MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Discussion > AIW now the 4th film ever to top 2 Billi...

AIW now the 4th film ever to top 2 Billion +....

2 Billion +

Many box office Record and records including some of the biggest and most important records....

The Most Successful CBM of all time

The Most Profitable CBM of all time...

The Avengers Franchise Is Now Officially Box Office 's Most Bankable Franchise...ONLY franchise ever to start off With Three 1.4 Billion dollar + films....

Will Soon become 4 after Avengers 4 ....

and actually If we Count Civil War(which is an Avengers films) that will be 5 straight 1 Billion dollar + films...

Avengers could also become the only franchise in history with Two 2 Billion + films if Avengers 4 has similar success as Avengers IW...


UPDATE 8---------------

AIW made 17 Million more in China, 10 Million in Other Overseas Markets and 4.6 Million domestically for a 30 M+ Monday gross....

AIW is now at 1.638 Million!


Amazing, just amazing...


AIW...currently at 1.686 Billion.....Now the 4th highest grossing film ever made



AIW heading toward A good 50 to 52% hold for 28 to 30 M

this is pretty good considering DP2 Opened this weekend....

It was expected AIW would have a 57 to 60%+ drop this weekend!

this could result in AIW could making somewhere around 670 Million Domestically!


Also worth Noting....

2 Billion Is OFF the table for AIW...

AIW is currently at 1.702 B....

Its going to make at 30 Million domestically, 40 Million In China and 30 Million from Remaining overseas markets this weekend...

putting it over 1.8 Billion by Sunday

but, after that....

IMO its got at most 60 to 70 Million left to make domestically

Maybe another 50 From China and another 40 to 50 from remaining overseas markets...

thats at best another 150 to 170 Million.....from a total gross of 1.950- to 1.970 Billion...'

I see no way AIW can get to 2 Billion....Its going to miss by 30 to 50 M....

AIW is gonna end up being...

The highest Grossing Superhero film of all time.

The Most Profitable Superhero film of all time.

The 4th Highest Grossing Movie of All Time.

The 4th Highest Grossing Domestic Release of all time

The 3rd highest Grossing Film Overseas

I also believe The Avengers franchise is also the only franchise ever to start off with 3 films all grossing over 1 Billion....making The Avengers franchise The KING of Box office

and Will Hold about 25 Box office records.

All In All.....Avengers IW had one of the greatest Box office Runs of all time

Think about this.....

The Avengers Franchise is now 3 films deep...grossing 1.5 B....1.4 B...and 1.9 B+....

The Avengers Made Disney 500 M+ in Profit

Age Of Ultron Made Disney 390 Million In Profit

Avengers IW will make Disney 700 Million + in Profit...

Disney has made a combined 1.590 Billion dollars in profit from 3 Avengers films

Meanwhile WBs Justice League franchise is DEAD after 1 film and lost the company 60 Million dollars

Conclusion...Justice League is the single biggest Missed opportunity in Hollywood history...

Disney Made 1.590 Billion in Profit from 3 Avengers films and Will Probably make more than that from the next 3 Avengers films....

WB LOST somewhere around 3 Billion dollars in Profit from Failing with JL......what should have been a 3 to 5 film franchise Grossing at least 1 Billion a piece....Is Now DEAD after 1 film that Lost WB money.....

BvS has to be considered the 2nd biggest missed opportunity in Hollywood History because Its MOST responsible for Justice League FLOPPING...

lol the Movie KILLED ALL hype and Hope going into Justice League....

BvS opened to 166 M.....Justice League to 94 Million....that means almost half the people that saw BvS didnt come back to see JL....

Bottom Line, BvS Made People RUN instead come back....

BvS and Justice League.....the single biggest 1-2 punch of disasters ever seen in Hollywood history....




AIW currently at 1.813 Billion....

with a good 54% 28 Million + 4th weekend....With DP2 coming out, AIW could have had a 60%+ decline this weekend...

2 Billion is Not happening...

1.925 Billion + is where were heading!


How about $650M Domestic; does it have a chance?


How about $650M Domestic; does it have a chance?



this is Memorial day Weekend coming up....AIW will make somewhere between 22 to 24 Million this weekend instead of the usual 50% drop that would result in a 14 Million dollar weekend....
its at 595 Million Now....Its should make another 10 to 12 million this week, putting at 605 Million going into the weekend, then over Memorial day Weekend through MOnday, It will add 22 to 25 Million, Putting it at 630 Million by Next monday....after that were looking at its run winding down but will for sure make another 25 to 40 Million ....

