MovieChat Forums > Star Trek: Discovery (2017) Discussion > Ill watch The Orville instead...

Ill watch The Orville instead...

Yes, The Orville is the lesser show, but I don't want to play this pay to view game. I do it already with Netflix and Amazon. Enough is enough.


The single sex species in The Orville look more Klingon and can probably speak Klingon more fluidly than the Discovery Klingons.


I cannot believe the Star Trek writers and producers cannot think of anything better than reprising the dopey Klingons as more black and sounding very Russian. So stupid.





Frankly i dont think Orville is the lesser show at all. Orville is closet we have gotten to a real Star Trek in at least 10 years. Even with all its crude Jokes. Its more deserving of the name Star Trek than Discovery. Discovery is just a boring dark melodrama with painfully boring and uninteresting characters. Hell its worse than the Jar Jar movies.


I wasn't expecting all these supportive replies. Good to know.


You don't have to pay for it... just download it. Everything is free more or less as long as it's digital. Only pay for things you think deserves supporting if you like it.


My pirating days are behind me.


Same here but for games and movies. TV shows I still download since I just watch then delete.


I love the Orville. It feels like Star Trek. Light, funny (okay, some of the jokes are silly, but I don't mind), beautiful.


/I love the Orville. It feels like Star Trek. Light, funny (okay, some of the jokes are silly, but I don't mind), beautiful./



Orville has been great so far, and I like it a lot more than STD. My friend and I who are both big Star Trek fans did not like the first two episodes of Discovery. The design of the show turns me right off. All the ships have this industrialized look to them, and everything is dark. The uniforms are over designed, and don't fit the period in trek history. Also the Klingons are nothing like Klingons. Michelle Yeoh's character was the only character I like, and they killed her off.

Orville on the other hand feels like it's a Star Trek show straight out from the 80's and 90's. The interior of the Orville has the feel the the Enterprise D from TNG. Also it's a more fun show, and way more up beat.


I see a lot of people on here pushing The Orville. I've seen little bits of it and it just looks bad. I've never laughed at anything (and I'm the target audience for the humor since I'm a big ST fan) and the plots just feel like recycled filler episodes from the old shows. I didn't like the pilot that much, but I'll eventually give Discovery a shot, just not right now.


Try watching the entirety of Orville episode 3. Actually, laughter is not the main point, just incidental. The point is to make a decent Trek show.


No, watch episode four. Three was poorly conceived and written.
