MovieChat Forums > Twin Peaks: The Return (2017) Discussion > Tonight's episode ... Holy shit

Tonight's episode ... Holy shit

Does anybody know what to make of it? It's blowing my mind


yea that was quite intense. I knew something was off when those "things" saved? bob


I think it was a complete waste of time. I was doing a lot of fast-forwarding on the DVR, and I have never before done that on a series for which I've created a series subscription--not even on American Gods, a series that often irks the toadstools out of me. This one-hour TP episode had as much self-indulgent bullshit in it as all eight hours of American Gods, a feat I never imagined! It was something about Bob/Cooper had ethereal forces preventing his murder, and extraterrestrials becoming aware that Earth had split the atom and responding not by sending Klatuu but instead by sending an insect that will somehow create Laura Palmer. An hour for that!


I thought it was more, the bomb somehow brought the plane of the lodge to our world, and when the giant saw what happened, he did something with laura palmer? no idea but I think its like the season 1 finale, its an episode with lots of set up for later on in the season.


Either way, it was fucking astounding to me. Loved every second of it and I can't wait to watch it again


me too! I need to watch it at least ten times!

it was incredible!


The explosive power of that bomb was 20 kilotons. If THAT was enough to create a rift between dimensions, given the magatonage of modern weapons, we'd be having interdimensional tourists up to our earlobes here today. The hypothesis doesn't pass the smell test. Then again, because I don't think that Lynch cares about reason or facts or logic, or really much of anything else but himself, maybe it does.


Not necessarily, if it depended on where or when the bomb was located. If it was a mile down the road or one hour later, it may not have had any effect on the dimension it tapped into.


keybored, that's an interesting thought and I hadn't considered that. But they blown up a lot of bombs at White Sands with no similar results, to the best of my knowledge.


So either right time, right place or it only needed to be opened once.



Im with you. "Self-indulgent bullshit" sums it up nicely. I didn't wait 27 yrs for this crap. Im not sure why david lynch wanted to bring back twin peaks, so far he has failed in my eyes. Some of us that are twin peaks fans aren't necessarily lynch fans. This episode was more boring than eraserhead. And seriously wtf with nin playing at the roadhouse? Lame.


Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean the rest of us have to follow. It was visually stunning and I am glad I saw it.


It was an OK way to spend an hour with my husband.


Holy shit indeed, I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. I have never seen anything like it and I love it.


Atomic bomb rent a hole between the universes/planes, letting in the evil hobos. The giant gave part of his spirit to create Laura and send her to Earth to counteract the evil. The frog bug violated the girl so that she possibly gives birth to their anti-christ-esque figure Bob aided by the evil hobo hypnotic/sleep inducing radio mantra/ritual. I don't know. Just speculating.


So, having read all these posts, at this point, yawn.


Posting "yawn" in a discussion -- are you a teen who got in a time machine in 2006 and just arrived here now?




I had a similar impression. Atomic bomb created a rift between the worlds and Bob used it to escape from the Black Lodge (we see his head in a bubble). Some other inhabitants of the Black Lodge escaped as well and started roaming around, creating havoc. Then, 11 years later (in 1956) the Giant sent a bug to the Earth to enter some girl, I'm speculating it was Laura's mom.

When we were shown the atomic explosion I remembered that Gordon has a big photograph of the atomic explosion on the wall in his office. Maybe related to his research of the Black Lodge and origin of it all, or maybe unrelated and just a coincidence.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that some creature obviously helped Bob escape the Black Lodge. The bubble he was in was puked by a mysterious white ghost we've seen before - in the glass box in the first episode when it killed those two youngsters who were watching the box.


I actually think that the frog bug is 'good', sent by the Giant and the Lady in the White Lodge (which I imagine that's what it is), and the girl it enters is actually Dale Cooper's mother.


thats what i thought, the girl is laura's mom


When the boy is walking the girl home, she asks him "you live near the school, right?"
He replies "yes, how did you know?"
She says: "I just know"

That's something Laura's mom used to say in the first two seasons, that sometimes she just knows things. I think this is one more clue that the girl is Laura's mom.


I don't think you're supposed to make anything of it first... you're just supposed to experience it. Think with your right hemisphere instead of your left hemisphere and you will be fine.

I was annoyed at first because I want to know what's happening but once I surrendered to the beauty of it, I thought it was pretty amazing.


it was just amazingly beautiful and horrifying at the same time. so much of the episode has no dialog, just batshit crazy audio and visuals and atmosphere.

and NIN!
on top of everything else!
Doing a full song!


I do the same with most of Lynch's stuff. Who can really figure out Lost Highway? The point of it I think is that younsee something new every time you watch it and also be entertained.


I loved the episode, but I have to admit I did skip most of the NIN scene because I don't think it contributed anything to the plot.


I've read a bunch of online reviews, but here's some of the nuggets from the various ones I've read so far:

- Bob was 'born' during the 1945 White Sands explosion - the explosion itself somehow symbolising man's evil, a perfect breeding ground for 'Bobs'
- In turn the celestial beings - the giant and the lady listening to jazz in the White Lodge - created a counterbalance - (good) an egg with Laura Palmer's face on it
- The 'woodsmen' or 'shadow men; were also somehow created during this explosion, infested with evil perhaps - given their burned faces? If you remember Leland in S1 talked about a man who lived next door to him as a boy, I'm guessing it was one of these creepy dudes
- The creepy dudes resurrected Evil Cooper by smearing themselves with his blood and removed Bob from his body, purpose unknown
- The young girl in 1956 was infected by the roach-frog born of an egg. We've seen 2 eggs however it is unknown at this stage if it the roach-frog is Bob or Laura (my guess would be Bob, given the slightly gross-out nature of the beast and it happened during the shadow-man's radio message). Could this be Leland's mother perchance?!


Logic would say that the roach-frog enters Laura's mother, but the thing is that the girl playing her looks nothing like her. Above I said that maybe it's actually Dale Cooper's mother, but actually of course it could also have been Bob entering someone for the first time. However, because the girl found the good luck coin, I will stick with Dale Cooper's mother or Laura's.


-I've never heard an idea about the A Bomb opening a connection between other dimensions. It seems this is the origin of The Black Lodge. And the giant is some sort of angelic figure who combats it. It sure looks like that to me. I also thought the glass box in NYC was some sort of portal to this other dimension.
-These 'woodsmen' seem to be some sort of demons. There were two in the jail with Mr. C, maybe to protect him. They sure revived him after getting shot. In lore demons are fallen angels so it might account for the prosaic language.
-Can't say I know what the bug creature is. Interesting theory that the young penny girl is possibly Laura's or Coop's mother. ????
-Here's a couple of young fans with some good theories; and there are quite a few videos like this on You Tube.


My mind was TOTALLY BLOWN! I couldn't believe I was watching something that great, and that strange ON TV! The nuclear test scene is the most amazing scene I've ever watched on TV, and perhaps the most amazing period.

I tend to agree with the other posters about the bomb test opening a door to another dimension allowing the hobos or woodsmen to enter our world, and causing the birth of Bob.

Can't wait for episode 9!



It's the first time I fast forward the episode of a show, complete bullshit.
