MovieChat Forums > Ozark (2017) Discussion > Do you find Ruth attractive?

Do you find Ruth attractive?

I've always thought Julia Garner is gorgeous, but in Ozark they try their best to make her look really plain and with no makeup, and theres time's when they do a great job and make her not so attractive.

But theres certain looks in the show where Ruth is really pretty to me, depends on her hair imo, i love it when its tied up with the little strands hanging down like this,574

Loved her hair in season 1, best look imo with the Tupac shirt


Yes. She's hot. Both she and Charlotte are hot. Julia Garner was born in '94 while Sofia Hublitz was born in '99.


I just finished watching season four and she looks too pale. I'm not sure if that's makeup or she's naturally as pale as a cadaver. Her hair is also cut too short so she didn't look that great in season four.


Pretty cute when her hair's up.


I guess if you're into teenage Justin Timberlake you'll go nuts for Ruth.


Lol. This.

Now, go watch *Inventing Anna"


I think Ruth is mildly attractive, more in a cute way rather than hot. She doesnt have any sex appeal, instead she has almost doll-like features that make her adorable.
Charlotte is only "hot" as far as her body goes and because thats her only asset they play it up. Her face and personality not so much... I think the term for her is "butterface". I cant really stand the "spoiled princess" trope though so that might appeal to others.


Charolette looks very masculine with that sharp jawline. She has no hips (curves). She has a straight back and large neck/head, deep brow ridges, and square shoulders. I don’t know why any straight man would find these physical attributes sexy. It’s too masculine.


She's a cutie. There's something about shawty southern batshit crazy women that's hot.


Not in any imaginable way.


Pretty lady.


Ruth not so much. The actress yeah ...
