Thats a fact Jack!

Goats are like mushrooms. Because if you shoot a duck, I'm scared of toasters. ~ Joe Biden


Where is my soup!?


Biden didn't say this. You do know that, right?

When you make fun of someone for saying something that they didn't say (because it's insanely easy to fact check this one), you really only show the world your ignorance.


President Biden shocked viewers of his Friday speech to teachers when he recognized an audience member and told the crowd, “She was 12, I was 30.”

Biden lit up social media with the confounding and seemingly inappropriate aside. He did not say what he did when he was 30 and the woman was a preteen.

“You gotta say hi to me,” Biden said mid-speech at the National Education Association headquarters in DC. “We go back a long way. She was 12, I was 30. But anyway, this girl helped me get an awful lot done.”

The audience of teachers and union members laughed and cheered at the bawdy remark.


Yes, looks like Biden lost his train of thought. It happens. At least he didn't take an 11 year old meme and embarrass himself by attributing it to the wrong person.


It was a Freudian Slip. Who was the girl?


I never heard of this one, but he's blundered, babbled and slobbered more than your average infant and there's no lack of actual footage to confirm it. And you voted for him... actually you voted for his puppeteers.


That's called being human. I suppose you've never stumbled ... over your words or over your own two feet. Congratulations!


Lol! Of course you would defend him.


You are so lucky! I wonder what it's like to have never said the wrong thing or tripped over your own two feet or done anything embarrassing at all.

Maybe you could share your secrets with the rest of the class. We could all learn from your vast wisdom :-)


Quit playing coy. Of course everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone goes on rambling, senseless tangents like Biden. Not to mention, when Trump or other Republicans tripped up, you and your leftist cabal were on them like fleas on a dog.


No, not everyone “goes on rambling, senseless tangents like Biden.” Just as not everyone is as foolish as you to go on attacking someone even after they’ve proven you to be wrong.


You've proven nothing, but toe the party line and keep telling yourself that you have.


You're partially right. I didn't prove you wrong, I proved the OP wrong.


Tally ho!


You didn't prove anything. You proved that Joe is a doofus and no one likes him.


Um, no. But whatever you have to tell yourself.


Thats what the World tells me. Joe is a doofus and is ruining America.


The problem isn't a single word stumble, or several, or a dozen, or a hundred. You can spend a year watching his gaffes,and those are just the ones where a camera is pointed at him which is a small percentage of the time he's awake. Imagine the stuff he says off camera. If the Orange Cheeto had said 1/10th of those things they would have impeached him.

I think my favorite is when he said poor kids are just as bright as white kids -

Was that a gaffe, or was it a Freudian slip?


And those would all be legitimate points to make, if the conversation hadn't begun with a misquote.

When you make a big deal about laughing at someone for something they didn't do, kind of makes you the fool and not the person you're trying to mock.


The quote is almost too bizarre even for Biden to have made, and if Biden had only made one or two verbal gaffe's, the satire of the OP's quote would be lost on everyone. I honestly don't think anyone reading that would actually believe Joe Biden said that.


Snopes and most other "fact checkers" are tools of the left. They've rendered "fact check" about as credible as "peer review". As for the meme, whether or not he actually said it, it cleverly characterizes his geriatric dementia and the blunders and mumbling he perpetrates almost every time he gets in front of a microphone.


Did they get one of their facts wrong? Left leaning, right leaning or somewhere in the middle, unless you can demonstrate that what they said was incorrect, it matters not.

If fact checking is as credible as peer review, then it’s very credible. perhaps you don’t know what peer review is.

As for the meme, whether or not he actually said it, it cleverly characterizes his geriatric dementia and the blunders and mumbling he perpetrates almost every time he gets in front of a microphone.

First, the meme is not a picture of Biden.

Second, if that’s true, why the need to make things up? It just makes you look foolish.


I am scared of toasters too.


i'll buy that poop diaper for a dollar


He has over a 1000 for sale.


God save the Queen, man.


is it elder abuse?


His Handlers and the DNC should be charged with elder abuse.


is it elder abuse?
