MovieChat Forums > Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) Discussion > I just read an article somewhere online ...

I just read an article somewhere online that said Arnold was shocked ppl are losing interest in Terminator movies!

LOL you epic idiot, what did you expect would happen?

You went from heart ripping lethal killer to bearded curtain fitter.




Found it!

lmao! "shell-shocked"



Last sentence seems cut off - "As good as it might have been in the past, it just doesn’t hold the same appeal a...." (I'm guessing marvel)

Yes these must be sad times for Arnold, his one ace up the sleeve of terminator dead in the water (diluted by too many trips to the well in addition to Dark Fate being abit meh)

It also kills any hope for Conan III - had DF been on course to do 500m ww then King Conan might've gone ahead next year. as it stands DF be lucky if it makes it to 250m. I still can't believe they went with a near 200m budget (even more than Genisys!) over something more like the Deadpools 80-120m (especially as they had the DP director). the continuous need to try and match T2 and its crazy fx and huge action sequences over going back to the low key dark horror noir of T1 has 'terminated' the franchise.


Personally, as a huge fan of T1 especially and the way Arnold portrayed the T800 so amazingly in that movie, I am glad that Arnold's future projects have been possibly sabotaged. I don't say this lightly... I say this because Arnold deserved this due to his lack of respect for the treatment of his character in GeniShit and and Dark Flop.

I mean, look at it this way: T1 and the way he portrayed the T800 in 1984 is what made Arnold a megastar overnight. And to see him mock that legacy 30 years later in the form of "Pops" in GeniSys and then bloody "Carl" the curtain fitter in Dark Fate is just a piss in the face and downright disrespectful.

I think people give Arnold way too much credit than he is due. Yeah, he is an intelligent businessman and inspirational figure, but when it comes to movies and creativity, he should be given a wide birth. He thinks Predator 2 was shit and he disliked Salvation. Now sure, he is entitled to his opinion but it's funny he thinks that HE is required to make a film good. That's how insanely huge is ego is! He thinks he needed to be in Predator movies and Terminator films for them to work, when, in my opinion, he doesn't need to be. Especially if he is going to disrespect one of the most iconic memorable movie villains of all time by playing... a married curtain fitter.

I may sound quite ranty here, but it's because I once loved this guy, (still love his 80s and 90s movies) but ever since he clearly didn't give a shit about the franchise when GeniSys came around, I knew this guy was just a huge sellout. I had heard rumours that even in T3, he just did it for the money as advised by none other than Sellout Cameron.

Arnold could have easily changed the story in GeniSys and Dark Flop had he been bothered to respect the fans and had any sense of creativity. He is just a puppet.

And you are correct, to have a 200m budget for the fifth movie in an already DOOMED franchise is utterly mind boggling but super hilarious!

Conan The Draper!


My view is that you only have a finite time as an A-List movie star. If you run into a long string of failures why do you keep on adding to that list. Arnold was on fire from 1984-1991 and then add a couple of movies after that but man, by the mid to late 90's he was a shell of his former self. Didn't he come out with End of Days, then The Sixth Day? I always got those two clunkers confused.
Man, sitting on movie sets for decades and decades. You'd think after the first 200 million Arnold would find something more productive to do..and don't bring up that governor crap, that was an embarrassment!


I think End Of Days (1999) was his last best movie in my opinion. I try to watch it every New Years Eve :)

The Sixth Day was released in 2000.

Then after T3, he went into politics which took a massive chunk of potential movie years, but I guess it was something he needed to do.

Me being a biased 80's fan, I think his best movie is T1. Not sure he realises or not, but he was gold in that movie. You hardly saw or heard him, but when you did, it was scary and amazing. Less was more.


I can agree with either T1 or Total Recall being his best films. Total Recall just looked so damn good on the big screen, it was directed by that Robocop director, he always had the best looking films!


Aye Total Recall is a great film too! It's got amazing atmosphere. Damn, wouldnt actually mind watching that now...


Paul Verhoeven is a legend, no one can create films in that unique way he can - Starship Troopers/Robocop/Total Recall. Wish he'd make another in a similar vein.


I'm still shocked that none of the people involved didn't see this coming. Early on they should have paid attention to what the die hard Terminator fans were saying and realized they were going down the wrong path.

After T2 everyone was so anxious to get creative and take the story different directions and they played around with characters when they should have realized that either the story needed to end with T2 or should be continued with the future war, but no, they just kept repeating the same thing over and over with sending a terminator back. That got really old fast.

They should have pulled DF before the release, changed a few things - primarily John's death - and released it next year. If the buzz got out they were doing that, I think it would have generated a lot of excitement and they wouldn't have had this financial disaster on their hands.


I know, we just had the stupid Genisys and this is almost a Genisys 2. Oh well, not the first time they got stupid with sequels but man, this is a super D U D!


