MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Discussion > "Guardians of the Goofiness" are pure CR...

"Guardians of the Goofiness" are pure CRINGE in this

How are they not more hated? I was enjoying this movie until they showed up. The whole tone changed and the movie never got good again.


Yeh but Drax is so good at looking invisible.


Still laughing about that part!


Jar jar disagreez


They are the insufferable Jar Jars of this movie.


They act like they do in their own movies, I hardly see the issue here?...


The issue is their own movies suck, too, unless you like kiddie style humor.


That's your opinion I guess. Not sure what to tell you.


I like your kiddie style but will be looking for a more mature reviewer for recommendations.


Oh, I dunno, I quite liked Rocket the Rabbit.


lol ... Rabbit! Cracked me up every time.


Sweet. Rabbit.


I'm a HUGE fan of the comic series that this iteration is based off of, and i TOTALLY agree. They completely dumbed down these great characters from the comics (especially Mantis). They were pretty much straight faced action adventurers in space. But Gunn turned them into dumbed down goof balls.


Yeah, and look what they did to Thor:RagnaCROCK. That entire movie is a self parody of Thor.


Not as cringey as Deadpool


Eh, i think Reynolds was FAAAAR worse in Blade: Trinity tbh


Personally, I love the intellectual wit and banter. It gives the film a greater sense of realism to me to hear people speak like real people, and the humor provides a nice break to the action/drama.To each his own.


nobody talks like that in real life, if you want natural dialog watch Luke Cage (or The Wire)


If you don't banter with your friends in similar fashion, then we clearly spend time with very different circles of friends. Which is not to say the Wire isn't also realistic, for the characters it portrays, it's that outside of the West Baltimore ghetto, people sometimes engage in witty and sarcastic back-and-forths much like one hears in Thor:Ragnarok, Guardians of the Galaxy, Monty Python, etc.




Monty Python are brilliant, do not lump them in with the type of dumb, not at all intellectual humor in Infinity War, RagnaCROCK, and GOTG.


Interesting that you like Monty Python but find something like Thor:Ragnarok not funny. It's the same brand of humor-- intellectual wit, quick-paced dialogue, throwaway asides with clever double meanings that come and go too quickly for most to even catch, all jumbled in with Ministries of Silly Walks and being hit over the head lessons.


Is Ragnarok categorized as a comedy movie based on a humorous comic book character like Charlie Brown? The Thor character as originated by Marvel wasn't a jokey buffoon, he was stoic like in the first Avengers movie. The change in Ragnarok was jarring and wrong for the character.


"That's a made up word!"

"All words are made up."

Tell me that would be out of place between Graham Chapman and Michael Palin.

I wouldn't consider Ragnarok a comedy per se. It's hilarious, but in the same way that Pulp Fiction or O Brother, Where Art Thou? are hilarious. Yet none of those films is a proper comedy. Ragnarok is a comic book movie with quick, witty dialogue throughout.

True, Thor in the comics is a much more wooden character, but the Shakespearean verbiage and melodramatic, stoic persona would not translate well to film.


The stoic persona already worked on film in the first Avengers movie but a radical change was made for Ragnarok, probably to appeal more to very young children and adult dullards.


I recall Thor having something of a humorous bent from the get-go. In the initial Thor film there was a running joke of him being hit by a car, he smashed his coffee cup and demanded another, tried to buy a horse at a pet store, and so on. In Avengers, as in Ragnarok, he had serious moments punctuated by one-liners. I think Ragnarok did it better, and was more intellectual in its humor, but they didn't do anything radically different with the character.


How are they not more hated?


I think you are just in a tiny almost non existent minority...

There not even "kind of hated" let alone hated enough to say "why are they not MORE hated"

basically they are universally loved....

I think The right statement would be "why do people Love them so much, I hate them and find them Annoying"

instead you either made an Intentionally false statement or just phrased the question wrong...

There simply is not enough dislike to say "why arent they MORE hated"....They is Only Universally Love, and maybe a small minority of people who dont love them, but find them maybe annoying sometimes...

I think You Hate them, and are trying to pass your opinion off as a consensus or trying to make it seem like a lot of people agree with you...

GOTG are simply just to Loved to say "how are they not more hated".... Maybe you could pass it off with "why are They NOT Hated"....But For some reason you Put MORE in there that completely made this a false and untrue statement....


I don't know. I love them! Loved Groot playing video games. When he said, "I am Groot," and everyone turned to him scolded him for his attitude, it reminded me of my 11 year old son! They nailed that scene!


I am Steve Rogers.


