

"This was just one huge fight the whole movie"

AKA it's a Godzilla movie. Good to know. It's about time!!!

The "story" in the last Godzilla was lame and kept getting in the way. The only good part of that story was Liz Olsen's character.

Like when she's at home and the monster attack is playing on the TV while her son watches but she hasn't seen it yet.... THAT was a fantastic scene. Her performance was great, too.

The rest was soap opera level melodrama and ham-fisted pseudo-military crap that wasn't handled very well, with the occasional monster action.

Overall it was decent and looked fantastic, but nothing about it stuck with me. I enjoyed watching it the first time but that was enough.


I'm pretty sure he didn't watch the film based on the line "one huge fight the whole movie with a bunch of different monsters." I think he assumes that based on the trailers, but it's incorrect.


They showed brief images of perhaps 4 additional monsters, none of whom ever fought at at all, or even stomped anything. Godzilla never fought anyone but Ghidorah. Rodan briefly fought Mothra, and no other monster. Mothra fought Ghidorah for about 10 seconds.


Rodan did fight Ghidorah when he followed the plane to ghidora and went down in flames. I thought rodan died early but then he came back later in Mexico. Then it looked like he died when Mothera stung him but then he came back at the end of the movie. He just doesn't stay dead.


You're right, they did have a brief fight. Like Mothra's, it was a bit shorter than I'd have liked.


At this point, after all the negativity I've encountered, I think the 2014 film is underrated.

It was not perfect by any means, but I enjoyed it overall and, while many people didn't, I also enjoyed the Jaws-like build up to seeing Godzilla in action. Not every beat of the plot worked for me, but much of it did. I appreciated that there WAS a plot and that the writers worked to infuse some actual story into the film rather than it just be a bunch of battle sequences.

The scene with the HALO jump as the Army is parachuting into the city is done extremely well, and there's a lot of visual stuff about that whole sequence that is genuine A-level craftmanship.

I really think that Gareth Edwards deserves more credit than he ended up getting for that movie.


It has some fantastic scenes, that's for sure.

I just feel like it's one of those movies with an unfortunate mix of inspired "key scenes" and then big empty areas that are obvious drama filler.


It's one of very films of the "giant monster" genre that I think transcend the genre and achieve masterpiece status. It's not The Godfather in scope, and it doesn't redefine cinema as did Pulp Fiction, but it's as good as I think a film about a fire-breathing lizard will ever be.


Wow! Masterpiece, huh?

I think I would have to stop short of calling it a masterpiece, but I do appreciate the positivity. Personally, I'd say it's a well-made, enjoyable, above-average monster movie that has a little more gravitas to it than most, and that takes itself more seriously than most.

It's a good movie, and it seems that I remember more people being positive on it when it was first released. Perhaps I'm misremembering, but if not, I wonder why people turned against it.


It certainly looks dreadful. Im just glad its been released so i dont have to watch that trailer anymore.


Did you really see the film? There weren't nearly as many monster fights as I expected. Godzilla never fought anyone other than Ghidorah, the other monsters were barely shown, and none fought and none destroyed anything. Mothra was barely in the movie, Rodan had the one brilliant chase sequence with the jets and hardly showed up afterwards. I thought we'd get Godzilla vs. Rodan or Godzilla vs. at least one other monster, but he only had three fights, and all were against Ghidorah.


Agreed, not sure if OP even saw the film. I was expecting way more fights than what we got. I was even surprised it took so long to get to the first fight and I was even more surprised they ‘killed off’ Godzilla and he’s pretty much absent for a lot of the second act.

Some of the reviews made it seem like it was packed to the brim with monster fights which simply isn’t true at all.

OP is right about the stupid story though.


Are you comparing this to shin godzilla or godzilla 2014?


Yea Diddy clearly didn't watch this film.


I think you didn't watch the movie.
