I think Rey looked very powerful, heroic and inspiring in the new trailer

I really liked the trailer and it really hits you on an emotional level. It was certainly a better one than the trailers that promoted TFW and TLJ. So hopefully this new movie really hits a home run to end the saga.

I think that's what was missing in the Star Wars movies as of late--the prequels and the sequels seem to be doing everything right on a technical level, but I never really connected to the characters in those films for some reason.

Rey will be the legend of the current generation. She deserves it.


It'll be quite something if this turns kut better than TFA, which I rank #2 right behind Empire. I like Rey too, waiting to get off work so I can watch the teaser.


why do you have to wait after work? you can't view it on your smartphone? are youtube and imdb blocked?


No, I was just incredibly busy today and I have too many responsibilities.

Also Id have watched it at lunch, but my headphones need to be replaced, and as an audiophile, I am very picky about those. So at the moment I am without phone audio.


This is the Rey we should have seen in The Last Jedi. Rian not doing a time jump just made her look like a massive Mary Sue, especially going up against Snoke’s guards and easily lifting all of those rocks.

But yes she looked so awesome in this new trailer and I still hope she’s a Skywalker somehow.


Yup. Time jump with access to ancient jedi scrolls, i'll put up with any nonsense they have her doing now.

That said, they got her so skinny for this she looks like a lollipop with her big head.


Admittedly, I never really connected with Rey in the previous two movies. Sure, her action sequences were exciting but it just looks like stuff that happens.

Heroic deeds on a movie screen should be like a piece of epic music—with the low and minor notes to provide the major lift to move the audience.

I felt tension and excitement of what we saw Rey do in the trailer. So hopefully, the actual movie will have more of that.


"Deserves it"?

What in the world are you babbling about?

When did the characters start deserving things?

She was heroic right from the start and has never made any heroes journey, she hasn't ever failed or had to overcome any setbacks she's just been good at everything the first time trying anything.

Now she is earning things.....ok.


Why do you dislike Rey?

It’s one thing to be critical about how her character arc is presented, but why is there so much criticism for having a powerful and inspiring female lead?


Because, unlike other female leads, Rey is flawless and perfect, and that's BORING.

Characters like Sarah Connor, Ellen Ripley and Hermione Granger had to learn and struggle along the way. Rey just does everything (snaps fingers) like that, first time perfect. BORING.


It is a crime to hide a weak character behind feminism. Rey is the worst character ever done in the Star Wars saga directly followed by Yar Yar. She hasnt learned anything. She hadnt fight anything. She is .... just there. Like a pile of clothing. There isnt the smallest sympathy for her, cause she never had any story arc at all. So there is also no supense when you could see her on screen.


Because it is so obvious that she is the token diversity hire for the film. If you have a female in a movie where it makes sense that's not a problem, but the role just seems so contrived like throwing in the black storm trooper when the storm troopers were all supposed to be clones of the Jango Fett who was Maori/Caucasian not black... so when the happened it pretty much raised the SJW flag that they were going all diversity box ticking in the movie. Then when they dropped in what is basically a female Luke Skywalker it just reinforced that theory... At that point it was hopeless.


BS question. You don't get to put words in people's mouth and make up agendas and assign motives to other people.


I love her. I think she's awesome, even if she's an idiot about some things.


I think she looked like she was wearing an immersion breaking amount of makeup in that opening shot D:


That's exactly the problem, Rey has supposedly had to struggle all her life, yet from TFA she looks like she's from a privileged, upper-class background. Immaculate hair, nice nails, clean all over. WTF?



No, sahe really looked like someone whom really urgently have to use a bathroom!


No disrespect to the people that love her and any of the new characters...
But I find her completely uninteresting for reasons already stated; and I find Poe and Finn awkward and uninteresting...
Good point about her looks! If the movie gods really want to empower females stop getting ladies that look like flawless super models!!! She should be greasy and miserable from hard living on the desert planet her whole life!
She should look more like the dried out lady warriors from fury road!!
But ya I am just not interested in her journey at all... with all due respect
