Did anyone cry at the end?😭

how did you feel as the saga ended (Rey burying the lightsabres and then lied to the old woman as she looked upon the ghosts of Luke/Leia) and you were walking out of the cinema (not knowing that would be the last time you'd go to the cinema in a long time) how did it feel knowing thats it?

Me.. I think I was abit 'wow.. thats it huh..' idk what i was expecting..maybe Rey using the force to go back in time to the events of the OT (imagine if JJ had ended with that one lol)


I was struck by how pointless the whole thing was. The story obviously ended with Return of the Jedi.


I didn't feel any sadness really. The movie already kinda mad me feel disconnected from the franchise in an emotional way and I just watched it and didn't think much of it.


"I didn't feel any sadness really. The movie already kinda mad me feel disconnected from the franchise in an emotional way and I just watched it "

i kinda felt the same but I did feel sad about Leia dying


I did not cry but it was a nice moment.


I teared up when Leia died, was very sad. They did a tremendous job with that considering how little footage they had to work with after Fisher's passing.


I was fine with the ending scene but the rest of the movie left me with no emotion.


I cried my money away..!


It should have ended with Rey with sith eyes


yeah, that would have been good, after all she is a Sith and not a Jedi, which people seem to forget,


Rather like attending the funeral of a friend you watched slowly die in a hospital bed over several years.


Best description of the sequel trilogy. And the funniest.


I can see your point. I liked parts of it but I wanted to like it a lot better than I did. It didn't bum me out as much as Mary Poppins Returns.
