MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Discussion > So after time gets reset somehow, who wi...

So after time gets reset somehow, who will be the one to make a sacrifice and die for good?

They'll have to have one major permanent death by someone who will sacrifice themselves to win the day. Iron Man or Captain America? Definitely one of the white male heroes though. Otherwise it'll be racist, or sexist or some sort of catalyst for contemporary whinery.


And vice versa. If a non-white male hero saves the day and/or is the future of this franchise (shout out to Carol Danvers!), then that, too, is a catalyst for contemporary, hypocritical and ironic whinery.... “so anti-white omg!” Oh yes. No progress or equal representation for non-white (straight) male heroes ‘round these neck of the backyard woods!


Agreed! People find way too many excuses to complain these days. If one group of whiners is appeased, then those diametrically opposed will whine. It's a whine-whine situation.


tony and Steve together.


The Russos have said everyone you see dying on screen will stay dead, which means Vision, Loki, and Heimdal. Everyone else was snatched up by The Snap, which will be reversed.

As for who will sacrifice themselves, I think Cap and Tony is the answer since their contracts are up and their stories will be wrapped up by then.


I think it will be just Tony Stark. There is the rumor Captain America will be in the next Spider-Man film.


I agree that it will be Tony Stark.

Because RDJ is the highest-paid actor in the franchise.



Thanos said "no resurrection this time". I took that as a pretty cut and dry statement. Not sure about Loki showing up on TV.

As for Gamora, my guess is that she is in the Soul World along with all the people who got Snapped. It fits her comicbook backstory quite well.


The Russos have said everyone you see dying on screen will stay dead, which means Vision, Loki, and Heimdal. Everyone else was snatched up by The Snap, which will be reversed.

Wow, so Loki really is dead? No trickery or magic to bring him back? I guess that new TV series he's getting will be a prequel of sorts.

Also, is Gomorah part of that group too? Technically we don't see her hit the ground, but I can't imagine her living through that either.


Of course Vision is an android, Loki is the Trickster God and Gamora ....well, who knows what her deal is.

So, except for Heimdall (who is played by an actor who has BLOWN UP and was the god who was responsible for the safety of the now blown up Asgard by guarding the now destroyed Bifrost so he was out of a job) they can ALL come back somehow.
