What did they do to Ofglen?

Genital mutilation?


That's what it looked like to me. If she can still have children, but can't... feel pleasure (or whatever Aunt Lydia said), that's the only thing that could've happened.

I'm in a constant state of shock and bafflement with this show. Humanity's just sick sometimes.


They do it a lot in africa, not for punishment but for every girl that comes of age. Very sick.

Cutting dickskin off is another bullshit religious idea but female genital mutilation is much worse.


Yep. I beleive the clinical word is "Cliterodectomy".


She mentions in a later episode that they took her "clit."


I wasn't quite clear on that either. Thanks for clearing it up, folks.


But what was the reason for the operation? Why was she punished that way? What message were they trying to convey?


I think it was because she was a lesbian and in a relationship with a Martha in the house they were both serving. They think homosexuality is an abomination. So I guess they did the operation so she will not feel pleasure and can't engage in lesbian sex. She will only be able to give birth because it is her only purpose. She was important to them because she was fertile, and they had to punish her somehow, but they couldn't kill her as they did her lover so they just did an operation on her.


yes you are right



I wrote also:
“...She will only be able to give birth because it is her only purpose. She was important to them because she was fertile...”

I don’t see what about my statment is not correct. I guess I didn't emphasize that she was among very few fertile women. But I assumed that people watching the show already know that.

So the operation had nothing to do with what? With her being a lesbian and that they had to punish her somehow for engaging in homosexual sex but couldn’t kill her because she was fertile?

I’m confused. 😂🤔
