MovieChat Forums > Get Out (2017) Discussion > Why only black people?

Why only black people?

I don't get why the white family focused solely on blacks. It seems like they wanted the most genetically superior qualities, but those qualities don't necessarily exclusively reside with blacks. In fact, all of the blacks they abducted seemed very normal (not super tall or strong). Why not seek out genetic rarities from every race?


The sad truth is because black folks don't give a shit when each other disappear. Any other race or community of people would search for a missing member but black folks are only concerned with their own self unless they can cash in due to some tragedy happening to another black person. The evil hypnotist could grab up any black person they wanted with little to no fear of anyone searching for them. That's why the only black guy actually concerned was played for laughs.

It's a fact the director knows all too well and it's something rarely discussed.


i thought being black was simply the fashion at that time... it being popular and such... I don't think racism had anything to do with it... certainly not when [spoiler]it is revealed that they are body snatchers[/spoiler]


I think it was to drive home the point that they didn't really think of blacks as real people, but just animals - or even objects that they could possess and do what they wanted. And in the eyes of a society that doesn't take missing black people seriously, they were expendable.


wouldn't mind hopping into ryan reynolds for a day or two know what i'm sayin? :)


Why? So you can look like a douchebag with a punchable face?


2 words bud:

Blake Lively


Because it makes a great story.



The fact that all the victims were black is, as the late, great Hitch would say, "the Macguffin."



BECAUSE Black people are cooler and stronger and generally superior. Also, Racism is wrong and race is a construct and doesn't exist.


But why male models?
