Fake audience reviews on RT

Disney is flooding RT with glowing reviews of The Rise Of Skywalker. They are paying a bunch of flunkies to do this. People who seriously watch a lot of movies are not liking this movie either. I listen to them and not some fakes on RT.


It's Iger and the rest of his fellow travelers spending money, attempting to save face over his half-assed and inept leadership.


Are they paying for the good reviews on IMDb as well? To whit: as of 12/23, IMDb is claiming that 66.5% of the audience (60,371 out of 90,855) has left a score 7 or better for ToS, and those leaving written reviews along with a score of 7 or better account for 60% (2089 out of 3481) of the all written reviews.


Disney doesn't look at IMDB as much as they do RT that is why the score is lower on that site.


You can count on it, big business is as corrupt as government, both run by personality disordered criminals sharing the same bed.


Artificial Intelligence. Right now it can write a text that looks completely human.

You don't need to pay people, you just need a few computers.


Yes, that is true.


You could just as easily claim that the "critics" are only claiming to dislike this movie as part of an elaborate ruse to gin up sympathy for Star Wars and make it look like there is a populist ground swell of appreciation for this movie. If this is the case, and NOTHING can be relied upon, then the final box office totals, and only the box office totals, will suffice.



AI can simulate a review, but it's not that good at debating (while looking human).

And of course, trusted people, mainstream critics or youtubers or even forum users or friends. Much better a trusted voice than an average of unknown critics.


And most of the trusted people I listen to hated this movie. So I guess they are the only ones that count.


. . . literally manufacturing consent in the matrix.


Bot farms!


Some of them have wandered into here as well.


Movie is pretty good and people are posting good reviews only an idiot would believe Disney needs to buy seats or post fake reviews.


MovieTurd75, clear your cache.



Ever considered that maybe just maybe some people actually like or even love the movie?


Some people have really weird fetishes 😄


Just one quick question, have you seen the movie? Because I noticed it seems most of the people who shit on the movie 24/7 on this site haven’t even seen it.


Watch this shit? I paid enough for woke stuff. You don't need watch every Asylum movie to know they're shit.

Oooops, Asylum, I meant, woke Disney. Sorry, I mixed them, it's hard to tell apart 😂

Don't get me wrong. Woke Disney and Asylum have some usefulness. You can laugh at their movies 😄


So just another moron commenting on things he knows nothing about. Hard to take someone serious who gives an opinion on something they havnt seen.


Woke Hollywood has reached the point where every movie or series, by default, it's shit.

But wait, there can be some surprises. The Witcher series seems to be one of them, to name some example. It was going to be full woke but it seemed that producers made some damage control and it can be quite OK. That case I'm watching it. The Mandalorian was another surprise.

This (on the contrary) doesn't look like a positive surprise, so we know what's here and the status by default applies, which is not a completely negative thing: the movie still serves to have some laughs.

Nothing wrong with it. Disney is just joining following the path that opened by Asylum in creating shitty fantasy movies 😄


Pretty much every person I know loved it , I didn’t , however you just can’t win with the hardcore haters, if the score was high with the critics they have been paid , now the score is high with the audience, there bots , I think it’s time you just give it up and except that the majority of people that watched it , liked it , simples and good for them , who doesn’t want to watch a good star Wars movie.

For me I thought the plot was weak and all over the place , that said it’s a lot better than TLJ, it’s very entertaining, I wanted a better plot and not the return of palps.


Not a hardcore hater of this movie. I just hate how Disney took this movie to new lows just to sell tickets and merchandise.


So you have any proof ?


Watch space balls and you’ll about after marketing sales on a film.


So let me get this straight , you hate Disney , you’re disappointed that the audience score is high , so it must be rigged?


Disney has done a lot to make this movie not flop. There are several articles about it. Happy reading.


Send me the link , and I take it it’s a reliable reputable source



Also when a movie is universal liked by the audiences we get the same score as with the joker


92 metacritic
89 rotten

By this logic we can agree that metacritic audience score is flawed or vice versa, but since imdb's user reviews puts it between 55-60 we can definitely agree that rotten tomatoes is way off at 86 percent, while metacritic is closer at 50%

Another example

And a negative example when they didn't intervene in the rating system


You can see how these two sites agreed almost every time when it comes to movies liked by the audiences.
Now RottenTomatoes suddenly decided is not trendy anymore to agree with the other two(metacritic and imdb)

You can dispute my example by showing me a movie who had this descrepancy between ratings who by the way started with terminator dark fate, another franchise that at the time was/is going the way of the dodo. ROS isn't the first movie that rotten skews the reviews.


Imdb user reviews again panned terminator dark fate hard. Reviews by user that gaved it between 1-6/10 are agreed upon between 80-85%.

Just for the laughs go to imdb user reviews and take every review. At the bottom there is a line of text that says people agree with the comment 10/20 or 1000/2000.
Even those are gravitating around 50%
Those that reviewed it 5/10 are getting 2/3 agreeing with them.


The people you know are stupid.

You know, you have a go at me for praising IT Chapter 2 over other movies, including this one, but according to Metacritic, a much more accurate site than RT, IT Chapter 2 is rated HIGHER than TROS. How do you explain that?


Bullocks if it's not the fan reviews, it's the critics, or the shills. It's all fake, maybe the RT score is not real after all.
