The Time stone *SPOILERS*


I think the reason Dr. strange gave it to him, is because it was the one future in which everyone survives. I can’t think of any other reason he would give it up to save Tony, unless he saw that future as the one where they all live. Of course we’ll have to wait until Avengers 4 to when they go back in time and see how it all plays out.

For now, I’m happy Cap is still alive. I was dreading seeing him die in this one. Sad that Bucky died before he could actually be happy. Looking forward to what Avengers 4 brings and how they will undo all of this. It’ll be weird with the upcoming movies though....Ant Man and Wask, Spider-Man 2 and the next Guardians 3. Captain Marvel will be interesting, although don’t know how much they’ll go into this timeline, since I’m assuming it’ll be an origin story similar to Captain America: First Avenger set in the past. Haven’t seen any of the spoiler set pics or any of that.


I hope Dr. Strange had a good reason for doing that. I was very upset that he just gave it up so easily! Hopefully we'll find out in the next movie.


It seemed that he had a definite reason for his actions, most likely tied into what he saw when he used the time stone.

As for upcoming films, only two are coming out before Avengers 4. Captain Marvel is set in the '90s an tells the origin of Captain Marvel. If you stuck around for the post-credits scene, you know that Nick Fury signaled her just before he died. And Man and the Wasp is the other, and I can only guess that it will take place before Avengers 4, or somehow intersect it. Maybe Ant-Man ends up in Dr. Strange's pocket via the Quantum Realm and is hiding in the time stone. :P


Yep, there was one. the screenplay writers were idiots. Thats why they had to built in that stupid scene, where a movie character explains that they arent as stupid as they are in reality.

Real screenplay writers would have realized, that the Time stone is the most impriotant one in that movie. Therefor either steal that one first or ..... stop writing. Cause in the moment that the Avengers knew that Thanos is going to build up a stone collection for his Panini album (shaped like a glove :) ) the first thing every character would instantly do is ..... destory the time stone. Cause that way Thanos couldnt undo anything and is as limited with his powers as possible.

But hey, that what rel screenplaywriters would have done. And that obviously exclude the idiots which did the script for Avengers 3.


Yeah that was annoying. You’re right, without the time stone, not only could he not fulfill his plan, but he couldn’t go back in time and undo anything, like he did with Vision. I don’t get why Dr. strange was so adamant that the stone not be destroyed. He refused, at all costs. Meanwhile Vision gave up how life to have his stone destroyed. What the hell? Dr. strange is the one Marvel movie I haven’t watched, are his powers solely from the Time Stone? Is he basically useless without it?

My only guess is that either the way things were playing out, it was the one that Dr. strange envisioned where they would win if he gave them the time stone. Or in the 14+ million scenarios Dr. strange saw, all the other ones he refused to give the Time Stone, and the only one where they all survived or at least half the universes didnt get wiped out, was if he just handed it over. Who knows.

The other thing that annoyed me was how Starlord basically was the reason why half the Universe died. Had he only waited a few more minutes, like Tony demanded, they would have gotten the glove off and he would have been powerless. But no, Starlord couldn’t wait a single minute to punch him because Gamora was dead - even though he himself pulled the trigger to kill her back when he got the reality Stone. That just pissed me off. He is the reason that they couldn’t get the glove off and end it all right then and there, and he’s also the reason why Dr. strange ultimately gave him the time stone. What a complete waste.


That was lazy plotwriting number one. Stating "There is just one possibility" when thats simply wrong. Doctor Strange destroying the Time Stone and the movie is over. Its that easy. So he had to be the first victom of Thanos. Cause in every other way this movie wouldnt have worked out anyway. So the plot starts with a complete false premise.

The plot is done by some real superbrains :) . They never thought about it for once. And cause that was so obvious the buiult in that unwillingly funny scene where Dcotor Strange stated "Theres only one way to stop Thanos". Yes, indeed. Destroy your f*cking stone, idiot! But then the complete movie wouldnt exist, cause with the time stone destroyed Thanos could be easily stopped. So ..... they did eveything wrong form the first moment of the movie on.


You're assuming Dr. Strange has the ability to destroy an infinity stone, and do so in the tiny amount of time he had before Thanos came for it. You're also assuming that Dr. Strange did not see thousands, or millions, of realities in which he did do that, or attempted to do that, but failed. Just because you want the story to work one way, and one way only, doesn't mean it's lazy writing or a plot hole when the writers take it in a different direction.


Iron Man stated "Destroy the stone". He wouldnt stated that, if it werent possible. And the last stone was easily destroyed at the end of the movie. And without stupid Strange this would have ended the movie. But no, the screenplaywriters never thought of anything and therefor we have this mess of a movie.


Iron Man suggested it, but that doesn't mean he knows how to do it, or how long it will take. Further, while it is entirely unclear as to whether the method for destroying the mind stone would work on the time stone, the only method we know works involves Wanda using her powers, which wasn't an option for Dr. Strange.

Also consider-- perhaps Strange knows how to destroy it, but knows it will take too long, or it involves some item or person he doesn't have access to at that time.

Also consider-- Strange viewed something like 14 million alternate realities, and only in one did the Avengers win. Perhaps one of the other stones can rebuild the time stone. Or perhaps when they attempt to destroy it, they always fail.

You're grasping and guessing, and are fixated on only one solution that you personally like. That doesn't make for a plot hole or lazy writing, it just makes you a stubborn person with tunnel vision who is unwilling to admit he's wrong about something.


DoctorStrange made that "Everything would be impossible - except one solution. And no, im not the biggest idiot in the known universe!" plot device when they already were in their journey. So destroying the stone would have been already a thing of the past. So its not part of this most obvious lazy writng plot device ever.

