Rey=Palpatine clone



I thought about this when the clone talk started. If she's one of the blanks for Palpatine and he's coming to possess her body after Snoke got wiped out, that would be pretty cool. And Kylo has to put Rey down to kill the Emperor and reclaim the mantle of jedi knight. That would turn me around on these movies. The actual villain of the franchise is Mary Sue Rey. Explains her super powers and is a great twist.


Yeah I remember this being one of the parentage theories after TFA, and I agree its definitely the most interesting.

Good point about Palp coming to take over her shell!


Wouldn't his clone have to be male?


Would be cool if OP could have elaborated a bit more.


Who was the most powerful force user in Star Wars history? Obviously Palpatine. Who IS currently the most powerful one...?


Palpatine is a boy. Rey is a girl. Hence, she cannot be a DNA copy of him.


This is fantasy. Anything is possible. Returning as a young girl is the perfect disguise.
I expect that the laugh track at the end of the trailer is actually Rey with her real voice.


Thats the silliest thing I ever heard. Star Wars under Disney is all about being PC correct. Rey will become the most powerful being in the Star Wars universe ever. A woman will beat the old white male


I for one am glad that Disney is tearing down the toxic patriarchy and replacing the characters that we’ve loved for decades with strong, politically correct, diverse female characters. Praising these changes makes me feel so good about myself.


You liberals are destroying the country. My young son for example cannot pretend to be an indian when he plays outside, yet you think its ok for a grown man to pretend thats hes a woman


Playing “Indian” is grossly offensive to Native Americans. Also while I haven’t actually talked to any Native Americans I can say this with 100% certainty.

And trans women are literally women. You’re just a transphobic MAGA insurrectionist.

Your son should be taken away from you.


Yes, I'm a MAGA insurrectionist because people like you vote to have open borders in their own country, along with giving them free healthcare. And it doesn't bother you that democrats voted to penalize its own citizens for not purchasing health insurance, and offer it free to illegals? People like you vote to defund our police, despite high crime in most downtown cities. People like you give us inflation because we no longer can be energy independent. Instead we have to buy oil from countries who call "Death to America" every day in their morning prayers. So damm right, I'm a MAGA insurrectionist. People like you are dangerous to this country


You and your God Trump are trying to overthrow our democracy. Your attack on the Capitol where you tried to take over the government with baseball bats and signs proves it.

I wasn’t even at the Capitol that day and I needed therapy to cope with the trauma of it, that’s how bad it was.


Damm right, I'm an insurrectionist. You are part of the only population in the civilized world that votes for open borders along with free healthcare to the illegals for their own country, while wanting to penalize citizens if they don't purchase health insurance. You are the only population in the world that believes that a biologically born male should participate in female sports. You are the only population in the world who wants to shut off its own energy and rather buy it from countries who chant Death to America at morning prayers every day to create massive inflation. You are the only population in the world that votes to defund police. People like you need to be stopped. Or better yet, move to Cuba and enjoy a communist govt


First of all it’s undocumented immigrants and secondly they are human beings just like you and me and they have the right to live in America, get free housing, health care, basic minimum income and shouldn’t have to pay taxes. But only Mexican immigrants, Cuban immigrants do not belong in the United States.

If the “biological male” identifies as a trans woman then they literally are a woman and should be allowed to compete in female divisions, forcing them to compete in male divisions will only cause them anxiety and make them feel like an outcast, trans women are women and you are a transphobe. Transphobes like you should also stop trying to regulate which bathroom they use, they are women so should be allowed to use the women’s bathroom but if they prefer they should also be allowed to use the men’s bathroom.

Oil drilled in America causes pollution and climate change. Oil imported from the Middle East does not, how are you this ignorant? Also we should all just pay tens of thousands of dollars for electric cars that are charged with fossil fuels, there problem solved.

Inflation is going down, sure it’s still way higher than it was under Trump but it has slowed down recently which is a huge win for the Biden-Harris administration, you should be thanking him for slowing inflation. Bidenomics is literally working.

The police are by default racist, they should be defunded. Guns should be outlawed also, the only people who should have guns are the armed, tax payer funded security that only Democrats should have to keep them safe from those MAGA insurrectionist terrorists.


You are a crazy loon.

First off, part of the fundamental definition of the word "country" is having its own borders. You cannot have a country with open borders, and give them all free healthcare. Its not a sustainable model.

No biological born male should never be allowed to compete in female sports. Body chemistry is much different between the 2 genders. That is why we are seeing female sports records get shattered by these biologically born males. Not to mention, it deprives a female athlete from making not making her team as her spot is lost to the male. Got that QueenBob

Climate change is a scam. Its just a huge wealth redistribution plan for rich countries to give to poor nations. You fell for it. You are a useful idiot for the democrat party. The biggest cause of inflation right now is we are no longer energy independent.

Bidenomics is working you say. You're totally clueless and in severe denial.

Guns will never be outlawed. And Chicago, run by democrats for 80 years or so, has the highest gun violence in the country. Bad guys don't care about strict gun laws.


