MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Discussion > AIW now the 4th film ever to top 2 Billi...

AIW now the 4th film ever to top 2 Billion +....

2 Billion +

Many box office Record and records including some of the biggest and most important records....

The Most Successful CBM of all time

The Most Profitable CBM of all time...

The Avengers Franchise Is Now Officially Box Office 's Most Bankable Franchise...ONLY franchise ever to start off With Three 1.4 Billion dollar + films....

Will Soon become 4 after Avengers 4 ....

and actually If we Count Civil War(which is an Avengers films) that will be 5 straight 1 Billion dollar + films...

Avengers could also become the only franchise in history with Two 2 Billion + films if Avengers 4 has similar success as Avengers IW...


AIW on Pace for a Opening Weekend between 115 to 120 Million...

Right now 2 sites predicting 115 and 1 predicting 120...

its going to be between a 53 to 55%...which is an above average Hold and Very GOOD for a film opening with 257 Million...

Its also Much better Holds that BOTH Civil War and Age Ultron, BOTH Fillms dropped 59% on thier 2nd weekends...

this look very good for AIWs entire run...with a hold like this....AIW should have Holds around 50% the rest of the way...

A 650 Million dollar + domestic gross is Guaranteed



Just been doing the Math...

I think AIW is heading toward a 1.7 to 1.8 Billion dollar total...

Its going to be at around 1.150 Billion after this weekend....

domestically its going to make another 200 to 250 Million(IMO closer to 200)

In China it could make any where from 180 to 250 M+(it may explode and make 300 M+, but so far no MCU has done that so I'm going with a gross of 225 M)

and Its will make another 100 to 150 Million Overseas in the remaining overseas markets....

So thats...

1.150 Billion Now
+200-250 Million(domestic)
+180-250 Million(China)
+100-150 Million(remaining over seas markets)

equaling....1.630 to 1.8 Billion....

I see to no way in Makes 1.630 B, as that is the FLOOR......

It Will be 1.7 to 1.8 Billion...

2 Billion is only possible now if AIW exploded in China like Furious 7....

Age of Ultron made 255 Million In China...Civil War Made 180 Million In China...

I expect a MINIMUM of 200 Million In China, with a real shot at 250 to 300 Million and an outside shot at 350 to 400 Million...

anyways...thats the Math...

IMO I think AIW is looking at an Inedible 1.7 to 1.8 Billion!

reply 1.164 Billion after 2nd Weekend....

IMO now guaranteed to at least be the 4th highest grossing movie of all time...

I do think 2 Billion is off the table though....

but an Incredible 1.7 to 1.8 Is on The table...

1.164 Billion Now
+200-215 Million(domestic)
+180-250 Million(China)
+100-150 Million(remaining over seas markets)

IMO AIW is looking at a Gross between ....1.644 B-1.779B

now there is the possibility that AIW Explodes in China and makes 300 or 400 Million, No MCU film has done that yet, So I dont expect it but I can count it out...


AIW had a 31 Million at 1.2 Billion Now...

Entirely Possible AIW could be heading toward a 1.550 to 1.6 B Gross By Sunday...

should another 17 Million this week domestically and around 60 Million next weekend

Should Debut in China anywhere from 100 to 200 Million(AOU debuted with 155 M, I expect something over 140 M)

and should make close to another 100 Million from remaining over seas markets...

So thats

1.2 Billion Now
77 Million domestically
100 to 200 Million from China
and 100 from remaining overseas markets

so thats potentially 1.577 Billion...(IMO it will be closer to 1.527 Billion though because I think its going to debut in China to around 140 to 150 M)

If it explodes in China and opens over 200 Million, Its going to be over 1.6 Billion by Sunday...IMO thats unlikely, But not Impossible


2 f’n Billion here we come!!!

Well, I think it can still pull it off. ;)


I think its gonna struggle to hit 2 Billion....IMO the only way it hits 2 Billion is if its Explodes in China and Gross over 350 Million(the highest grossing MCU film in China is AOU with 240 Million)

I think Its gonna end up between 1.7 to 1.850 Billion

2 Billion is not impossible....IMO very unlikely....specifically with HUGE competition coming up in DP2 and SOLO...

I think AIW is gonna make between 630 to 670 Million domestically...

Between 1.1 to 1.250 Overseas

Still Its an Incredible result!


Monday's domestic result of 8.2 million and 78% decline spooked ya didn't it, bill?

The most concerning thing about it's rapid domestic decline is that it has no competition.




naw not spooked at all...been reading this...

box office analyst are predicting the same thing I am....

They see AIW making between 1.750 to 2 Billion....With a more accurate prediction of 1.880 Million(very close to my 1.850 M prediction)

which nets Disney 600 Million dollars in Profit...

thats 460 Million in Profit from Black Panther and 600 Million In Profit from AIW...

I get it, your angry and jealous, but like Black Panther, AIW is officiall troll proof...

theres not 1 single thing you can say , Now I know you'll TRY but thats on you, at this point, ONLY YOU would try to troll on a film that is going to gross 1.8 Billion dollars, gross over 630 M domestically, Become the highest grossing CBM of all time and Net A 600 Million dollar profit.

and as for the Monday decline, Queen You did the same exact thing with Black Black Panther had a 77% 2nd monday decline and you started making post after post talking about how it was dropping fast and wasnt going to hold Black Panther went on to have Great Legs

how do you not learn from past mistakes?

You keep doing the same things over and over again...I mean Its literally identical...You try to claim BP is having huge decline because of a big 2nd Monday drop....Then Black Panther goes on to have Great holds

lol dont you think you would learn from this, didnt you at any point think "wait a minute, I'm getting ready to troll on AIW for having a huge 2nd Monday drop, but is this a good idea? I did the samething with BP and it backfired badly"

and also you can not claim AIW is having bad declines or holds....if you do you are LYING.....

AIW is having average to slightly above average holds...

for you to claim AIW is having bad holds its got have weekend drops over 60%....

