Audrey's scenes.

We have seen Audrey twice now in the same oddly old-fashioned room, talking about leaving but she still hasn't left it even though she seems desperate to.

Her conversations with her 'husband' seem strange also.

Is she still in a coma? Is that why she hasn't mentioned Richard yet?


I was wondering about that? Or is Charlie her shrink? But then that wouldn't explain the old-fashioned furniture.


He's probably her subconscious mind.


He tickles me at how he looks at her. As if she is crazy as hell! lol.


Wouldn't you be if you were trapped in the same room for 25 years with only an imaginary dwarf husband for company?




Charlie says he is her husband at one point.

On second watching, there is a dial telephone, he uses a filofax (80s thing) to look the phone number up and oddly there is a crystal ball on his desk (he says to Audrey that he doesn't have one).

Two legible book titles on the shelf behind her. One is called 'Books By T S Eliot' and the other is called 'Happy Times' which looks like it is this book -


Good catch! This will lead up to something. We know that girl talking in the bar said her Mom's name is Tina.


Wow ya know her still being in a coma and her scenes just being in her head never occurred to me, but that could actually be the case now that i think about it. It would make sense with the line she said in the recent episode "I wanna leave, but i don't wanna leave" could her leaving mean her actually waking up?

I mean thinking about it now its as if shes making up reasons to not leave, like saying she didn't know where the Roadhouse was. Maybe it means she doesn't wanna wake up and her husband is like her subconscious trying to push her out the door to get her to wake up.

I just don't see any other reason why its making it a big deal for her to just leave the house, two episodes with her just standing in a room debating about whether to leave or not. Now that i think about it she has to still be in a coma, it would make sense why neither Ben nor her mother has mentioned her once with the Richard incidents.


Possibly. Except Doc Hayward seemed to be talking about her coma as if it were a past event (unless he was just referring to her being in the hospital and now she's somewhere else being taken care of), and it'd be an awful coincidence if people in real life were looking for a "Billy" too who went missing around the same time. It was a strange conversation though.

If she is still in a coma then there's a good chance Ben has her set up somewhere and the reveal would be him checking on her.


It would explain Ben's comment about Richard not having a father (because everybody else would already know he had no mother as she was in a coma)


On the other hand, if that were the case it would have made more sense for him to say Richard had never had parents than to single out the father.


Perhaps, if you are talking about someone else's child, but Audrey was his daughter which changes how he views things.


She may have heard the name being spoken of by the people/carers around her. She speaks of people that haven't been named in the series so she could be making them all up for extra company, like the husband.




"Fruitcake anyone?"


I know, right? Mind blown. I didn't even consider that theory when i was watching.


My mind has been blown repeatedly by Lynch, especially in episode eight. He's a master at that. I can't wait for episode 14.


"He's dead."


Oh it's about to get real crazy up in twin peaks. I can feel it.


I can too, and I can hardly wait for the final episodes. I even got Showtime added to my cable package just so I could watch TP. It's one of the best ever on TV.


"Fruitcake anyone?"


I feel the same...can hardly wait for sundays anymore. Good man getting showtime added just for twin peaks. Id of done the same if we didn't already have it.


Thanks. It was a simple decision for me. I came to the original two seasons very, very late, like about two years ago when I bought the DVD Box Set. I was not about to wait that long for season three.



Shit. Try waiting 26 years! I was ready to pee myself by the time season 3 started.


LOL and Damn! I can't even imagine that! I would have peed myself LONG before 26 years had passed.







Mine too. I was taking the Audrey scenes literally but this makes much more sense- she is imagining all of it! She seems in genuine distress and not knowing what is happening to her. So she does not know she's in a coma.


I thought of that, but like I said it'd be an awful coincidence unless she had happened to hear about "Billy" going missing at around the time he really did go missing.


It's hilarious to watch the Lynch sycophants make excuses for his pointless meanderings. Too bad he doesn't put as much thought into this nonsense as his fangirls do making up silly theories that will not pan out.


OK Pantiween.


What an odd thing to post.


Yup, it is odd.


Modica you've been funny lately, keep it up, i like it.


I am funnier than those dumb comedians on the show I'm Dying Up Here. If that show is renewed over Twin Peaks, I will be pissed.


I wasn't being sarcastic. Is this a real concern? Like are they really considering doing that?


Oh I know you were being truthful and not sarcastic. Sorry if you thought I was upset or something. Yes, they might bring back that comedian show and cancel Twin Peaks. No word yet, but it is in the realm of possibility.


I just gotta say, im drinking a damn fine cup of joe this morning.

Well, no fear my dear. If this does happen, we'll just have to RIOT !!!


Yup, I will lead that riot.


This is literally the only place i go for twin peaks. I never look up the tidbits and news cause im afraid of spoilers and i don't like my views changed one way or another. Basically im watching twin peaks in a 1990 time warp with the exception of this message board.




That would be horrible, and I would then drop Showtime.



Audrey being in a coma could be another push towards her and Cooper FINALLY getting together, both of them coming to at the end of the series, both having lost 25 years of their lives...


That won't happen...


Either way, it's drawing a parallel between the two


Yes, but I don't see Cooper becoming Cooper until the very end which isn't enough time to have him get together with Audrey. Not enough episodes to get all the questions answered even.


We shall see.



I think Mark Frost will write another book or 2 on Twin Peaks. I think they just have enough time to settle Cooper's story. I get the feeling that is what the eyeless women is for.
I doubt there will be a season 4.


I don't think we will see Audrey again. Her two scenes served their purpose.
