MovieChat Forums > Captain Marvel (2019) Discussion > Did anti-feminism boycott actually help ...

Did anti-feminism boycott actually help the Box office?

This is a lesser known (or dare I say, B grade?) superhero vs Wonder Woman, who opened to just over 100M at the box office. Granted, this is an MCU movie, but shouldn’t this have opened closer to a Marvel origin movie, vs closer to the top tier MCU opening weekends? I just feel that all of the awareness placed on the movie because of the boycott may have had the opposite effect than what was intended by the boycotters. Thoughts?


Remember back before all the Marvel Movies, back when the liberals didn't pay any attention to comics and Marvel was awesome and making awesome things like Maximum Carnage. Then the movies came and the comics all of a sudden just focus on how to make Spider-Man a black kid or who should be Ice Man's first gay kiss?


And it has basically brought the comic industry to the brink of destruction.

I get laughed at and called names regularly due to this but these SJW/Liberal types don't care what happens, they just want their message regardless of the outcome. It will take everything we have ever loved from TV to movies to comic books, all your favourite entertainment of all genres and ruin them forever in the name of diversity and inclusion.

Always remember diversity is just code for less white men.


Truthfully I don’t think anyone really cared about the anti feminism stuff. While I love Brie Larson and mostly went to see it because of her, Brie Larson isn’t really know as a BO star before this Captain Marvel movie. The only other big movie Brie was in was Kong which was shared with a few other stars and Kong. They could have put Emily Blunt in it and it would have made the same money. That’s why I laugh when RT and YouTube messing around with whole scores and views. Even if there was a small boycott might have been just a few thousands tops not enough to make a dent in the BO numbers. At the end of the day Marvel is just too big to fail at least right now. Captain Marvel will make a lot of money. I am curious if Marvel Disney spent more than normal on advertising cause there sure seem to be a lot more advertising than say Ant man or Thor 3. Kind of like Black Panther which was everywhere. When push that many ads out there then casual movie goers feel like well this is a can’t miss movie.



There may have been a few people who chose to go only after it became known some others were boycotting it, but I'm sure more people than that made the choice just as a direct result of Brie's comments. Call it "woke-vertising". Identity politics sell, I guess, much as I wish they didn't.

However I'm also sure both those groups were far, far outweighed by people simply lured by Disney's usual firehose marketing and the fact Marvel is still presently huge.


I think it maybe because it is more than just an origin movie. It ties in with End game. That and it was basically released a monthish before End game which is probably the most anticipated MCU movie in history.