If you look at the history of CBMs and Blockbusters, The average 2nd weekend holds are between 55 to 59%..

here maybe this will help you understand-

Gitesh Pandya
‏ @GiteshPandya
May 7

FINAL: #AvengersInfinityWar ended higher: $114.8M wknd, $453.1M cume. 2nd wknd drops for summer kickoff films:

2018 - #InfinityWar, 56%
2017 - #GOTG2, 56%
2016 - #CaptainAmerica3, 60%
2015 - #Ultron, 59%
2014 - #AmazingSpiderMan2, 61%
2013 - #IronMan3, 58%
2012 - #Avengers, 50%


notice anything?

a 56% drop is average or slightly above average...

YOU are LYING, and now that you've seen the Proof, If you continue to claim AIW is having bad holds, YOU are INTENTIONALLY LYING...

queen its over....You lost....Disney Is making over 600 Million on AIW....

Its a runaway smash hit...I guess if you just want to try and Piss people off here you can continue to troll....but I get the feeling your real intention isnt to piss people off, You hate Disney so much, You want to make it look like the film is disappointing, So you can claim Disney wont be happy...

but that is DEAD for you....Disney just made 1 Billion + in Profit from back to back MCU films...

AIW is officially going to be the highest Grossing CBM ever made and Will make the Most Profit ever made by a CBM....there is truly not 1 thing you can say that could even in the slightest be a disappointment, Theres not 1 single way you can spin AIWs box office to try and make it look disappointing to Disney...

lol its time Queen...You gave up about 3 weeks in on tried trolling for an entire month before BP was released, and then even tried trolling for the first 3 weeks into Black Panthers release, but you finally had to give up, BP was so successful you had to give up....Its Time now to do the samething with AIW...

just move on to SOLO and Ant-Man least with them 2 you got hope ...

Also worth noting...AIW's 2nd Monday drop is right in line with the 4 other films that have grossed over 200 Million on OWs(we have to leave out the 2 Star Wars films, because they were released on Christmas)

BP had 77% drop
AIW Has 77% drop
The Avengers had 75% drop
JW had 69% drop


again do a little research before trolling!

lol Your "Rapid decline comment" is an ALL TIME fail when you look at the facts....

AIW 2nd Monday is Within 2% of BP and The Avengers BOTH on which went on to have Great Legs....

Bottom line you did no research....once again you just got too excited by the results you read and just had to troll....had you actually took 2 mins to look up the history of the films that grossed over 200 Million, you would see, AIW 2nd Monday is damn near identical to the others and could have saved yourself from getting OWNED, I got to believe you never would have responded at all had you just done the research....not even you would try to spin a 2% decline as a "rapid Decline" , Had you done the research you would have just got angry and seen AIW is having average declines and just not responded at all, Instead You FAILED on an Epic Level by posting completely Normal drops and trying to spin them as A RAPID DECLINE!....

judging Epic fails on a scale from 1 to 10.....solid 9!


nice to have you back though....

I liked you better when you were here all the time making Awful Fails....but now you just pop in and out every once in a while with Awful Fails...

lol You disappeared for damn near 12 days, lol The first 12 days of AIW release where it posted record box office, Then Popped back in 6 mins after Deadline reported AIW 2nd weekend where you thankful gave us A Great Fail where you predicted 97 to 98 Million 2nd weekend....

then disappeared again once AIW had a 114 M 2nd Weekend, but now you popped back in where you mistakenly thought AIW had a HUGE 2nd monday drop to give us another massive fail.....

just stick around queen, you did it on the BP board, you finally gave up and just had to accept its success, its definitely going to be easier to do the same with this point fighting it can only result in more Pain for you, just accept it and move on to Solo


Awwwww Queen went Bye Bye!

but I guess thats what happens when you fail to do any research and embarrassingly post "Normal Drops" as "Rapid Decline"

I think The real KILLER is, once I reminded you about Black Panther, How you tried the same exact trolling tactic, Tried to make a Post Claiming BP is having a HUGE 77% 2nd Monday drop and tried to claim Black Panther would struggle to reach 400 M domestically, Then you changed it to "Wanna Bet it Doesnt Top Wonder Woman Domestically", To then changing it to "It Will Be Lucky To gross as much as AOUs 459 Million", and Then changed to "500 Million Isnt guaranteed", Then Changed to "Its not Matching The Avengers 620 M"

How you forgot this I'll never know, But you made the exact same Post when BP had the exact same 77% 2nd monday Black Panther ONLY went on to have Great Holds and forced you to change your prediction 6 times before finally giving me crazy, But I would think you might learn from something this disastrous....

But Nope, Queen, Literally does the exact same thing again....


[–] QueenFanUSA (747) 2 months ago
Look...BP's second weekend is going to disappoint you. I hate to disappoint you but much of that opening weekend was inflated by the media as it fits their SJW narrative. But is this really a movie that is going to bring out people again and again to where this film hits Avengers numbers?

I say say yes...and we will watch how this unfolds over the coming weeks.

Heads up: I'd tone down your hyperbolic excitement.

Just sayin'.


All time Epic Fail....


Hey 'bout that -35% drop yesterday and 7 million?



Wow! You are really dumb kid. What are you laughing at? IW is still making more daily than Black Panther, a movie that will make 700 Million, a feat that only two other movies had managed ever. Infinity War is not just making more money daily, but it has healthy 50 million dollar advantage over BP at the same period of time.

And you are laughing the box office of a movie that is going to make at least 650 million domestic and a billion overseas. You are dumb! Really, really dumb. When Infinity War makes more money domestic than Justice League Worldwide, you are going to look even dumber, if that's really possible...


Let me save Bill the trouble...

The is almost IDENTICAL to Black Panther's second Wednesday drop! For comparison, BP dropped to $6.9-million on its second Wednesday (down from $14.7-million on its first Wednesday). AIW is at a near-identical $7-million on its second Wednesday (down from $17-million on its first Wednesday).

