MovieChat Forums > Ozark (2017) Discussion > An example of just how brilliant the wri...

An example of just how brilliant the writing on this show is?

Only on the 4th episode of the new season here, they just had that fight in front of the therapist...and I've had a hard time not hating on the wife some...she really seems to be more about personal empowerment than anything else, coming into her own. She's been about her...and Marty was right about her plan being dangerous.

But remember back to the first episode when she first relayed it to him? Remember how immediately dismissive of it he was? Nope...they weren't doing it, that was that..."moving on...". There was no real discussion to be had because there was no question that his word was final, and it seemed almost arrogant how quickly and casually he dismissed it.

So while I don't agree with Wendy, I can absolutely understand where she's coming from...she's a brilliant woman and SOMEthing in that dynamic with her husband had to change. So here comes the catalyst, and whether or not her decisions end up being validly justified or not, I can fully empathize with her position and hope Marty can come to terms with her deserving more of an equality in their partnership.

Strangely enough, in a medium where you generally only relate to a single character, I'm finding myself rooting for both husband and wife to get what they want...which...its a little weird, right? I can't really think of other shows that have had me so 'in the middle' as this one.

Goddang this show is great!


Nope...they weren't doing it, that was that..."moving on..."

he does that a lot


Wendy in addition to her intellect has that female intuition, and there were a few times over the course of the series where she saved Marty because she sensed something was off - with Marty being completely oblivious and fighting every step of the way, I might add.

Frankly it was downright stupid of Marty not to figure out that Helen was making a move against them the moment she mentioned splitting the assets between the three of them (like, why did it suddenly become relevant, why was she not interested in that the year before?), and it took concrete information from Rettelsdorf (and completely unexpected, btw, and extremely lucky for the Byrdes - who'd have thunk it that he would have actually violated his loyalty to Wilkes??) for Marty to finally "get it".

I hope next season he actually recognizes his wife's contributions and indispensability to their lives.


I'm not going to spoil anything for you, but I've been a fan of Laura Linney for a long time and she does a wonderful job this season. From this season, she had me running the gamut on how I felt for her character - at points, I was loathing her role (and I love this woman!). But by the end, it was like a wild roller coaster watching her character evolve.

You'll see by the end and if she is not on all the "best of" acting lists, well, that would be an injustice.


I think I am in the minority on this one but I don’t rate her at all and at times puts me off the show. I couldn’t work out if you are meant to like her or not though. I was with the OP in that I just could not take to her at first but thought maybe they were building her up in a way to take over from Helen and we see the void between Marty and her grow as she is desperate for more and more and to get deeper and Marty trying to just stay a float and only be involved in as little as possible and what he knows he can control (to an extent) however I do believe you are meant to like her and admire her as a strong independent character. Unfortunately I don’t, she always comes off to me as a smarmy, selfish, arrogant brat. Much like a stereotypical American cheerleader bully character, with her power stances and bitch stares. The way she does the turn head thing and widens her eyes when makes a point!! Can’t wait till someone pops her back in her place! Haha


Laura Linney is a great actress, and no one on the show is a one-dimensional "likable" character.

Was Walter White likable? Or, god forbid, Skyler?

The series is telling a story, and this is their story.


I do unfortunately disagree, certainly in this. I never feel anything but hatred towards her even when you are supposed to sympathise with her.
I haven’t seen breaking bad so can’t comment on that but I like old gangster Films and you could say the same, the are all ultimately horrible human beings but their is a likeable charm to some of the characters that you can’t help but like! I don’t get that from her for me she just comes across as an arrogant and unlikable even with the whole Ben thing I felt no sympathy for her what so ever.


I don't see that as a problem with the show, however.

You seem to think that your perception is the only one that counts, but if you can't appreciate the show, then you can't appreciate it, there is nothing to be done. I mean, you can stop watching any time you want.

For the rest of us there is that great writing and superb acting to enjoy.


Sorry genuinely didn’t intend to come across that way, while she does put me off I overall still enjoy the show. I was just interested in others take on her But you are right I have stated my thinking and will move on haha


Part of the reason for that roller coaster is that there is a different writer and director almost every episode.
Still though, great show.


The writing has clever tricks in it, I will grant you that, but I've watched the first two seasons and then up to a little past where you are referring to. I don't like this show. It is cold and violent, and pointless, because there is nothing in it to relate to in reality. It is just like an empty headed vapid show of ultra violence which to me is a waste of time - like eating junk food. There is nothing real here. Why talk about it like it is real, or there are real people, or ever could be. They who setups are all fake to cleverly suck you in through suspense. It is sad to me that so much, read ALL, or American media is like this. Probably has a lot to do with why the US is sinking.


Lol, so far I keep discovering that Ozark is like a litmus test for intelligence. And the ability to appreciate art.


Notice how the writer and director are different from episode to episode? Amazing that it has stayed fairly consistent throughout. However, I felt that some of the weakest writing came near the end of this 3rd season. They knew what they wanted to happen for each character and forced some inconsistencies of character to make it happen. For instance: Ruth is ultimately pragmatic and yet she reacted to Ben's fate as though she were not the Ruth we know. I could tell early this season that they were angling for Ruth to be the opposition for the 4th season.

I do enjoy the show and hold it's quality in high regard. But some of the characters are stepping out of character for the sake of plot points. Not that this show is remotely close to this dreck but that is the standard operating procedure for shows on the CW but to a huge degree. So it might be red-flagging me for fear of that.

Still, though, I'm sold.

S1: A-
S2: A+
S3: A-


Well, this was also the first time Ruth was ever in love, so yeah, I can see it being a life-changing event for her.

Also, when have we ever known Ruth to be "ultimately pragmatic"? She didn't kill her uncles because it was "pragmatic", but because she got attached to Marty. And her attempt to kill Marty initially was really more to win Cade's approval than anything else.

Plus Tom Pelphrey's performance elevated the season even further. No, I definitely don't agree about season 3 being any weaker than the others.


The fight in front of the therapist was my favorite scene in S3.


I totally agree. It makes you love and hate a lot of the characters, sometimes switch "allegiance" in the same scene.

My favourite character is Ruth. She was a little bratty at first, but really came into her own.

Least favourite character might be Darlene. I hate that she's so smug in her "code" and thinks she's better than everybody. She does some horrible things to people and then gets surprised and offended when they push her back. That combination of arrogance and obtuseness just makes her pretty hateable for me. I mean...she does love that baby, though...
