would it have killed JJ to do a flashback of Han, Luke, Leia?

another CG deage scene: maybe something like 1990s aged 'Fugitive/Jack Ryan' Ford & 'The Burbs' Fisher handing over young Driver to 'Wing Commander' Hamill

just a way to get the original characters back together and in their prime for one scene and showing what a Heir to the Empire/Zahn style Star Wars 'IV' would've looked like had it been made in the 90s


only time to show Leia as a jedi master.

'She' was successful, Luke was not.


we still got them in the series besides much better than Bland EU counterparts


We got that flashback scene in the jungle with L+L training: Luke's CGI looked fine, whilst Leia's looked absolutely terrible.


Leia's CGI actor is played by Billie Lourd.


it wasn't cgi, just replacing face on actor, like since Jurassic park?


That JP face replacement was CGI too.


Fan service?


abit extra fan service yes


Here's the thing then... if LFL tailored the movie to every supposedly unanimous opinion about what Star Wars needs to be, it would be a billion times worse than it already is.


Yes. The intention of this trilogy was to destroy everything before it, and turn our beloved characters into trash. FFS, we lost TOYS R US because of this crap!