By the second Wednesday (13 days into its run), Black Panther had earned $428-million of what is now a $694-million domestic cumulative. That means that from day 13 to now (day 83), BP earned another $266-million.

On its second Wednesday (13 days into its run), AIW has earned $480-million. Thus far, AIW has tracked identical to, or slightly higher than BP. If AIW pulls in another $266-million in the next 70 days of its run, it will have a $746-million domestic cume...

I think they'll take that!


OK, I agree with almost all your analysis. However, it is very, very probable that IW will not make another 266 million after day 13 as Black Panther did. The reason? Competition. While BP was sailing over the box office without any competition for almost two moths, IW will face strong and continuous competition in two weekends from now. So I believe that IW won't get to the 700 Million, probably over 660 millions. I hope I am wrong. What I am not is delusional like our friend Queen here...


I can agree with that! My example was more to prove that the Wednesday over Wednesday drop was nothing to freak about, as BP had the same drop and went on to an outstanding result.

Since AIW will have much stiffer competition in the same genre, I do think it will fall short of BP’s domestic cume. Of course, that will more than be made up for in the total global take.

As you said... no reason for delusional fears!


OK, I agree with almost all your analysis. However, it is very, very probable that IW will not make another 266 million after day 13 as Black Panther did. The reason? Competition. While BP was sailing over the box office without any competition for almost two moths, IW will face strong and continuous competition in two weekends from now. So I believe that IW won't get to the 700 Million, probably over 660 millions. I hope I am wrong. What I am not is delusional like our friend Queen here...


I think everyone knows and agree with that....

No one is expecting AIW to top BP's domestic gross...everyone just pointing out that Its Having the same holds as BP....

Queen failed to look up any results before posting...

I agree AIW Will probably end up around 650 to 660 M....a is probably gonna have 50 to 53% holds for the rest of its run....Which Is Good and way above average....

queen unfortunately is anger, and the sole thing he can troll on Is its not having Black Panther Holds...

queen had a Great quote the other day in another thread that showed his desperation...

"I understand not every film will have Jurassi World, Wonder Woman, It or Universal/ Illumination type holds...but that's's still doing fine."

lol ^ this was the which I replied....

No instead Avengers IW Just Beat Wonder Woman in less than 8 days!

but Hey I understand not every Film can be Juggernauts like IM3, The Avengers, AOU, Civil War, Black Panther and Avengers IW Queen....But thats okay.... WW still did fine

lol queen is going to try his hardest to jump on and hold on for dear life to to the "Its not having BP or WW holds" train...

but the facts are....Wonder Woman and BP are BAD examples to use as movies with GOOD HOLDS....they are outliers that had extremely odd circumstance behind them...for me Black Panther , Wonder Woman, The Dark Knight, Furious 7, Avatar, Passion of the Christ are Movies that had such massive controversy and movements behind them you cant use them as Great example of box office...

Wonder Woman is especially an awful example to use, because we know 100% its success was almost entirely to due with The Womans movement that got behind it....and we know that because 5 months later that Audience did not carry over to her next film in JL...25% of the Audience that saw WW didnt carry over to see WW next film...

and the point of this is....Queen has Jumped on to A Flawed train....the single tactic he is using to troll, doesnt makes sense

out of desperation, the only thing he cant point to to troll on Avengers IW is "Its not having WW or BP holds"...Yet both BP and WW are basically useless when comparing films to them because they are outlier, the are films that box office performances were deeply effect by Movements that got behind the films....

this is why I love queen, Because he never thinks about his trolling....Literally damn near ever trolling attempt queen tries doesnt make sense if you actually think about it


Regarding this, I think you must have your arsenal ready for when Deadpool 2 and Solo arrives. Because, there will be a moment in which, due to the stiffer competition, IW will start to fall behind BP daily numbers. Over this, we know, Queen will jump to feast and throw his imaginary parties. You know, he likes to act dumb, loves to be called dumb and perpetually will be du...


Hey 'bout that -35% drop yesterday and 7 million?



how can you be this dumb?

I mean seriously, How do you not do any research?

ok, so You had to have seen The results, seen AIW had a 7 Million 35% goes the thought not go through your head..."Is that bad? let me go check and do some research"

how do you not compare AIW's drops to other simila movies box office?

how can you just read results, and immediately post them without knowing if they results are good or bad?

lol do you understand that AIW is having Identical drops to Black Panther? didnt BP go on to have excellent legs?

queen you just tried to pass a 7 Million 35% drop off as bad thing.when reality is.....

we should be making a Thread posting those exact results to PROVE AIW is Having Great holds....

AIW is ahead Avengers 1 in its second monday through Wensdays and Identical to Black Panther....

You are embarrassingly posting GREAT HOLDS as "Bad Holds"

I've never seen anything like this....You are completely failing to understand the results you are reading....You actually believe you are reading bad results....and the rest of the world understands these are Great results...

Its almost like your reverse trolling cant be this dumb....You've got to know these are good results but are just Trolling out of spite and Pretending they are bad...

theres no other way to put it to make you understand.....AIW is having better or Identical Results as Black Panther and Avengers 1.....those 2 films indisputably had Great legs and excellent holds......there for AIW is having Great Legs and Great Holds

lol dear god queen this is a new low....

You are either, incapable of understanding Box office results or You've been pushed to a point where you cant except the box office results...

you are either intentionally pretending these are bad results because its KILLING you that AIW is having good holds...

Or SADLY you truly believe these are bad results and just cant comprehend these results.

So your either DUMB or BROKEN....

lol AIW has either Broke by having Black Panther and Avengers 1 holds and your now intentionally trying to claim they are bad despite knowing they are good holds

Or you truly just do not understand the results you are reading....

either case....dear lord what an EPIC FAIL!

you actually posted Great Results that could ONLY Make you look either Like a complete idiot or like A completely BROKEN TROLL whos now living in an delusional state because he cant except AIW/a Disney film is having Great holds...

seriously I've said this before, but no other time has it ever had more meaning....Trolling on AIW can ONLY RESULT in embarrassment for YOU queen...

queen some time a film is so successful it becomes trollproof.....AIW is that can not troll on it without ONLY embarrassing yourself...

case in point, just look at what just happened....You only embarrassed yourself....You either proved your extremely DUMB ....Or your completely BROKEN



hey queen In case you didnt understand what just happened....You just had 5 different posters all reply with the exact same response....

lol basically everyone seems to understand box office but you....

