MovieChat Forums > The Meg (2018) Discussion > This should've been R rated.

This should've been R rated.

It's a movie about a giant shark killing people and they can't have the shark really fucking some people up. PG-13 really is the bane of cinema


You have seen "Jaws", haven't you?


Those were different times. It would be R rated if it was released today


That's debatable. There are no F bombs in it, nor any sexual content as well.


Nah, still pg13. No hard language or nudity.


because they made it pg13. That's literally the point of the post dumbo


You're the one who said it would be rated R today, fuckwad. What are you, retarded? 🤣


You're talking about Jaws I suppose. I would absolutely be R rated because it does have nudity and PG-13 movies are not allowed to be as gory.


Most regular movie goers are teenagers, and due to the new rules they can't get in to R rated movies without adult supervision. And most kids don't want their parents hanging around. But the studios still want their money, ergo most studios try to avoid R ratings like crazy.


Exactly this.

They (wisely) made it quite comedic given the plot, it had bloody water like many shark movies, it didn't need a whole lot more. Higher-end shark movies have always been about thrills over grue.


With a reported budget of $130+ million, that would have been a huge gamble. Impossible for a summer movie of this size.

The Meg is far from the only shark movie with a PG-13 rating (yes, the classic Jaws itself wouldn’t be considered R rated material even in today’s new world). Funny enough, some thought The Meg felt more rated R than PG-13. And honestly, if you think Jaws would get an R rating today, then I don’t see how The Meg would be less worthy. Apart from not having much gore (human gore), this was as bloody as I would expect a shark movie to be.




I agree. The books were much gorier. Ben Wheatley directing the sequel inspires some confidence.


eli roth wanted it to be rated r, partially why he got booted from the project
