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Infinity war got a low rating on rotten tomatoes!

Infinity war is really underrated in Rotten Tomatoes i mean a 83% rating is incredible but Black panther 97%!!!!!
Thor ragnarok 92% is great but infinity war is way better
Spider man homecoming is just okay and boring movie got a 92%
Also guardian of galaxy 2 is funny movie but way worse than the first and got also 83% like infinity war
And ant man and the wasp yes funny with some great action scenes but infinity war is miles better and got 86%
But at least the audience is give the movie what deserves and give Infinity war a 8.7 rating until now on imdb


Forgot Wonder woman 92% hhhhh that was shi$ movie


I agree, it deserved a lot closer to the audience rating of 91%...a minimum 88% imo.


Yes but you know overall 83% rating is pretty great but when you saw that the movies i mentioned before got 92% and higher its really strange and proof that critics is suck and audience rating is more deserved


Thor Ragnarok > Infinity War


WTF i mean yeah thor ragnarok is fun and great movie but Infinity War is way better in everything the action and battles are better and the humor is not forced and more emotional and darker and the Cgi in Infinity war is way better and of course Thanos alone make the movie better. Yes Hela was great villain but its die stupidity at the end also death some of the main characters in infinity war make it more serious with shocking victory for Thanos at the end


Hela was underused, but yes Thanos was a better villain overall.

Infinity War was a great theater experience and had great action, but I just didn't feel it the way I wanted to. Maybe it'll be better the second time I see it.


I Damm sure when you watched it again in blu-ray with home cinema if you have you will enjoy it even more for me i enjoyed thor ragnarok in first time but in second time not at all. Infinity War in first time yes enjoyed but i didn't catch all the details and shocked by the ending but in second time i enjoyed even more


One thing about me is that I'm a big Hulk fan. Ragnarok is basically half Thor and half Hulk.

Meanwhile, Hulk was mostly absent from Infinity War, and for some reason Mark Ruffalo forgot how to act. His Banner performance was embarrassing!

I don't know what happened with him. Basically every line and scene with Mark was cringe-worthy. Even the visual effects with him were awful, like when the Hulkbuster suit's helmet opened up and Mark's head was floating there awkwardly.

They should have just had Banner in a coma for the rest of the movie after Hulk got beaten down by Thanos.


I don't remember his scene but to be honest i am happy that Hulk get beaten by Thanos at the beginning and then afraid to show up. Also he is not bad and for me Hulk Buster was badass i don't know why you don't like it this is Thanos movie that what it all about


I agree, but not by nearly as much as the critics rating would appear to indicate.


I really hope that's not true because I missed Infinity War but was really looking forward to it, and I really didnt like Ragnarok. It was like one of those "Scary Movie" parody movies. Just way too much lame comedy.


So you still not see Infinity War don't worry its way better than thor ragnarok


Like who the hell ever uses rotten tomatoes to determine whether or not they should be interested in a movie?!

I mean, this "follow" generation can all go to hell!


Black panther 97%
Avengers infinity war 83%
This site is really a joke


Ratings tend to be worthless by themselves with no context. Expectations were high for this one, if it was the greatest movie Marvel had ever made it would JUST be living up to expectations. So there isn't going to be a bump for anyone (at least not in significant number) being pleasantly surprised by the movie. 83% IMO means it at least delivered what it promised.

Also a project like this tends to make enemies along the way. You have the "I'm sick of comic book movies" people, along with the "My favorite hero didn't get enough screen time" groups, just to name a few.


You are there was a lot of characters in Infinity War and this was the most awaiting movie of all time so haters gonna hate always so ita hard to deal with all these characters and stoty but this was all about Thanos the best villain in MCU and bring us a shocking ending that no one was expect so this one is really different than other MCU movies abd and that why Infinity War was so special


True, the majority of fans would have expected Infinity War to receive a higher rating; high 80’s at worst. Many, myself included, firmly believes it deserves over a 90% (its superb audience score says it all). But when you look at the bigger picture, its rating on RT is super impressive. I mean with everything Infinity War managed to accomplish, we should be glad it holds this rating even if we personally believe it should be higher. By this point it’s a safe bet we can trust Marvel Studios with their films. Infinity War, though, could have turned out to be a disaster. It’s a film that balances a large number of characters, it shifts between tones and visual aesthetics, and basically it has so much going on. This could’ve been a complete mess, and yet the Russos succeeded in juggling all of these different elements together.