You seem to be the only person looking at AIWs Monday through Wednesday gross/drops and not understanding THEY ARE GOOD....

lol 5 different People all exactly knew to compare AIW's drops to Black Panther....and Hilarious you didnt resulting in you completely not understanding the results you were looking at...

had you at any point in the last 3 days, thought to compare AIWs results to similar movies like Avengers 1 and Black could have saved yourself a TON of ABUSE...

instead you got to excited to troll...JUMPED the gun and POSTED Great results as "Bad Results" because you couldnt comprehend them

lol this happens every once in a while, I've seen a dozen or so time, when a poster posts something, that they misunderstood, and then you get A ton of posters replying with the exact same response trying to explain to the OP where they went wrong...

lol hilariously YOU ARE that Poster queen!

and now in what is going to be a tradition for me going forward....I'm going to end this post with one of your ALL TIME FAILs-

[–] QueenFanUSA (757) 3 months ago

It will be shocking if this is able to reach Wonder Woman money domestically but stranger things have happened.

lol this was your first prediction for Black Panther AFTER it opened or 200 Million domestically...

thats how awful you are at box office queen....You actually thought BP would fail to make 411 Million even after it opened over 200 M...

lol you were forced over the next 2 weeks to change your prediction from....Its not making WWs 412 M, To ....It will be lucky to gross as much as AOUs 459 M, To.... Its not topping 500 M, To ....Its not going to beat Avengers 1 621 M....and I think somewhere you even claimed it wouldnt top JWs 650 M+ but I cant find it



AIW Exploded in China....

It had the 3rd biggest opening day of All Time with 76 M

and Will Have The Biggest Opening ever in CHina With a gross between 195 to 210 Million....

This Will lead to a Total box office of anything between 320 to 400 Million in China(WOM is everything in China, Right now WOM is Great for AIW With Great rating on thier most important sites) but China box office is ODD and its extremely hard to tell where this is going to end up closer to 320 or closer to 400?

If it make more than 392 Million, It will be the highest grossing US release in CHina History....

So Avengers IW is currently at 1.275 Billion...

Around 200 Million is coming this weekend from china.

80 to 100 Million from other Overseas Markets

and 55 to 65 Coming from Domestic.

that means AIW Will be at around 1.640 Billion by Sunday

going forward after Sunday and looking at the rest its run....

AIW could make another 100 to 200 Million In China.

Another 100 Million Domestically and 50 to 80 Million from all other Overseas Markets

thats MAYBE 380 Million left to make after Sunday....

but thats if every thing Maxes Out, I imagine It Will make around 300 Million to 325 M....

So AIW is now looking at a 1.9 to 2 Billion dollar Total With the explosion from china...

If I had to bet, I bet it will finish slightly over 1.9 Billion....But 2 Billion is now on the table...

Incredible results


AIW will open over 200 M+ in China(Friday and Saturdays Numbers are already in, they are calculating Saturdays by Presales)

Domestically Its looking at 55 to 65 M

and Maybe 100 Million from remaining overseas markets...

AIW should be over 1.630 B by Sunday...

AIW Will make anywhere from 125 to 200 Million more in china for a total of 325 to 400 Million(Probably closer to 350 to 370)

It should make another 100 Million Domestically

and another 100 Million from all other Overseas Markets...

Meaning AIW will be at 1.630 B Sunday and can make another 325 to 400 Million....

1.9 Billion + is guaranteed.....and its either going to cross 2 Billion or Miss it by 20 or 30 Million....


It's gonna make another 100 million domestically after this weekend, huh?



its Making 60 Million + this weekend with a Great 48% drop....'

If you look at the history of films that Open around 60 million, most go on to make over 160 Million Domestically....

for example, Ant-Man opened to 57 Million and went on to make 180 M+

AIW should make another 100 Million domestically, especially with Memorial day weekend coming, that Will had an extra 15 Million....

lol by the way queen....

now that AIW has had a 56% 1st weekend drop, Drops Identical to Black Panther during its 2nd week, and now had a Great 48% drop its 3rd weekend......You Officially can not claim its having "bad drops" or "lol Rapid Declines"(LOL what a failure was)

AIW is Now having GOOD Holds....anything else you say it NOT factual!

your more than within in your right to point out its not having "WW or BP Holds"....but AIW is Officially having GOOD holds

But Hey like you said Not all films can have "WW and BB" type holds.

Just Like not all films can be Juggernaut(like AIW) and make more than WWs total in Less than 8 days

although if I were you and were trying to troll, In the future I would using different examples, WW and BP are horrible examples to use as films that had great legs, because they were both outliers, Thier box office results were heavily effected by Movements, we are 100% know much of WWs success and Legs is to due with the Womans that got behind it...and we know this because in her very next movie 5 months later, that audience didnt carry over to her next film, 25% of the audience that saw WW , didnt see JL

and With BP was know the same thing just to a less extent....It seems that Audience that saw BP and caused it to drastically overperform and have such great legs domestically ...did somewhat carry over to AIW...but not entirely as AIW isnt have as great as holds as BP

the point being these 2 films are terrible example of "Legs" because their box office results were drastically effected

The New Jumanji movie is A much better example of great legs....

regardless though...I'm not sure where you go from here....with a Sub 50% hold coming off a 56% hold....Theres simply no claiming AIW is having bad holds now....In fact based on CBM its having Great holds

I think at this point your probably going to maybe troll a few more times, but basically kinda give up and move on to SOLO...