Its gonna end somewhere between 655 to 670 Million

I Fantastic Run domestic run....IMO it has a 90% chance of passing Titanic's 659 Million domestic total to become the 4th highest domestic gross of all time!


You're that sure it won't top $2 billion? I don't pretend to follow box office totals much at all, and am not at all versed in how to predict them, but I note the following:

After 27 days it has made $603 million domestically. At that same point, Black Panther had made only $574 million, and ended up making $698 million (and counting). While I realize that Black Panther had less competition, and its diversity resonated with a wider audience, if Infinity War only does half as well from here on out as Black Panther did from the same point, it still has at least another $62 million coming domestically.

The international box office is harder to track, but when I look at what percentage of a film's total international gross came in its opening weekend I see:

The Avengers - 20%
Age of Ultron - 21%

If Infinity War's $382,823,108 opening weekend represents 22% of its final tally, then it should make another $117 million or so.

Combined, that's $179 million more we can expect it to earn, if the rest of its run is less successful than that of other Marvel films, which gives it a total gross of $2,021,000,000.

Again, no idea how these things work, and maybe expecting it only to do half as well as Black Panther, and more or less on track with the previous two Avengers films, is faulty thinking.

Regardless of how much more it earns, it's already a massive success. In April, the industry talk I saw was saying that $1.2 billion total was the minimum it needed to earn to be considered an unmitigated success, and it has blown well past that.


After 27 days it has made $603 million domestically. At that same point, Black Panther had made only $574 million, and ended up making $698 million (and counting). While I realize that Black Panther had less competition, and its diversity resonated with a wider audience, if Infinity War only does half as well from here on out as Black Panther did from the same point, it still has at least another $62 million coming domestically.


Black Panther Legs were astonishing especially later in Its run...

I expect AIW to another 55 to 70 Million domestically

everything else you said at this point doesnt matter...

Overseas were down to 2 things....whats it got left to make in China and how much can it make from all remain overseas markets...

I follow a great China box office Forum, where everyone on is certain AIW will end its China Gross between 350 to 360 Million...

So that about 40 to 50 Million More from china...

the remaining overseas markets are tricky...

last weekend AIW made a combined 84 M Overseas....but 53 Million came from China...

So that means AIW ONLY made 31 Million from all remaining markets...

I just dont see more than another 40 to 50 Million total from remaining Overseas markets...If it made 31 Million last weekend, this weekend could be 13 to 15 M, next could be 6 to 8, then 4, Then 2 ....

Its GOING TO BE close...

at max I see another 55 to 70 Million domestically

AIW is currently at 315 M In at Max its got another 35 to 45 Million Left there(Probably closer to 35)

and all remaining Overseas Markets at Max between 30 to 45 Million

SO Its 1.850 Million right now...

With Maybe 55 to 70 M domestically
35 to 45 Million from China
and 30 to 45 Million from remaining overseas markets...

thats potentially another 120 to 160 Million left to make....

2 Billion Is a Possibility....I just find like maybe a 10% chance at this point....AIW would have to max out in every way from here on out...

I would bet money it lands between 1.960 and 1.980 Million


Damn AIW came in above projections again.....went from 28 Million to 29.5 M....

had an Incredible 52% hold despite going against DP2


but still mcu can't gave a masterpiece cbm like wonder woman hahahah


eh? how is wonder woman a masterpiece ?


How does the DCEU rule ? i doubt it will ever have a movie cross a billion , people are already losing intreast, zero hype for Aquaman , no sign of a sequel to Man of steel , its a mess


there is 10000 hype for aquman man of steel shooting will begun in august 2019
dceu current films
birds of prey
harley quinn r rated
wonder woman 2
batman solo
black adam
gotham city sirens

marvel is going to destroy lol


also flash and cyborg green lantern coming to kick ass of marvel


yes one thing I agree with you is and I quote you, "Marvel is going to destroy" well done, you are learning what reality really is, welcome back. Marvel is going to destroy


marvel is going to destroy by dc hahaha take it


almost there , Marvel is going to destroy DC, well done you , didn't we learn well today.


dc is going to destroy marvel in 2019
birds of prey
solo batman
shazam take it lol


you said that in 2013, you said in 2014, it was said in 2015 , 2016 this year, and each year Marvel kicks DCEUs ass Box office and critical and audience consensus, let me just make you aware of something, and this just goes to show what the DCEU is dealing with , Infinity war made more in a weekend than Justice League did in its entire run, you think about that, that right there is getting destroyed.


