MovieChat Forums > Mubblefluggie

Mubblefluggie (44)


Tonight's episode ... Less than four weeks out.... Why wasn't it on tonight? The Orville ship name S4E9 ending Want more Gus? Ending that will never happen... Hardly anyone from IMDB BCS here? View all posts >


Hmmm.... "How 'bout it Lydia, take one for the team? [i]Mub[/i] I suspect Jimmy will call the vet, make an appointment with his new partner in crime that fills soda machines by day and steals Hummels by night, and ask a favor. Those two seem to have established a mutual respect for one another. [i]Mub[/i] I think Jimmy has found himself a new Marco. [i]Mub[/i] They sort of did this already, a Breaking Bad / Bob Newhart type ending.All the clean copies were deleted "Due to copyright infringement" , this was the only version I could find: [url][/url] [i]Mub[/i] Saul-ent green. Soylent Gene? [i]Mub[/i] "I wonder who gets to... light my fire?" Great scene, so un-Scully-like. [i]Mub[/i] X-file episodes, S5-E03 and S6-E20. The first is set in the past, where the lone gunmen come together, and meet Mulder for the first time. The second is sort of a sequel to it, Byers has the same love interest in both, Susanne Modeski, played by Signy Coleman. [url][/url] [i]Mub[/i] Might I suggest "Unusual suspects", and "Three Of A kind". [i]Mub[/i] Access to science??? Can they make the Lone Gunmen undead? Just hoping. [i]Mub[/i] [quote]Do those idiot critics still hate this show?[/quote] Probably. The only thing I know about critics, the more they hate something, the more I will like it. [i]Mub[/i] View all replies >