Its got to be hitting you now that AIW is trollproof.....were looking at over 30 Box office records, THe highest grossing CBM ever made, The Most Profitable CBM ever made making Disney between 600 to 700 Million in Profit, were looking at A 630 Million + domestic gross gross and A Total gross between 1.9 to 2 Billion +, Making AIW the 4th highest grossing film ever made....

at this point theres simply no where for you to go...

I didnt laugh though when you said "It's gonna make another 100 million domestically after this weekend, huh?" like you actually understand box office....

you've done this so many times and been wrong so many times its just funny everytime you do it

remember when You didnt think BP was gonna top WW domestically after BPs OW....

You replied with "so you think BP is guaranteed to top WWs domestic Gross, huh?"

lol...remember when you didnt think Thor 3 could top 300 Million domestic?(Literally saying 300 M is Officially DEAD for Thor 3)

remember when you posted "Disney must be smoking something to project a 150 Million OW for BP"

remember when you said "You think BP is gonna top Avengers 621 M, I say no, you say yes, will see whos right"(of I course I was right)

remember when you said "Pacific Rim 2 was a crowd pleaser and Long Term Prospects were Great and it was LEG OUT"...then remember how PR2 failed to make 60 Million domestically?

remember when You said "Tomb Raider was a crowd please and Long Term Prospects were Great and it was LEG OUT"...then remember how Tomb Raider failed to make 60 Million domestically?


remember when you claimed Justice League would make 150 M +....then changed it to....133 M....115 M....105......100M+.....and after it had a pathetic 94 Million , you claimed "It would Dominate Thanksgiving and because it was such a crowd pleaser"....then remember JL had "Twlight" type holds over Thanksgiving

Remember When you MISSED by 71 Million dollars Of The Last Jedis OW?
remember When you MISSED by 56 Million dollars on JLs OW?
Remember When you MISSED by 81 on BPs OW
Remember When You Missed by 32 Million On RPOs OW?

lol basically....It may seem odd to you that AIW could make another 100 Million domestically.....but thats only because you dont understand box office and are terrible at box office...You've spent 6 months now making HUNDREDS of statements box office related that havent even came close to coming true.....AIW should make another 100 M domestically....theres nothing weird about that, Nothing Odd about that, The fact that you think it is, is proof you dont understand box office...

PS...I wanted to Had "remember when you claimed The Star War franchise is in deep trouble after TLJ and you predicted SOLO to make 500 Million or less WW(and then said it may be Much Less)...but we got to wait a few more weeks for that prediction to go down in FLAMES..


I think we just have a few more days to watch your Deadpool 2 prediction to go down in FLAMES.( there...I fixed it for you)

P.S. How 'bout that DP2 tracking and GLOWING first reactions.

Talk about "jumping the gun" on it being poorly received.

I notice you've been hiding from me whenever I confront you about the latest DP2 developments.




look again

I've already responded twice in 2 different threads admitting Its entirely possible that I could be wrong on Deadpool 2

I have no problem admitting that right now it looks like DP2 is at least going to match DP1s OW

but I'm waiting for reviews to hit before I know for sure

next as I said it the other threads, Lets get My Prediction right, what I exactly said was "DP2 isnt going to Make as Much As DP1 on OW, WW or Domestically, I said Its still going to be a Smash HIT though, but I believe its going to make between 110 to 125 On OW and between 700 to 750 WW...."

now this is key because, yes I may end up being wrong, BUT NOT WRONG LIKE YOU.....when You are wrong you are disastrously wrong and not even your going to miss on SOLO by HUNDREDS of millions....

I might just be 33% wrong, because I'm still extremely sure DP2 isnt going to make as much as DP1 WW and I'm still very confident that DP2 Will Decline domestically...even more so now that SOLO is having excellent reactions and will arrives just 7 days after DP2 to suck all the oxygen out of the room...

and also, YOU May have JUMPED the gun may be a little early too start celebrating that I was wrong, is predicting 133 M which Is slightly more than the Original..Its entirely possible if reviews hit and are bad or luke warm, DP2 couldnt easily slip and not make as much as DP1 just as I predicted

so again I say....I may turn out wrong about DP2s OW.(or I may turn out right) either way I'll freely admit it

but to your Horror, I'm probably gonna be right on 2/3 of my prediction....again proving, even when I'm wrong... I still beat you..Because even when Im wrong, I'm not nearly as Wrong as you are

also did you find it even a little bit embarrassing that I listed about 15 examples where you were disastrously wrong and honestly the best you could do was come back with 1 example where I MIGHT be KINDA wrong.....

I dont know queen.....15 kinda trumps 1.....I think you kinda just proved how amazing I am at box office, I've been giving box office predictions against you for 7 months now and I can rattle off probably 50 to 100 False and wrong statements/prediction you made....

and the best you can do is MAYBE find 1

so ...Thanks?

its kinda the ultimate compliment what you just did, Once you read my reply and saw that I list 15 embarrassing fails of yours, its just natural that your first thought or reaction would be to try and list some of Mine to get back at me.....and the fact that YOU COULD ONLY think of/find 1 time I MIGHT be truly a great compliment to me....

I'm sure you wanted to add that one time when you THOUGHT I was wrong....remember....a month ago when RPO opened HUGE in China and you Prematurely thought it meant RPO was going to gross 250 Million in China(again this is due to your lack of box office knowledge, you didnt know Chinas box office is drastically different from domestic, you were assuming that based on RPO's opening in would make 250 million total and it would have if China's box office was similar to US's, But you didnt know that In China films have much bigger and faster drops, films can drop up to 90% in their 2nd weekend in China which would be impossible in The US, but of course you just assumed China was the same as US and the large opening meant RPO would have the same holds in China as the US) so you started for a week straight posting in every thread

remember when you said "NO WAY RPO will make 250 M in China"

you prematurely though I was going to be wrong due to you lack of understanding box office....Of course RPO didnt make 250 M in China just as I predicted and embarrassingly you had to stop posting my quote because it ended up coming true...

the best you can do Is think of a time when I was ALMOST wrong....

P.S. How 'bout that DP2 tracking and GLOWING first reactions.

