MovieChat Forums > Ferrari (2023) Discussion > So Enzo was kinda of a a-hole.

So Enzo was kinda of a a-hole.

And unfaithful. That's what I got out of it. Anyway the movie was just kinda blah


So Enzo was kinda of a a-hole

He was a deeply flawed, flesh and blood mortal, just like the rest of us. For going on a decade, we've gorged ourselves on so may superhero and Star Wars flicks, we've forgotten that real life ain't as polarized as Good guys vs half-dimensionally evils

Yeah, he fathered a child while married, as is common in many cultures, including Mediterranean ones. He also provided for/was active in his son's life + kept his word to not acknowledge him publicly until his wife and long-time supporter died. That's life.... No one is Peter Parker, Iron Man, or Thor in reality


Why are you comparing him to Marvel superheroes?


He wasn’t an angel but he really wasn’t out of the norm.


Movie is shit, Mann’s worst to date!


I was a little shocked to see his name in the credits. While I enjoyed this film, I thought the whole thing to be a little amateur. I thought it was an up and coming young filmmaker, not a seasoned bad ass. There was a good number of shots not well framed, indeed looking very "tv", not at all utilizing the full scope of the lens. And some sloppy dual focus work. The action of the racing also did not have a very "thrilling and kinetic" feel. Utilizing a good number of very wide scenic shots instead of tight fast paced editing. Felt more like we were watching Top Gear. And there was some goofy sped up shots which I haven't seen in decades. I'm sure they were using replicas if not the actual old cars and they didn't go super fast, but it looked goofy. He tried to cover that up with shaky cam but it looked a bit a mess. Anyhow. Good movie. For an 80 year old dude, damn fine work.


Don’t get me started on the b/w intro! Pure garbage. Poorly made…


Ford v Ferrari set the standard imo, a near perfect film.
Ferrari was competently made but has no repeat viewing draw, which is an important factor for me.


I liked the message of the movie. Why shouldn't a great man have great things? It was a very old world take on modern ideals, in line with the Italian setting. I thought they juxtaposed the old world and new world agendas nicely. It was the meat of the picture.


Somebody who had to fight left and right to keep a company going like that is going to have issues. The 1970's being my favorite movie decade, I am personally okay with flawed characters. Not for everyone, though.


Can you name a boss of a big company that achieved great things and wasn't an asshole?

Steve Jobs is a famous world-class asshole, the founder of Facebook was an asshole in The Social Network.


Ya know MLK was a philandering a-hole as well right?


No, I had no idea
