Stop making these.

None of the JW films have been any good. Honestly none of them have been good since the first one, even though I do have a soft spot for JPIII because it's the only sequel that embraces its stupidity. Nobody wants to see this shit.


The JW movies all made a billion. Even Dominion which everyone allegedly said was bad or heard it was bad, yet they saw it anyway. I think there is an audience for this.


People only saw Dominion because it hyped up the original cast reuniting for the first time since 1993. That alone was enough to make people go see it.


jawohl mein führer!


"None of the JW films have been any good"

Laughing in the theater when the brachiosaurus burns alive, while all those little kids cried, was(on a personal level)entertaining




When you say that you only enjoyed the horrendous and abysmal Jurassic Park 3 besides the first movie you just lost all your credibility.

Jurassic Park 3 us an abomination and an insult to the Jurassic Park series.


Harry Salsamix, is that you??????

I'm so happy you haven't changed a smidge since 2007. You've gotta be 50 years old by now


Who are you???

No, I'm way younger than that! LMAO!

What was uyour name?! You must be 60 years old!

And the GIANT DUCK sucks!


At least in Gareth Edwards' hands we know the special effects are going to be top notch, as they should be for a Jurassic Park movie.


Is he really the guy directing this? I'm more hopeful now, but I also liked J. A. Bayona and he made the terrible Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.


The Lost World was enjoyable (and definitely my 2nd favorite Jurassic Park film) but not as good as Michael Crichton's book which would have vastly developed the Lewis Dodgson character and BioSyn Corporation. The soundtrack for the film was pretty epic though, one of the first soundtracks I ever bought too.


i was OK with Jurassic World (2015) just because we saw what the park would sort-of kind-of look like if it had opened..

but all movies are lousy TBH