^^^^ bout that SOLO Tracking thats even higher and GLOWING REACTIONS even more overwhelming positive than DP2


reply said Deadpool 2 OW would no just be "down" from the first DP but "WAY DOWN" and it would do 100 million at best...NOT the 125 million like you are saying now.

You"re probably going back and editing all of your embarrassing posts on this matter.


No,,,,not at all what I said....

when we originally talked about this....I said I expected between 110 to 125(I think I said closer to 110)

then about to 2 weeks later, I found you in another thread to Make fun of you....I posted "hey queen, did you see has DP2 tracking at 100 M.....and then said also did you hear about The awful "Screenings" where audiences hate it....

remember this now.....because I know you will....I then specifically said "damn queen It looks like DP2 is even going to decline even more than I thought....I then specifically said I was thinking a 110 to 125 OW....but it may be worse than that"

I think thats what you are remembering....I never predicted 100 M(thats too low, I wouldnt do that)

but I did, try to rub it your face that was predicting it....

if you'll just be honest, You'll remember, you got to remember me saying "Its tracking even worse than I thought"

My Original prediction the very first time we talked was.....110 to 125 M On OW and 700 to 750 M(adding it will still be a Smash it but IMO will decline)

then 2 weeks later, I quoted and to run it your face, said "Damn queen It may be worse than I thought...If reviews are as bad as The screenings suggest, and Its tracking as low as 100 M,it may have a bigger decline than I was expecting"

just be honest for once...I know I've destroyed you here in this thread and the best you can do is excuse me of lying....But you should remember this....If I really need ...I'll go back in find it but that will take awhile...I hope you'll just admit it....

I predicted A decline between 110-125 M.....then 2 weeks quoted bo.coms 100 M tracking to try and rub it in your face....I never Predicted 100 M...In fact I specifically said many times that was worse than I was expecting

PS I dont edit past post.....I only Edit Box office posts with new and updated results

can you think of one thing in the past I've edited? I'm seriously asking, and I'm asking because I know I havent and know you literally cant give one example of me doing it...

with that being said....Its definitely something you should I see a number of your past threads and predictions I think to myself , dear god if I failed that badly I would delete them....


Hey queen....Just wanted to update you....

Projections are AIW had an even better saturday hold than expected and is now looking at a 62 M ....46% hold....

wont know for sure until in the morning..But far from your SAD and embarrassing "Rapid Decline" Trolling fail....

It's gonna make another 100 million domestically after this weekend, huh?

PS...Just wanted to add further to this..^^^^^^^

and to illustrate how you dont think or do any research before posting....

You clearly said this because you seem to think its absurd that it could make another 100 M....

but you only think its absurd because You dont understand box office and didnt to any research...

for Example...The Avengers Went on to make another 150 Million after this point..and right now, AIW is having holds similar to The Avengers, The Avengers had a 46% 3rd weekend drop and thats exactly what AIW is heading to....

but heres the real Kick in the balls for you and heres what makes you look like such an idiot for thinking its absurd that AIW couldnt make another 100 M......Age of Ultron made another 87 Million dollars at this same point in time..and AOU is having Much Bigger drops in every way

AOU made 38 Million in its 3rd weekend and had a 50% drop....AIW in making 60 M+ + 46%

which means If AOU made another 87 Million after this exact point in time in which it was Making Less and having worse holds.....Its not unreasonable at all that AIW could easily make another 100 M...

and heres the other reason why you look like an Idiot....You forgot about Memorial day Weekend....

next week will be AIWs 4th weekend, It should make anywhere between 25 to 35 Million(I'm giving some room because DP2 is coming).

but the week after that is Memorial day Weekend...and Instead of having a 45 to 50% drop and only making 15 to 17 M....due to Memorial day Weekend its going to make between 22 to 27 Million

So Literally in the next 2 weeks AIW will make at least 80 M dom. from back to back 25 to 35 M and 22 to 27 Million weekends(and in case your not smarter enough to understand where the other 20M is coming from , Its coming from Monday through Thursday grosses)

So in conclusion....I guaranteed AIW will make another 100 M domestic......Had you done even 2 mins of research and simply looked up how much AOU made after its 3rd weekend....You would have instantly seen it made 87 Million and would have known 100 M is easily doable...

instead you just saw a BIG NUMBER and decided to troll

anyways looking forward to adding your "It's gonna make another 100 million domestically after this weekend, huh?" statement to the ever growing list of fails that a constantly quote and ABUSE with...

I say in about 16 days it should it should easily make another 100 M but dont worry I'll post it in many threads when it happens to remind you it made another 100 M...

finally do you have enough balls to give a Prediction on SOLO?

a month ago you were at 500 M world Wide or

you've clearly read the reactions and seen the absolutely know right now Your going to be off by HUNDREDS of Millions ....but I'm also sure your ready to start moving the goal posts...can you give a new prediction?

do you think Its going to be a Hit? If so how much do you think it will make?

do you think it will be a flop, If so, how much is that, is it still Under 500 M, Or are you now thinking 600? 700 ?....

I'll go first....

I think Solo is gonna make over 725 Million WW and Will be a hit if it does and will get a sequel(I also think 725 M is the floor and could very easily make 800 or 900 M)

I think If SOLO grosses any thing between 550 to 650 it Wil be a flop, It will lose Disney money and no sequel will happen(lol I also believe there is literally ZERO chance of your originally prediction happening, IMO Solo could literally get a 0% on RT, and be universally considered the worst film ever made....and it would still make over 500 M)

this is a tough one for you..because I know you want to hedge your bets here...Its very important to that SOLO is a disappointment ..So I highly doubt you'll give a prediction....You'll want to claim its a disappointment no matter what it makes..So giving a prediction backs you into a corner

but I gave a specifc prediction, I just manned up and put my prediction out there and am taking the risk, its either one or the other for me now

can you follow my lead and make a prediction?


Two things jump to mind here for BOTH AIW AND Solo and that's DP2.