A country should also not be systemically racist towards people of Latinx decent. The only reason you want to keep these asylum seekers out of the country is because you are bigoted against the brave Latinx people from Mexico.

They should be allowed to compete in female sports because they are by definition female. Lia Thomas is a hero to women everywhere. She overcame years of persecution and feeling outcasted and now she has broken many records through hard work and commitment to her sport despite being the subject of many bigoted and transphobic attacks.

Climate Change is literally the single biggest threat to our planet aside from MAGA Republicans. If we don’t act now Climate Change is going to kill us all inside of 10 years.

Bidenomics is very much working, gas is down to $3.10 where I am and we just saw the stock market go up. In what world does that mean that Bidenomics isn’t working?

The only reason there is so much gun violence in Chicago is because MAGA Republican Terrorists are buying guns in Indiana then driving to Chicago to gun down innocent, oppressed people of color. If you ban guns then violence will go down, it’s common sense. It’s too bad the children of Sandy Hook Elementary had to die so you gun nuts could have your precious little toys.


QueenBob, you are one crazy nut job. This country already allows the most legal immigrants of any country in the world. But you cannot continue to have a country to have open borders and giving them free healthcare. Eventually the system collapses and its just 1 reason why you left wing loons need to be stopped. My wife is latina. I am certainly not anti latin immigration. There is a difference between legal and illegal immigration.

Biologically born men should never compete in female sports. Men naturally build more muscle mass than women and have certain obvious physical advantages. How come no biologically born females play in the NFL? Lia Thomas is a disgrace and an insult to all the hard working female athletes where they cannot compete with HIM. Not to mention, one female athlete can't make the womens swim team as a result.

Climate Change is certainly not a threat to our future or the planet. Earth is 4 and a half billion years old and you think within 10 years, we all will die. Boy, are you a sucker for the liberals

Bidenomics is not working. What good or service has gone down in price? Wages have not grown and never will when the Govt continues to recklessly print money to no end. How can an economy improve when we no longer are energy independent?

Gun violence in Chicago is pretty much all black on black crime. Its certainly not MAGA folks. Yes, people are buying guns across state lines however its the criminals and gangs doing it.

You're one whacko QueenBob. A real nut job


And now you're misgendering me which is literally violence. This isn't about border security, this is about systemic racism towards the brave Mexican Latinx population, they have every right to be here as much as you do and you are an "illegal immigrant" as well, you are most certainly a recipient of white privilege meaning your ancestors illegally immigrated here. If it weren't for illegal immigration you literally wouldn't be here.

They should compete in female sports because they are female. Trans women are women and by forcing them to compete in the wrong gender category you are outing them and hurting their feelings. Lia Thomas is woman of the year, she is a brave pioneer for trans rights, and her accomplishments in breaking all of those records is beyond admirable. She's an American hero right up there with MLK Jr. and Rosa Parks. The transphobia in this country is out of control, people like you want to keep tampon dispensers out of boys bathrooms, want to force trans women to use the men's bathroom and are trying to deny trans children the right to be who they are by denying them puberty blockers and chemical castration. Not to mention banning gender affirming literature in Elementary School Libraries. The Gender Unicorn should be taught to all students as early as Preschool.

According to Al Gore Climate Change will kill us, by driving a car you are literally a murderer.

Just recently gas prices went down $.10, if that isn't proof that Bidenomics is working then I don't know what is. And us being energy independent is just White Supremacy as we are literally oppressing the People of Color in the Middle East by not buying their oil.

No it is MAGA Republicans buying guns in Indiana then driving over to Chicago so they can gun down innocent people of color. They are literally dying so you gun nuts can have your little toys.

And STOP misgendering me, do you have any idea what that is doing to my self esteem? It's King Bob!


Wow! What a loon you are QueenBob


It’s KingBob, don’t you dare misgender me. It hurts my feelings.


From this point on, you will be known as QueenBob. This is not an example of misgendering you. I have you identified as a woman


You don't get to identify me as anything, only I can determine what my person identifies as. You are misgendering me and it's very offensive and hateful to the LGBTQ+8dm3c69cI7^2-square root of 12 inverselogbase10 community


On these boards, I have the right to personally gender anyone I want. You are QueenBob


You are a MAGA extremist.


Yes I am. Now can you please change your handle to QueenBob


I will do no such thing, it's KingBob and you should respect my pronouns. Misgendering anyone is literally domestic terrorism against the LGBT69=87ph=pka+log([conjugate base]/[acid])+- community


they have a girl clone on bad batch


Well, actually 'Reyes', which is the plural of 'Rey', is one of the very few names in Spanish that can be used both for males and females.

So, 'Rey' being actually a male clon of Palpatine that decided to go trans and erased his memory to forget the horrible experience of having been a white male... and there hasn't been any trans quota yet in Star Wars, that'd fill it... and then Palpatine vs Rey would could be considered 'Clone War 2'... so mmm.... it could be, it could be.... ^_^


They took Palp's DNA and flipped an X to a Y. Makes sense. They could have had the technology.