It’s clear a number of critics and fans weren’t overly pleased with IW. Complaints range from certain characters not getting sufficient screen time to the film feeling overstuffed. Yes, I also sense a few critics out there are fed up with Marvel/CBMs and refuse to give them a fair shot. But although Infinity War truly delivered on the hype according to most, fact is it was too much for some to handle. I wouldn’t hold that against RT. Say what you want about RT but these days RT is seen as anything but a joke when it comes to movie scores (except maybe by *mostly* DCEU fans, haha). Sure, there are movies that hold questionable scores. Still, RT is by and large seen as a good indicator of what’s potentially good or mediocre. RT side, Infinity War’s score on the slightly more trusted Metacritic isn’t much better than all the MCU movies you mentioned. So, just take comfort in knowing that a huge film like Infinity War proved to be a gigantic success (including critically) and became a worldwide phenomenon.

Speaking of the last praised MCU movies, it seems counterproductive to discredit them. They’re all great films imho. Do I think Black Panther should not only be the highest rated Marvel movie but the highest rated superhero movie of all time? No. Do I find it better than Infinity War? Not by a long shot. How about the others? Well, IW beats them all except for Ragnarok which gives IW a run for its money in terms of character development, impact and structure. But truth is, in a handful of critics’ eyes these MCU films had fewer issues than IW supposedly did. And plus they had way less to work with (so to speak). The recent Ant-Man & The Wasp, though not as sublime as IW, I for one adore it just as much. Anyway, point is it doesn’t annoy me knowing that the Thanos epic didn’t score as high as Homecoming, Black Panther, etc. Infinity War had so much to prove and fortunately it turned out to be a beloved film.

At the end of the day, Marvel and the fanbase wins.


It’s clear a number of critics and fans weren’t overly pleased with IW. Complaints range from certain characters not getting sufficient screen time to the film feeling overstuffed. Yes, I also sense a few critics out there are fed up with Marvel/CBMs and refuse to give them a fair shot. But although Infinity War truly delivered on the hype according to most, fact is it was too much for some to handle. I wouldn’t hold that against RT. Say what you want about RT but these days RT is seen as anything but a joke when it comes to movie scores (except maybe by *mostly* DCEU fans, haha). Sure, there are movies that hold questionable scores. Still, RT is by and large seen as a good indicator of what’s potentially good or mediocre. RT side, Infinity War’s score on the slightly more trusted Metacritic isn’t much better than all the MCU movies you mentioned. So, just take comfort in knowing that a huge film like Infinity War proved to be a gigantic success (including critically) and became a worldwide phenomenon.
Well stated. The MCU and A:IW is not an easily digestible movie product that can be consumed conveniently and then judged or rated accordingly as other films. In one moment critics and fans applaud "Long-Form Story Telling & all connected" then they deride the dependency of one film to another as nothing more than a cash grabbing sequel with no resolution.

Why should a critic need a cheat sheet for a movie that came out 10 years ago (IM) in order to understand A:IW? The MCU and the culminating experience of A:IW and Avengers 4 are trailblazing constructs that almost require their own unique criteria for being judged and or rated without being gifted a high score for being different for the sake of being voluminous. Nor should it be punished as such either.

I wonder if the RT score for A:IW is greater or lesser than the average of all the preceding movies? I'll have to check that out.


Very well-expressed.

And for what it’s worth, the lowest rated MCU film is Thor: The Dark World which holds a 66% (somewhat of a surprising rating when you take notice of its lukewarm reception). As to where Infinity War stands, it’s above films like Age of Ultron (75%), Thor (77%), The First Avenger (80%), Iron Man 3 (80%), Ant-Man (82%), and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 which also holds an 83%.

It does seem rather odd that Infinity War barely ranks above entires that are seen as some of the least fan favorites in the MCU (more than two of them are my personal favorites) and that it doesn’t match up to the likes of Spider-Man: Homecoming (92%) or even the new Ant-Man (87%). But that being said, it’s in a good place all things considered.


Yes you are right its not easy to handle with this amount of characters but they did it and give us an epic marvel movie
But i am Habby that the audience are praise Infinity War on imdb and give Thanos epic a 8.7 rating until now so its Damm sure that this will be the highest rating marvel movie on this imdb


Yes you are right its not easy to handle with this amount of characters but they did it and give us an epic marvel movie
But i am Habby that the audience are praise Infinity War on imdb and give Thanos epic a 8.7 rating until now so its Damm sure that this will be the highest rating marvel movie on this imdb


Apparently Disney didn’t pay the critics enough this time.


So you didn't like Infinity War?


I did. I was just joking about the DC fans claiming Disney pays critics for good reviews.


hhh you got me but i still think that justice league is way better than Infinity War hhh


That's fine. To each his own.


Iam joking you know even DC lovers know that justice league is trash


But do you that wonder woman shit got a 92%???


Nobody cares about Rotten tomatoes because their rotten