DP2 looks to be coming in hot and huge which will make your 100 million for AIW in the next 16 days very difficult and will also have a big impact on Solo. I can't give a final prediction on Solo until we see just how huge DP2 is.


DP2 looks to be coming in hot and huge which will make your 100 million for AIW in the next 16 days very difficult and will also have a big impact on Solo. I can't give a final prediction on Solo until we see just how huge DP2 is.


So wait are you now already moving the goal posts?

first it was you didnt think it would make another 100 M at al....

But now after I explained to you how it easily will, now your going to try and claim in wont do it the 16 days I said?

be specific here queen?

which is it...

your original Fail?

or your updated Moving the Goal Posts fail?

are you giving up already on AIW not making another 100 M

or are you now going with "Ok its going to make another 100 M but not in the 16 days your claiming"....

PS thoughts on 62 Million 46% decline.....kinda kills your "rapid decline" trolling huh?

Also Not entire sure why your waiting on DP2 to make a prediction for SOLO....SOLO is going to impact DP2 not the other way around.....sounds to me like you just dont want to give a prediction

regardless though, your 500 Million or less trolling prediction is out the widow right?

I mean there is no scenario where you believe that even comes close now right? you may not want to give a prediction because you'll dont want to put a number out there because then if SOLO passes that number you cant claim its a disappointment

but even with you too afraid to give a prediction, its safe to 500 Million or less is DEAD right? lol

I can't give a final prediction on Solo until we see just how huge DP2 is.

Given that SOLO is PG13 and DP2 is Rated R and that SOLO is coming out after DP2....your statement is backwards, you should be saying "I can't give a final prediction on DP2 until we see just how huge SOLO is."

SOLO is going to cause DP2 to have a Huge 2nd weekend drop...given its PG13 rating and Much stronger fanbase, SOLO is going to have an advantage over DP

DP2 looks to be coming in hot and huge which will make your 100 million for AIW in the next 16 days very difficult and will also have a big impact on Solo.

again as I've pointed out in 3 threads most DP2 Might cost Avenger IW 5 Million next weekend

given that AIW made 62 M this weekend..we should expect a 28 to 32 Million 4th weekend(48 to 50% hold)..but given that DP2 is coming it wouldnt surprise me if AIW had a big 60% drop, which would be around 24 to 26 Million..which again is a small 5 Million dollar decline/LOSS from DP2...

maybe over the of course its entire run DP2 might costs AIW 20 to 25 Million total...(LOL but SOLO may cost DP2 upwards of 20 to 25 Million its DP2's 2nd weekend, +80 to 100 M overall)

I get that your angry with Disneys success with AIW...But you cant just make up facts...DP2 just cant effect AIW that Much....AIW has just made too much of its box office...right now the bulk of AIWs box office is going to come from China which DP2 wont even be playing against AIW

at this point its almost like you are reverse trolling..everything you are saying is exactly the opposite....Your claimin DP2 is going to effect SOLO and AIW..when the truth is SOLO is going to effect DP2

I think reality is starting to hit that AIW is Troll Proof, your probably wanting to move on to start trolling SOLO but also know that movie is going to be a Huge hit and easily make HUNDREDS of MILLIONS more than you predicted...I think your just trolling at out spite now....just saying "Fuck it I'm gonna claim DP2 is coming to destroy them both" but in reality you know DP2 is probably gonna be the least success out of the 3

and that kills you that your having to watch 2 more Disney films beat DP2

also because I'm not biased, when I say "DP2 is probably gonna be the least success out of the 3"....I'm in no way suggesting DP2 isnt going to do great or be a huge hit..Its just IMO probably not going to out gross SOLO and wont make HALF of what AIW makes.

but that Ok, I understand not all films can be Juggernauts like AIW, DP2 is still going to do just fine(Wink, Wink, Tribute to one of your past failed trolling statements)


You are welcome to do whatever you want, but I have to say that I’m liking this approach of updating one box office thread as opposed to creating multiple individual threads. Makes for easier reading, in my opinion.

Hoping to get to the theater myself this week to catch it.


Update 7---

AIW Had a 62 Million dollar 3rd weekend With a very good 46% hold(could get even better with actual number Monday)

and Exploded in China for the all time of 200 Million Opening weekend

AIW made another 88 Million from all other Markets...for a 350 Million dollar global weekend

AIW is now the highest Grossing CBM ever Made

Excellent Weekend for IW


Just wondering if $2b is on or off the table now?


It looks like it's off. Even billbrown is calling it at 1.8-9 tops


He has gone back and forth about 5 times on the total. His original totals were 1.375 to 1.7b then 2 billion was on the table then it was off again, now he is saying 1.9. I think its still on considering the totals from China have not been updated yet. I am just waiting for the long winded explanation. :)


One thing we know for sure is that he originally said "NO WAY does Deadpool 2's OW match DP1''s going to be WAY down".


One thing we know for sure is that he originally said "NO WAY does Deadpool 2's OW match DP1''s going to be WAY down".


I also said NO WAY DP2 matches DP1s domestic gross or World Wide gross either....

Theres a very good chance I'm going to be right on 2 of 3 of my predictions

remember when you MiSSED on all 4 of your predictions on RPO...

remember you predicted

85 Million On OW

200 M+ domestically

700 M+ WW

and 250 M+ in China

lol...hilariously, even when I'm wrong I still beat you....because even when I'm wrong I'm just kinda wrong, unlike you when you are wrong You are disastrously wrong about everything...

lol Your about to be Wrong BY HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of dollars on Solo....You predicted 500 M WW or Less for solo....

lol I predicted between 110 to 125 for DP2 and between 700 to 750 M WW(even adding it would still be a smash hit just decline )

You on the other hand predicted the Star Wars franchise was doomed after TLJ and claimed Audience would be so disappointed by TLJ , SOLO would badly flop and Make 500 M WW or Less....

also you do realize, DP2 is tracking right now between 125 to 150 M....with 2 different sites Predicted 133 and 135 Million....which is less than 1% higher than its entirely possible DP2 might in fact NOT make as much as DP2 just as I said...Its entirely possible YOUR JUMPING the gun...

remember, all tracking put JL between 110 to 120 Million and it didnt come close to tracking(hilariously you predicted 150 M+)

basically you might want to actually wait tell DP2 opens and its higher than what I claimed...because right now the tracking is just too close to call...

but whats not to close to call is DP2s WW and domestic gross, With SOLO coming to suck all the oxygen out of the room and Then JW...I'm going to at least be right on 2 of 3 of my predictions...

wouldnt you like to claim the same? wouldnt it have been nice to get 2 of 4 right on RPO...instead you just got EVERYTHING wrong...


