MovieChat Forums > A Quiet Place (2018) Discussion > The creatures can't hear heartbeats?

The creatures can't hear heartbeats?

Massive plot-hole.


It's not loud enough.


Given how sensitive the movie portrays their hearing, they'd definitely be able to hear heartbeats/breathing when standing right in front of someone.


do indicate that what example of sensitivity in the movie that implies that they'd DEFINITELY be able to hear heartbeats.


A kitchen timer sounds like its playing on cinema speakers to them, they would be able to hear a heart beat and breathing if a human is literally inches away from them.


do indicate that what example of sensitivity in the movie that implies that they'd DEFINITELY be able to hear heartbeats.
They're able to hear the padded feet of raccoons scurrying on dirt paths.

They're somehow able to discriminate such soft noises from natural atmospheric blended noises from birds and rustling trees. One really has to overlook a lot of acoustic science to get through the movie.


In the basement, when we first see how they open their armor to expose their "ears" and catch more sounds, the creature can hear the internal ticking of the kitchen timer. I would assume that it's not louder than a heartbeat (especially a rapid heartbeat caused by stress and anxiety when one of them is hunting you).


A kitchen timer is significantly louder than a human heartbeat. I can hear a kitchen timer clicking if I'm next to it, but I've never heard anybody's heart beating while they were next to me.


The kitchen timer was super loud to them though, if they can hear everyday sounds from what seems a mile away, they would definitely hear a heart beat standing right infront of a human being.


They would hear the breathing too.


There are many background noises a lot louder than heartbeats. There's probably a threshold of sound required to elicit a response.


If i'm right infront of something, I can still hear it even though there's loud background noise. Like talking to someone at a club. And heavy breathing is even louder than a heartbeat, they would hear that.


They got burned the last time they listened to a heartbeat so can you blame them?


It’s possible that through the medium of air, a heartbeat doesn’t project sound. When you hear your own or put your ear against someone’s chest, you are hearing it through a solid/liquid medium. There may be no waves that get transferred between the solid/air interface.