IS this Andre or another of the morons from imdb who thinks THEY put the DCEU in a good light?


I'm 99% sure of it, check out his YouTube videos, compare the comments and way of thinking, if it isn't Andre is an imposter pretending to be him.

The poor grammar gave it away.

Check this, the title of one of his new videos :-

JUSTICE LeagueSuperior2infinity Bore&Any Generic MCU garbage Marveltards=Hypocrites with SH@T Taste!


its not Andre....

He would never call Wonder Woman a masterpiece.....

Andre actually has Deep resentment towards Wonder Woman....

every since it came out Hes not been able to enjoy it because Everyone calls it "The Only Great DCEU film" and "The Most Successful DCEU film"

Andre has a deep, unnatural Obsession with Zack Snyder and It KILLS him that Snyder gets no credit for WW.....therefor He cant enjoy WWs success.

When WW first came out, He went on like a 2 month rampage where He made videos trying to explain why Zack Snyder deserves ALL CREDIT for Wonder Woman being good and successful...It Kills him that everyone praises and gives Jenkins and Gadot 100% credit for WWs success....

Over the last year, he now claims Wonder Woman is Overrated, He says "its good, Better than any MCU shit but Overrated and not even close to as Great as MOS, BvS and Justice League"..

there is Zero chance the poster is Andre....Andre simply could never call WW a masterpiece.

Basically Andre finally Let his DC Obsession RUIN His abilit to enjoy DC films

Andre is obsessed with Snyder, and It KILLS him that Everyone HATES MOS, BvS and JL...Andre wants more than anything for Zack Snyders films to be as LOVED by everyone else as much as he loves them

thats why Wonder Womans success BOTHERING him so much....because the exact success WW received, Is the exact success he so desperately wanted for MOS,BvS and JL

Andre Finally GOt the one thing he desperately wanted, A GREAT DCEU film(in Wonder Woman)....and due to his complete obsession with Snyder He COULDnt even enjoy it.

Andre instead of enjoying finally Getting a Great DCEU film, He became deeply jealous and angry that everyone considered WW "The Only Great DCEU film" and that Jenkins got SOLE praise for WW's success instead of Snyder

lol I must say its poetic Justice..Andre finally became so Obsessed, He couldnt even enjoy the DC films any more....

right now, He claims He has zero interest in Wonder Woman 2 because "Jenkins is setting it in 80s to distance it from the rest of the JL members and so the film stands on its own and is a contained story"

and because He claims Jenkins is becoming power hungry like Nolan after WWs success....

I'm telling, you can read Andre like a book....he has many tells...One of them is Wonder Woman....That movie KILLS him and Bother the hell out of him....He actually Deeply hates it, But cant talk too bad about it because its a DCEU film...

But every chance he gets he always says "All you fake DC fans out there saying Wonder Woman is the only great DCEU film, Get out of here with that shit, MOS is Great, BvS Is Better, JL is a masterpiece, all 3 are better than WW"

Then He always any chance he gets says "All you fake DC fans out there saying Wonder Woman is the most successful DCEU film....Nope BvS made more than WW, BvS made 870 M and WW made 820 M"(lol andre Doesnt understand box office and doesnt understand what makes Wonder Woman the most successful DCEU film was its Small Budget Which resulted in WB making 250 Million in Profit literally double the profit they made from BvS)

basically.....Andre couldnt say "Wonder Woman is a Masterpiece" if you held a GUN to his head

there is zero chance the poster is andre...

IMO this is just a classic Troll...intentionally saying Trollish things...The "Marvel will be shut down" is a dead give away....

that has long since past, that was something trolls and DC fans said in 2013 and 2014 when the DCEU slate was announced....quite simpy put, the DCEU has been such a failure and The MCU films have been such a success , DC fans/Trolls are just past claiming "The MCU is going to shut down"....DC fans truly just dont use the "Marvel Will be shut down" trolling tactic anymore, Its too unrealistic at this point...

honestly I go to 4 or 5 different sites....I have Not seen a DC fan or troll say "Marvel Will be shut down" in YEARS ...literally not since after BvS came out....


