MovieChat Forums > The New Mutants (2020) Discussion > Not nearly as bad as the reviews make it...

Not nearly as bad as the reviews make it seem

I know I'm in the minority here, but I genuinely enjoyed what I saw. I think the mutants were cast about as good as they could've been and they were all compelling in their own way. My main gripe is they didn't spend more time on getting to know the mutants better.

It's not the best superhero film, but it's certainly not the worst. Definitely not the worst just among the X-men franchise either. I honestly think it's a shame it won't be trilogy like it was initially intended.


I agrer and think it's a decent movie. Way, way better than Dark Phoenix.


I still haven't seen Dark Phoenix yet since I didn't even think the trailer was very good. I'll probably watch it at some point to finish out the franchise, but I'm not looking forward to it.


Not good for a feature film, but good for a tv series pilot.


No. It's even worse than Dark Phoenix. Horrible acting and story. Feels rushed and cheap. CGI is some of the worst I've seen in a theatrical release in a long time.


Eh, to each their own. I can't really compare it to Dark Phoenix because I've tried to stay away from that dumpster fire, but I just know The New Mutants trailer was 10x better than the Dark Phoenix trailer.

All that being said, to me New Mutants is leagues better than X-men The Last Stand, X-men Origins: Wolverine, and X-men Apocolypse which all look better than Dark Phoenix.


I would recommend trying Dark Phoenix. It’s massively underrated in my opinion, whereas The New Mutants is just mildly underrated. (BTW, I don’t just have the backwards opinion about all X-Men movies compared to the conventional wisdom: I thought Apocalypse and Origins: Wolverine were pretty bad, and I love X2 and DOFP.)


I planned on watching Dark Phoenix at some point, it's just not something I'm that eager to see. I recently just started and X-men movie re-watch though, so I'll get around to it eventually.


Just watched it for first time. Didn't care for it at all.


I don't really listen to most reviews. But while I enjoyed it, I'd still call it a bad movie. It's confused on what it wants to be and who it wants to be for. While watching, I remember thinking, this would be a great young adult movie for young adults growing up in the 80s.


I agree. But most people just can’t handle medium takes. Something is awesome or it’s total garbage. This movie was neither.