Yeah, it's like they were completely out of the loop as to what the fans wanted. Which I find hard to believe in 2019 when it just takes a simple click or two online to see what fans want from a sequel.


Funny, you'd assume writers and directors hung out on all the discussion boards and social media under phony names just to find out what people are saying and get input. But yet ... these resources might as well not exist based on the kind of sequels we keep getting. I agree. It's easy enough to find out what your fans are looking for.

They should've moved beyond the formula, bigger badder terminator and lone protector sent back in time plot long ago. T3 was one too many of that scenario. Salvation had the potential to be good and sounded like it was going in the right direction based on the trailer, but it turned out to be mediocre. Genisys was bottom of the barrel and Dark Fate wasn't a whole lot better. Can they really not see how many ways there are to develop the world of the franchise? This is classic big studio thinking, recycle the same story with twice the body count and bigger explosions and people will love it twice as much. Disappointing.

I suppose we should have considered ourselves warned when Linda Hamilton was asked on TV before the movie's official premiere if it was good, and she answered with an unenthusiastic "It's okay".


I was duped for awhile, I thought James Cameron was going to direct this latest Terminator. Boy was I wrong! Honestly, I don't even have faith in Cameron's directing ability in today's world. He's a shadow of his former self.


Agreed. Maybe he was best when he was starting out and had something to say?

Or perhaps his fire went out?


Yeah, the fire went out. The Abyss was the first crack in the ice, Avatar was the collapse.


Um, the Abyss came BEFORE T2. T2 was hardly a "growing crack".


The crack held for T2, started growing again right after.


Hm... T2 was a crack in MY opinion...


Some people have that view, it's understandable. Regardless of that, it did seem to vault production quality through the roof, and not just with the SFX. The sound and picture quality was astounding compared to all those cheesy 80's films. Watching 1989's Batman and 1991's T2 back to back. My god Batman looks/sounds horrible.


Oh yeah I mean the quality of the movie was good. I was more referring to the story elements and whatnot! But yeah, visually and audibly, its great looking.


"The sound and picture quality was astounding compared to all those cheesy 80's films."

Is that a joke? T2's picture quality is terrible. The picture quality of T1 is way better, and is one of the better-looking movies I've ever seen. Both T1 and T2 were shot on 35mm film with a spherical lens, but T1 was 1.85:1 (which is the typical aspect ratio for movies shot with a spherical lens) while T2 was 2.35:1 (which is asinine). Because T2 was cropped down so much, that didn't leave much active film frame area for the picture, and the smaller the film frame area, the lower the resolution. Most 2.35:1 movies are shot with an anamorphic lens which squeezes the image so that it takes up whole film frame, so that you get the full resolution that 35mm offers.

Most any '80s movie looks better than T2. Christine (1983) and A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) are two of the best looking movies ever.

"Watching 1989's Batman and 1991's T2 back to back. My god Batman looks/sounds horrible."

There's either something wrong with your eyes or something wrong with the videos you watched. Were you watching the recent 4K release of T2? If so you're one of those kids who thinks film grain is a bad thing (lol), because you've grown up in an era where everything is shot on cheap video. The 4K transfer of T2 had all the film grain scrubbed away with heavy-handed DNR, making everyone look like they were made of wax. Basically, they made a movie that was shot on film look like a YouTube video.

The previous DVD and BD transfers of T2 have all been bad due to a combination of a less-than-ideal filming process, a not-so-good transfer process, and excessive DNR, but the new 4K release is a whole new level of bad, due to DNR that wasn't just excessive, but through the roof.

For the record, film grain is a good thing, as it contains all of the picture details. Remove it and the movie becomes a wax museum.


MSG91, that's the Daily Star, the UK's second-worst tabloid newspaper, only one step up from the execrable Sunday Sport for awfulness! I'd take all articles from that site with a handful of salt, to be honest.


Ha! I thought The Sun would be first.


true. but in this case its probably accurate


The last one sucked pretty hard as well, so you would think he would have been prepared for this.




Arnold is a perpetual hype man. Everything he's involved in is the greatest best version of itself ever. He's always working with the best people doing the best job. He's always pitching and selling and endlessly positive. He's always mystified and baffled if things don't live up to expectations. Then he moves on to the next greatest project of his career.

If you listen to him though, I really don't think he understands what made his early films so brilliant. I really think he thinks that movies are just movies, they're all the same to him. He doesn't understand why some hit and some flop.


I think Arnold just gives it his all and this film does have a lot of talented people. So I think it's understandable for Arnold to be surprised by this. Even the population who weren't fans of the direction Dark Fate took but aren't raging bigots/misogynist admit things like the acting and directing were top notch. The last 4 Terminator outings were also mixed at best and widely panned at worst, so sadly people been tuning off of Terminator for the last 15 years or so.