DC fans and even hardcore trolls have just gave up on that one....Given the unprecedented Success of the 19 MCU films, Literally becoming the highest grossing franchise in history, averaging over 800 Million dollars a films, With 6 films grossing over 1 Billion....and A slate of upcoming films that are

Ant-Man 2--700 Miliion +
Captain Marvel-600 to 800 M
Avengers 4-1.7 to 2.4 Billion
Spiderman 2-850 to 1 Billion+
GOTG3-850 to 1 Billion+
Black Panther 2-900 to 1.2 B+
Doctor Strange 2-750 to 900 M
Avengers 5-1.5 to 2 Billion

Then Phase 5 starts With...
X-Men reboots
Fantastic Four Reboots
Deadpool/X-force films
A New Wolverine movie(ethier with Jackman or A New Wolverine
Black Panther 3
Ant-Man 3
Doctor Strange 3
Spider-Man 3
Captain Marvel 2

basically......DC fans have all excepted Marvel Studios isnt shutting down, Theyve pretty much excepted theres going to be probably at least another decade of dominance from The MCU, at this point from what I've seen, MOST hardcore DC fans are PAST this point they just want IMPROVEMENT....theres really not much "The DCEU is gonna kill the MCU anymore"...its just "Can Please just get some good DCEU films"....

the Poster saying "The MCU will be shut down" is a dead give away hes 100% trolling and trying to say classic trolling statements to get people angry....

Its Not andra.....and Its probably not even a serious DC troll of DC fan....Its probably just a TROLL...


I'm a true dc fan I support dceu not a fake marveltard dceu fan


nope....your just trolling....

your not a DC fan or MCU hater....

you are Just a TROLL....

I'm not kidding....No One uses the "Marvel Studios/MCU will be shut down by The DCEUs success" anymore...

That was basically the #1 trolling topic used from 2013 to March 25th 2016....after BvS came out to Universally hatred, and was one of the MOCKED films of all time, DC fans basically stopped saying it, then 2 months later when Suicide Squad hit to an even worse reception, DC fan new The DCEU was in serious trouble...It no longer was about "Winning" Or claiming "The DCEU was going to shut down the MCU"....after those 2 disasters, The Majority of DC were HUMBLED and just wanted Improvement

Like I'm not getting I've been a regular on the IMDB board and now here for 8 years...from 2013 until 2016, DC fans went on the single biggest trolling rampage in the history of the internet, claiming BvS was going to destroy every movie, no fan base in history behaved like DC fans did when BvS was announced and hilariously no fan base has ever been BURNT like DC fans were with BvS and The DCEU films...

The overwhelming majority of DC fans do not defend BvS, SS or JL...they are deeply disappointed and embarrassed by them, and Just want change at this point...

DC fans havent claimed "The MCU will be shut down" since March 2016....

and Hardcore DC trolls havent done it either because Its no longer realistic...the State of The DCEU is so Dire and the State of The MCU is so dominate...saying "The MCU will be shut down by the DCEUs success" ONLY makes YOU look like an Idiot....

the fact that you said "The MCU will be shut down" .....means you are not a DC fan, are not a DC troll, have not been on any Marvel or DC boards in at least 2 years....

you are simply just a regular troll, and you went with A completely out of date trolling tactic in "The MCU will be shut down" ....

you didnt know that that statement, literally doesnt make sense now, its so impossible, no DC fans or Trolls say it anymore....

You said it because Your not a regular on Marvel or DC boards, You dont know that no one says that anymore...

You probably at some point a few years ago dropped by one of the Marvel or DC boards, and saw that it was a HUGE trolling topic back then before The DCEU turned into a trainwreck...

and you used it here because you thought it would get a rise of people...

Feel free to Troll all you want....just be smarter or clever about a little research, find out what the norm is on these boards...

you literally made the worst possible statement....the second you said "The MCU will be shut down" basically screamed Your not a DC fan or DC troll...


