Finally beat it

Took me 36 hours on hard. Loved every second! Naughty Dog knows how to make amazing immersive games.


Immersive for sure! For me every part of the game was fantastic (graphics, sound, level design, gameplay, atmosphere, music), except the story and writing.


I was up and down on it. Graphics are better, melee combat is weird (particularly barefisted), but fire fights are fun. Story didn't feel like the best choices. Playing half the game as the villain and NONE as Joel?!?! And why is Ellie such an asshole? she treats Joel terribly. And speaking of Ellie, I just don't buy her kicking people's asses. She's 19 and 115lbs. Abby, sure. She's a trained soldier and built like a brick house. But not Ellie.


You get to play Joel, just you get to fight with him which is disappointing. Mostly flashbacks with Ellie as a child which I still enjoyed the camaraderie between the two. Should've been able to control Joel up to the point where he rescues Abby and maybe a few missions inbetween chapters where we can have him craft and fight a bit before offing him. Should've offed him in around Chapter 25 and not so early on. They could've done some flashback scenes then or rather some exposition on her explaining and what his responses are. All we see is her blowing his kneecaps out then the next scene is Ellie searching for Joel then the next is his face is smashed in with a golf club. Guess Joel's a bad talker/negotiator. :P

And why is Ellie such an asshole? she treats Joel terribly.

You seriously asking that? Did you even play the game? It explains why and how he robbed her of being useful to society...

And speaking of Ellie, I just don't buy her kicking people's asses. She's 19 and 115lbs. Abby, sure. She's a trained soldier and built like a brick house. But not Ellie.

Ellie is a special case. She is Mary Sue in skinny form and can take on heavy men with ease. Her infusion with wokeness and SJW pride has made her a powerhouse, especially with Dina by her side pumped full of Asian cum.


You get to play as Joel?! You ride a fucking horse for 2 minutes. I can't believe you even tried to use that as an answer.

The Fireflies didn't tell Ellie she was going to die. They just put her under and were going to make the decision for her. Fuck them.


The first one was much better, but this game did look flawless. The characters/story were a massive disappointment.


Bingo. The graphics and gamplay are awesome.

The story? Yikes.... WTF were they thinking? Not only do we not get to play as Joel, you make me play as the bitch who offed him and tried to make me like her? FUCK. THAT.


They tried so hard to get us to like Abby smh


The really fucking weird part is there are A LOT of people out there who do. It's not seen so much on this site, but it's all over YouTube. She has actual fans. You buy this game because you want more JOEL. He's the main character. You want more of him and Ellie. Then they whack him and make you play as his killer? When did it become cool to hate Joel?! These people didn't hate him before. They bought this game BECAUSE of him. Now it's all, "hE KiLLed HeR DaD!" You mean the guy who worked for the group that was going to kill both him and Ellie? Was he supposed to just sit there and take that?!


I agree with every single point. I don't get it - Abby wasn't even a remotely likable character. At least for the most part, people seem to agree. Though, you are right, I've run across diehard Abby stans. I guess people are entitled to their opinion ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

If you've seen Angry Joe's review on this, that is essentially where I stand.


I have not seen his review, but seen many others who feel like what I said and you seem to think too. Who in their right mind thought we'd want to play as this girl?! And then to find out there's people out there who like her? Fucking madness. I guarantee you these people didn't hate Joel before this game. They bought the game BECAUSE of him.


I don't hate Joel, It was sad and heartbreaking to see him die. It was a ballsy move by Naughty Dog to kill Joel and then make us play with the killer. I think it paid off. They really made something unexpected and original with the sequel. I think Abby is a great character and the whole game is just fantastic. I love it just as much as the first one.


Story was utter trash. The first game's story isn't all that either but it was the characters that made it memorable and amazing. TLOU2 took a giant shit on everything the first game did sadly. Abby is one of the worst characters ever created. Neil tried so hard to make us like what is a essentially a sadistic, hypocrite, psychopath who got all her friends killed just to satisfy her own needs and came up with bullshit execuses to betray her group. Horrible character. And turning Joel and Tommy into dumbasses so they could kill Joel off instead of doing it in a logical way that fits his character was mind bloggling.


I heard this is where alt right incels can come to cry moar about TLOU2, sorry I'm late.

