
Does anyone even care at this point, given that we know how EVERYTHING turns out in the end for these mutants thanks to the film Logan? How can we be invested when we know they will all eventually die horribly?

Also, do you think the filmmakers will at least attempt to make these actors look older? Its been 30 years timeline wise since First Class. I'd rather they use the old cast and digitally airbrush them if they aren't even going to bother making some of these actors look like adults.


Yeah, to make matters worse, Logan is actually succesfull and the last X-Men movie failed miserably. It would make more sense if they just cancel this and get straight ahead to make Deadpool 2 and Logan 2 (or X23 movie) already.


Well I, along with others, consider "Logan" a standalone film that could plausibly be set in its own universe. So in a way, i find it fairly easy to separate all the previous X-Men movies (and this upcoming one) from "Logan". Of course that's just me. I know that Wolverine's last film is technically set in the same universe as the others (from what we know), but nonetheless I'm certain most audiences won't have a difficult time being invested in future films. Besides, if "Days of Future Past" changed the series' previous timeline/s, then I wouldn't rule out another scenario like that happening, and consequently the events that lead up to "Logan" might be erased. That could be seen as a cop-out, but this is basically one of the reasons why I see "Logan" as its own thing.

As for aging the actors, they should. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't look that many decades older, although for all intents and purposes some effort should be put into making the characters look their age. Personally, I wouldn't be bothered all that much by it if they don't. As always, they can change the rules for the mutants in these movies.

But when all is said and done, a movie that is much better well-received than Apocalypse (which I am a fan of to be honest) and brings something new to the table would be a good thing for this franchise.


I take your point about Logan.

As for aging the actors, I've seen the photos. They don't even bother to give Michael Fassbender grey hair. This movie takes place 8 years before the original. Some aesthetic continuity would go a long way.


Frankly with this deal between Fox and Disney about to go through next year it's hard to even care since we all know Marvel will reboot it to fit into the MCU. Frankly I'm glad Marvel is owning it. We should get a more faithful Rogue, Shiar, and finally have Star Jammers in the MCU. Of course we'll also finally have Silver Surfer and Galactus in the MCU too. Silver Surfer could end up replacing Guardians at some point. Though maybe they could appear in his movies. The possibilities are limitless. Now all we need is for Marvel to get the full rights to Sub Mariner back.


Its hard to address that issue since 1.) we don't know if that deal will be approved. And 2.) If it does, we don't know what Marvel's strategy will be. Rebooting the Fox X-Men Cinematic Universe could be dubious given how established it is, how many movies are in production and two series in place. Asking audiences to start over could back fire.

Also, Feige has already stated that he would be integrating Deadpool into the MCU as is once the deal goes through. So its likely that they won't be rebooting but rather integrating. There could be ways to do that effectively for all existing XMen characters but I guess we'll just have to wait and see. In the meantime, this is still a movie thats coming out so I think its worth talking about.


I thought it was already confirmed. Also I don't see Marvel doing what you say and not rebooting if they do get the rights back. They didn't do it with Punisher or Spider-Man and I doubt they'll do it with this. Also I think rebooting would be best since there's no way to fit all the continuity of the Fox X-Men Movies into the MCU. Not to mention the fact these newest X-Men movies all take place in the past and not the present.


Because of the size of the deal its subject to antitrust review by the government. Its expected to close at the end of the year but it could be stalled if its found to be in violation of antitrust statutes, be subject to lawsuits and in the interim, outbid by competitors. So nothing is set in stone yet.


The director of Logan considered it to be in a separate timeline, so there's some silver lining.


I was a fan of the X-men, I still watch those movies, but with all the timelines at first it was somewhat difficult to keep track of it all, lately I got tired with it all. Producing bad movies doesn't help either (Apocalypse was so bad, Deadpool had a few funny jokes but most of them fell flat - I know I'm in the minority here).

Marvel isn't perfect either but that's due the number of movies they've produced - at least they have a vision and know what they're doing.

How great it would be if the old X-Men crew were just starting their roles and not too old. Sophie Turner can't hold a candle to Famke Janssen, don't even get me started on Jennifer Lawrence and Rebecca Romijn.


But can't you really say that about most movies?

Why care about Star Trek? We all know kirk and Spock will die some day.

Why care about Lord of the Rings? They're all going to die someday (and have 14 funeral scenes because they just never end those things)?

Why care about Transformers? We all know....wait, why DO we care about Transformers? DO we care about Transformers?


It’s sad they can’t grow a brain and bring life to a new franchise.

Perhaps the utterly well-deserved failure that was “The Golden Compass” and it’s anti-Christian themed story released at CHRISTMAS time(fucking morons)...made them nervous to try anything new.

Here’s a thought:

Try the “Incarnations of Immortality” series or another Edgar Rice Burroughs book-to-film adaptation WITHOUT stupidly casting Taylor Kitsch?


It DOES seem a waste of time after Days of Future Past.



Well, they're ALL wastes of time. At lease that one reset the universe.....