[–] QueenFanUSA (814) 7 days ago

One thing we know for sure is that he originally said "NO WAY does Deadpool 2's OW match DP1''s going to be WAY down".

oh the irony

7 days ago you were so happy queen.....

7 days ago you were feeling so much joy, 100% confident I was finally gonna be wrong...

7 days sit at your computer Shell shocked facing the HORROR that DP2 had the exact DECLINE I predicted and You now know you spent 3 weeks posting my "NO WAY does Deadpool 2's OW match DP1''s going to be WAY down". prediction that now turned out to be 100% right....

lol HELL have to be in Hell right now

OH PS....



He has gone back and forth about 5 times on the total. His original totals were 1.375 to 1.7b then 2 billion was on the table then it was off again, now he is saying 1.9. I think its still on considering the totals from China have not been updated yet. I am just waiting for the long winded explanation. :)


just to be clear thats how box office works....You make a Prediction before it opens(Mine was 1.350 to 1.6 Billion I think)..Then once the results come in You start doing the Math and making Future "Forecasts"(Not New Predictions)

I havent Changed My prediction once...Mine was 1.350 to 1.6 Billion and I WAS WRONG

what I've been doing since is Updating the newest box office based on the latest results coming in

thats what all box office analysts do....If you go back and look at the time line of tweets from box office analysts you'll see just like me, every weekend they give a different/New Update and The Long term forecast based on New results

my 1st "forecast" started out Saturday at 12 PM..Based on the earliest projections that had AIW opening over 240 M and opening to 300 M overseas...I did the math and said 1.5 Billion + is guaranteed right now

then when sunday hit and final numbers came in and they were 257 M OW and 380 Million overseas....I instantly updated and said, 1.8 to 2 Billion is now on the table

and now most recently with AIW out performing all estimates and expectations in China, I've done the Math and Now know 1.9 B + is guaranteed.

again these arent predictions, these are just updates of where AIW could land based on newest box office info.These updates are supposed to change

you can only have 1 original prediction, Mine was Mine was 1.350 to 1.6 Billion..I was wrong..I knew I was wrong Saturday at 12PM, I didnt change my prediction or make excuses, I MISSED as did many others

all 3 major box office sites do the same thing and so does Forbes and Varity, every weekend They give a New long term Forecast based on newest results The reason why Mine and thier Forecasts have changed every step of the way is.....AIW is out performing all realistic estimates

before AIW opened..The highest opening a Marvel Studios film had overseas was 204 Million....that was AOU..with AIW, everyone expected a bigger result, But we all thought it would be something like 250 to 270 M..380 Million just wasnt reasonable to expect.

the second We saw those results, saw AIW nearly doubled AOU opening we all had to drastically update our "forecasts" for AIW total box office

Next came China and again no one saw this result coming...before AIW, Marvel Studios biggest opening in china was 155 M with AOU but It was 6 days, AOU came out for a 6 days weekend

then Civil War debuted to 90 M+ and made 180 M total in most everyone thought anything between a 100 to 150 M OW was possible for AIW and anything between a total of 180 to 260 M of possible for AIW

Instead AIW exploded for a 200 M + opening weekend and will make between 320 to 380 M....these results just couldnt be expected....once they happened ...we all had to adjust our "forecasts" for AIWs total....

basically what I'm getting at is.....I'm no longer giving Predictions....I'm giving Updated forecasts for AIW based on the newest box office results....These should change every week, every major site and box office analysts has had the exact same changes....AIW is Over performing so drastically and performing so strong is certain markets we have to keep making updates because its so unexpected...

check Grace Randolph, Gitesh Pandya, Box, box officemojo's Tweets and time lines.....just like me, every weekend they give the updated results then give a new forecast for AIWs potential total...they all started of around 1.5 to 1.6 B...Then moved to 1.8 Billion after OW....and NOw after China all have moved to 1.9 to 2 Billion...

in conclusion....You didnt know the difference between a Prediction and Giving Forecasts....Forecasts are supposed to change based on newest results and when you have a film out performing all reasonable expectations week after week, They are going to change Weekly...

go back and check....I didnt change my prediction once and didnt claim or make any excuses, I gave 1 prediction for AIW and it was 1.350 to 1.6 Billion....I MISSED and was wrong, Hell in another thread I even explained why I was wrong and what went into me think it was going to make 1.350 to 1.6 Billion....

I'm not queen.....I dont live in a delusional reality where I cant admit I'm wrong because I have a deep unnatural hatred for Disney...

I'm not sure often about box office, But if I am I'll just freely admit it....I was wrong about AIW....


It looks like it's off. Even billbrown is calling it at 1.8-9 tops


did you read the Post.....I specifcally Said "1.9 Billion + is guaranteed NOW...."

1.8 Billion is off the table....Its topping 1.9 Billion is going to get either in the high 1.9 Billions or Make 2 B...


Just wondering if $2b is on or off the table now?

^^^Completely on the table.....

Its at 1.607 B now....

Its got another 120 to 180 Million Left to make in China...

another 100 to 140 Million left to make domestically...

and another 70 to 100 Million to make from remaining overseas markets...

Right Now 1.9 Billion + guaranteed....With 2 Billion completely on the table....Its either Going to hit 2 B+ or Miss by like 20 or 30 Million....
