MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Endgame (2019) Discussion > Who's cute young blonde that can shoot t...

Who's cute young blonde that can shoot thru mega~ships at the end?

The one who appears as everyone else does 'in the knick of time' n destroys Thanos' ride?


Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers


Oh, I'd never seen her appearance before. So she can tear thru entire battle stars like a spent plutonium fuel rod travelling supersonic... she's able to fly faster than light, not even Superman could do this!! 🤣🤣

This is pretty schlocky stuff, yet hits Thanos full on n doesn't phase him.


Actually, Superman, at least gold and silver age, could do all of that.


Yes she must be next to Strange... Iron Man stranded at the beginning narrates with 24hrs of oxy left hes stranded light years from nearest planet or station. JUST in the nick of time Carol comes flying up!!

Right at the start I realized this was a cartoon just for this one trick! Any being that could fly FTL would be more powerful than 1,000,000 Thanos! Flying faster than light, takes unimaginable energy , they need to stay within some limits in the story or it's just CG nonsense . Oh the master time travel to, wow what a franchise, NO ONE EVER DIES!! 😅🤣🤣😝

Meanwhile the real planet earth is populated by mental zombies, people are dying, the planets getting used up n were watching comic books for 12yr olds to pass the time n thinking it's great stuff! 😅


..or ranting on some thread


Ah yes. Someone is suffering somewhere so we must not do anything entertaining and frivolous or we are horrible contemptible people. Well, someone is suffering somewhere all the time, always have and always will. And people are quite capable of doing multiple things at once. (No, I don't mean in the same second. But I can go to work, go shopping, donate to charities, volunteer for various projects and watch a light super hero movie.)

As for FTL, Faster than light travel is a common trope in science fiction. It is explained in various ways (none of which is likely to work, but it is SF). And we do not of several ftl phenomena. Many believe Gravity is an FTL phenomena. Quantum entanglement seems to be as well.

Being able to move at FTL speed implies nothing about a character's abilities.

And if you think this is a cartoon (and by your standards all super hero movies, as well as all SF, Fantasy and Horror would be) then why are you watching?


that's why the Flash is the most powerful DC superhero


She’s the most powerful character in the MCU, basically their Superman.


Captain Mar Vel, if we follow her comic exploits, is literally the most powerful being in the universe. However in the movies she is only as powerful as the plot requires it and easily looses to goons if thats what the plot demands.

If her powers were consistent she could wipe the floor with Thanos, gauntlet included, while blindfolded.


You know who it is, old one who yells at cloud. (Why that description? Well, it simply fits a vitriolic Gen Z-hating and anti-CGI get off my lawn feller. Btw the infamously hated Gen Y is here for you younger ones!)

But anyway, her name and powers aside, it should be noted that this mighty hero is of course someone who makes fragile dudebro chuds get super, super salty (and she’ll be far from the last one to do so in the Marvel universe — if the social injustice reich thinks all the toxicity they spread online is going to stop this franchise and the regressive-unfriendly town they despise but are so obsessed with - Hollywood - from continuing to move into the future, then said reich is in for a rude awakening). Yeah that’s correct.... y’all keep throwing your whiny fits while Carol/Brie continues to kick ass. Muahaha!

What up?! ;}


Agreed. They hate her not because of her, but because she kinda/sorta checks all the boxes on things they supposedly hate. They have no problem with Thor taking the full blast of a star or cutting through dozens of people. But if Carol does it, its because of some agenda to emasculate men.


My problem with Carol is inconsistency in her powers. She can fly through a ship, take on a planetary nuke and is literally the most powerful being in the universe. But when the plot needs here to she gets beaten up by a nameless goon of Thanos horde. If they stayed consistent the fight was over the moment she showed up and Thanos would have had no chance.

As far as her characterization goes, theres a lot of problems there, but then that is true to many superhero characters anyway.

And yes, recent movies seems to be making the same mistake with Thor. Its sad to see him go from horrible first movie to good second and third ones only to be made shit again in avengers.


Its just captain marvel from the comics, or if i can remember she was even stronger in the comics, I dont think any hidden agenda is there
