan obviously takes care of herself, so why does Nebula's physique look so manly in this one? Did I miss something?


You know how women with age first turn into squares and then into spheres. At least Gamora's minority ass was there to lighten up the mood a bit.


That's a man, baby.


I thought she looked rather chunky/thick as well. Don’t know if it was the costuming or they were trying to go somewhere else with her character in this, but a definite change from other appearances of the character. I actually thought maybe she was in the early stages of pregnancy during the filming, but haven’t read that anywhere.


Manly? She was fat.


Fat? What's skinny in your opinion?


She had to beef up to be able to carry Chris Pratt like that.
