MovieChat Forums > Better Call Saul (2015) Discussion > they only need one more blast

they only need one more blast

and guess who the blaster guy is? troublemaker kai.

i smell a industrial accident a-comin
the squeaky wheel gets greased

some good news: hector completed his rehab with full recovery of his right index finger.

let the ringing begin!!


Uncle Ding is in full swing.



1 ring - back rub
2 ring - lemon jello
3 ring - kill them all




Did the superlab ever have an elevator? I know they had the forklift and maybe a dumbwaiter thing for the product.


they had to have one, since the lab was secret & underground, with no egress other than vertical.


We may be talking about the same thing, but there was an elevator that Walt rode and shot one or two of Gus's henchman in the last episode of season 4.


would mike want to see kai killed?

is he yet that cold-blooded?

because by the time ww & jessie show up, he is.

he's got to make this thing go right. i think this crew, along with some other stresser, is mike's turning point. he's going to push a button or a bunch of buttons.

can you imagine how to write that narrative? or some other narrative....


The engineer guy told Mike the others need some R&R. What they're really talking about is the guys need some women. But that is being very risky to bring them in, and they don't want the guys to go out. Mike may figure out a way to make this happen, and it goes OK until they learn Kai was running his mouth.



"How 'bout it Lydia, take one for the team?



In BB, Mike was that cold blooded, but he isn't yet so I don't think he will kill the crew. Yet, a lot of people are talking about that so it could happen. Before that, maybe Kai gets it. That said, the lab isn't anywhere close to being completed and Werner the engineer never stated how long it would take him. It could be years or ready in a few more months; There is still plenty of time before BB. However, Gus probably wants its soon as Gale has to return and put the equipment in and he needs to fill the orders instead of getting it from across the border. They must be thinking the same thing about a lab over there.

If this is all so secret, why is the name of the laundry on the truck used to transport the workers? Couldn't they figure it out from that?


The German crew never see the livery on the truck. It backs up into the warehouse then backs up into the laundry. They could possibly see the last letter when they're dropped off at the laundry but we don't see the angle they walk away from so maybe they don't even see that.


the key transformation for mike has to be that he is all in on gus's operation.

its already started in the sense that gus is already his banker. now his employer too.

hard to not see kai being some kind of ice-breaker with the crew scene going downhill.

here is how i could see it going down
as mentioned, in 1 of a 1000 ways, they become a risk at some point, probably very soon.
talking to the hookers, likely.
life becomes very hard indeed for the crew.
gus has his other henchman wack them all when the job is completed.
mike now knows who he is dealing with, what the job entails.

coarse, but something along those lines.


There's no need for killing Kai or if the workers if they do not see anything. However, Kai has been complaining, almost got into a fight with the guy knocking the column down and giving sh*t to Mike. If I was Kai and felt danger because of a screwup, then I'd hide explosives in the walls and floor of the lab. And threaten to blow up the work unless given safe passage. Afterward, he could tell them where the explosives were.