Its so obvious what happened. They relaized that they did a big mistake by not realizing the time stone is the core of everything for that story. So instead of restarting the screenplaywriting they built this unwillingly funny and most obvious plot device into the script. Which title is "No, were arent as stupid as most movie viewers already would have realized!" :) .

So the story break down at 2 points. When they realized way too late that the story like they wrote it didnt work at all (and simply fixed that bug by some obvious plot device). And then when they didnt even knew how to make THE key scene suspenseful without using the "put an complete idiot into it" method. To make it clear for you: that scene is the same like thos stupid "Girls always stumble when they are haunted by a monster" during all the cheap horroro movies from the 50s to the 80s. Thats the same supercheap plot device and everyone hated it. Cause its so obvious and lazy.


You're inserting a lot of guesswork, opinion, and unsubstantiated hunches into things. Everything you wrote is just your guess. Never was there any indication given that the time stone could be destroyed at all, let alone with the materials at hand, let alone in the amount of time they had.


Guesswork? Iron Man "Destroy the stone!" .... Strange "No, ive sworn to defend it!". There goes your "No, I cant destroy the stone like the woman at the end of the movie!" :) . Strange never stated he couldnt destroy it. He always stated "I dont give a sh*t about all humans, cause I dont want to detroy my favorite toy!".

That wold have been even fine. But too late the screenplaywriters realized "Damn, the time stone is the major point of that movie. Why have we presented Strange at the beginning of the movie like a spoiled child?". And instead of doing the plot completely new (now that they know that the time stone is the most essential of them all) they fixed that bug with Strange appearing like his mind fuse had some problems and then stating "K, I could have easily destroyed my favorite toy .... the stone already. But there is also a small possibility to avoid that we lose. That method has the problem that half of all living beings (including the Avengers) at the whole universe would die a painful dead (only cause im a spoiled child), but later they would live again!". Wow, what a patch for that major bug :) . Thos guys should be hired by Microsoft :) .


Well, to be fair, it was the Mind Stone that was destroyed by a hero who has the power to control minds. Does any hero have the power to control time (without using the Time Stone itself)? I don't think so, so perhaps destroying the Time Stone wasn't a real option.


Dis is a good pt


Guardians 3? Until the events of Infinity War are undone Guardians 3 will consist of Rocket and Nebula. It'll have a great soundtrack as always but not much else. I can only imagine Sly Stallone, Michelle Yeoh and the other Ravagers we saw in Guardians 2 will take up the slack.


Well, Ant-Man and The Wasp will likely take place before IW and the end credits will probably set up their return in Avengers 4 (perhaps Hank Pym fades away?) and Captain Marvel takes place in the 90's so for the most part, we should be left in the dark on what will happen in Avengers 4 until the end credits of Captain Marvel. Spider Man 2 and Guardians 3 are after Avengers 4 so there is nothing to worry about there.


It's obvious. In the over 16 million possible scenarios Doctor Strange saw, just ONE had them winning over Thanos.

Then when he gives up the Time Stone, he specifically tells Tony "It's the only way."

To me, that tells everything. That one instant he saw, he gives up the stone and they end up winning. Of course, we have to wait around till Avengers 4 to see HOW they win.


I concur. Add 2 pt dat Strange warned Tony dat he wud not hesitate sacrificin him for ze stone and it purdy much solidifies dis theory for upcomin plot. Ze cheap dialogue gave it all away.


Agree. While there COULD be a number of reasons why he gave it away so easily, knowing that it was the only they could all survive and beat Thanos has to be the more likely reason.

When it comes to the time travel theories for Avengers 4, they could be nothing but theories. Although I’m expecting they will eventually go that route, and I look forward to seeing it.

But ah, there was so much to take in from this film. I was so relieved to see Stark and Cap make it (close one for Stark). Loki? We all knew it was coming but still... :(


I think what could happen is in Ant-Man, maybe Scott discovers he’s able to go back in time. After all, Hank’s wife is coming back for the sequel. And considering Scott was the only one to go molecular (or whatever you want to call it) maybe when he finds Hank’s wife when he does it again, he also discovers there’s other special things he can do. Luckily Ant-Man 2 is coming up very soon, so we’ll find out if he’s got that capability or not. It’s the only way I can see them being able to go back in time...unless Captain Marvel has something up her sleeve that allows her to time travel.

Yeah it was pretty much a given Loki would die. I’m not looking forward to Cap or Tony dying in the last Avengers. I just can’t see Steve retiring. Not unless he can go back in time and be with Peggy. That would be a sweet ending for him. I’d be happy with that. But then that would kind of screw up the future I think. But at least Agent Carter is no longer on the air, so they don’t have to worry about her timeline. I’d be happy with Bucky picking up the shield after that. Although not having any Steve and Bucky moments would suck. They both deserve some happiness. Bucky going at it alone would be sad. But Chris Evans has said he’s pretty much done with Cap. I don’t know if I could see Tony retire either, but I hope he gets a happy ending. Maybe he and Pepper get that baby he dreamt about? I wouldn’t be surprised if Thor dies. He’s pretty much the only Asgardian left now, everyone in his family is dead, he no longer has a home and all his people are dead. Unless they have a Thor 4 up their sleeve, I can’t see Thor making it in the 4th movie. Who knows though.


That's a very astute thought. Dr. Strange clearly knew *something* when he handed over the stone. On one hand, it could have been inevitability. Thanos was going to kill Stark, then kill him and eventually find the stone. Far more likely, Dr. Strange knows something we, and Thanos don't, and it could very well be that the only scenario in which Thanos is defeated is one in which he gives up the stone, then Ant Man does something in the quantum realm that affects time or the time stone.
