people are hating on Star Wars: Episode IX and the movie is not out yet.

I seen ppl hate on Episode IX and the movie doesn't come out for ten more months. we have no title and no footage of the movie.

why are people hating on this movie?

I think the reason why they are hating on this movie is because they are scared and they think that this movie will up like The Last Jedi.


They are NOT SW fans. They grew up with the the O3, but when the P3's Menace and Clones flopped critically they've been complaining ever since.

TFA has a good rating of 8.0, TLJ is only 7.2 but still better than P3. IX could be better, but they're assuming is will be horrible.

Same thing happen with Star Trek. They grew up with TOS or TNG, but hate the last two. There's tons of the good Sci Fi on TV to choose from, but they troll the Discovery board.


Ah, the No True Scotsman fallacy. You're a bit of an idiot, fyi.

"Fans who expect better and don't blindly suck on everything a company shits out aren't true fans."


It's treason then.


*ignites lightsaber*


People will shit on anything before it comes out. There's always something that stirs the pot. I guess in this case it's the mixed reception to The Last Jedi. Personally I'm not all that invested in this trilogy so I'm curious about Episode IX but I won't be upset if I don't like it. TFA was fun but I wasn't a fan of TLJ. I didn't like where it took the story and I think this trilogy so far has done a piss poor job with world building. It feels like the galaxy has like 3 planets and that the only good guys left alive are the 20 rebels and 3 kids you see at the end of the movie. So my concern is what Episode IX can actually do with such a mediocre setup.


Wow a new SJWars i cant wait to watch!!!


Lol you clearly have no idea what you are talking about.


i kno the last few films sucked dick and where nothing but a buncha (((propaganda)))


Because new Lucasfilm has constantly shat on the fans, the OT characters, and the story? The entire handling of Star Wars after Lucas has been a total fucking mess? Why would I not "hate on" this?


At this point it doesn't even matter. All of the hype is dead, burned, ashes scattered to the wind.
No one gives a fuck and if "Solo: A star wars story" any indication then Episode IX gonna flop harder than Justice League.


Well, either way, I am not going to see it. The Last Jedi was the last SW movie I will ever see.