The reason of dceu failure was they were starting did I have to say about mcu start up
Incredible hulk iron man 2 thor 2 everything was flopped
ww was success justice league was flopped due to whedon
just wait fot aquaman .After aquaman shazam solo batman birds of prey success i'm going to make fun of everyone who is mocking my statement that dceu will crush mcu


I believe in dceu i'm not like those morons who changed their color .I had hope


Yes I was think aswell , andre would usually put you on ignore if you said anythi g remotely negative about the dceu


dceu current films
birds of prey
harley quinn r rated
wonder woman 2
batman solo
black adam
gotham city sirens

Ant-Man 2--700 Miliion +
Captain Marvel-600 to 800 M
Avengers 4-1.7 to 2.4 Billion
Spiderman 2-850 to 1 Billion+
GOTG3-850 to 1 Billion+
Black Panther 2-900 to 1.2 B+
Doctor Strange 2-750 to 900 M
Avengers 5-1.5 to 2 Billion

Then Phase 5 starts With...
X-Men reboots
Fantastic Four Reboots
Deadpool/X-force films
A New Wolverine movie(ethier with Jackman or A New Wolverine
Black Panther 3
Ant-Man 3
Doctor Strange 3
Spider-Man 3
Captain Marvel 2



to make matter worse..You and The DCEU arent going to JUST LOSE

But your going to Lose While directly going against MCU films

lol IF those DCEU films actually get made....and thats A BIG IF considering The DCEU slate has been announced and changed at least 6 times with Announced films never actually being made(Justice League Part 2, Cyborg , Flashpoint and Green Lantern corps says Hi)

buts lets say With the DCEU now on the 4th set on OF " Bosses" after the first 3 were hired and fired for 4 of the first 5 DCEU films being complete trainwrecks....but lets say this new Boss, Walter H. actually has a plan this time, and These DCEU films actually do go into production and get made....

They all are Going TO LOSE in direct competition to MCU films....thats 14 DCEU films you listed, thats supposed to come out in the next 3 years....theres ONLY so Many Good release dates ....The MCU films already has ALL The best released locked up until now until 2022...

thats means WB is going to have to pick Bad release dates, that are within a month of a MCU film....Over the next 3 years The MCU have nothing but 800 Million + franchise proven films coming out...

you put Birds of Prey against GOTG3....its getting murdered
you put Nightwing against Doctor Strange 2...Its getting murdered
you put Wonder Woman 2 against Black Panther gets Murdered
you put Matt Reeves Batman Movie against Spider-Man 2....It gets Murdered(lol Batman was a Proven Billion dollar character before Snyder got a hold of him....Now his films cant even make 700 M)
You Shazam against Captain Marvel or AntMan....Its getting Murdered....

The DCEU films arent just its much worse....They are Losing it direct competition against MCU films

MOS get Murdered By IM3(they came out within 1 Month apart)

BvS Got Beat by Civil War in every possible way(these 2 films came out 5 weeks apart and had these exact same concept) and CW Murdered BvS

Thor Ragnarok(A MCU solo film) destroyed The DCEUs biggest possible film In Justice League...these 2 films were 2 WEEKs apart

Wonder Woman Lost to BOTH GOTG3 and Spider-Man HC....All came out within a month of each other....Yet The MCU films beat The DCEU film

lol The DCEU films are losing audiences, Box office ans Opening weekends are getting smaller.....The MCU films are gaining audiences and Opening Weekend and total box office has never been higher...

Audiences are abandoning The DCEU....Audiences are Growing for the MCU....

IF..."IF"......those DCEU film actually get made...They are going to be going against franchise proven MCU films With Better released and the MCU films will have the audiences trust....

The DCEU for it to have any chance of continuing and any chance of all those DCEU films actually getting made....The next 3 DCEU films have to be Good to great....Aquaman, Shazam and WW2....have to get good to great reviews, have to be fun and exciting and have to gain audiences trust back....Then DCEU films MIGHT start having good box office results again....Aquaman, Shazam and WW2 are going to struggle even if they are great, Audiences are just too BURNT on the past DCEU films, They arent going to reach their box office potential...but if they are great, Maybe Future DCEU films Might Reach their box office potential with Audiences trust gained back botton line.....You are not only looking at another 5 to 7 years of the DCEU LOSING.....but to your HORROR your going to have to watch as nearly every DCEU film that comes out in the next 5 years will LOSE in direct competition to Franchise proven MCU films!

the MCU just has the bigger films coming out....

I'm not biased...I do think The DCEU could have success, I mean my god it can get any worse(can it?) some point someones got to get these DCEU films right....Walter H is going to be the 4th Boss....I think He can have success,,,,Its just not going to be close to MCU success...

thats the question....can you be happy just getting good DCEU films?

because Your Not going to get Good DCEU that beat MCU films...

you need to set your expectations to a realistic level....beating the MCU in the next 5 years is truly Impossible....just be happy if you finally get good DCEU films...
