Rey is a mess

There's three classic ways to write a hero:

The Hero's journey - (Eg Luke, Frodo) - an ordinary person receives the call to adventure (very often resisting it): a literal and figurative journey. They will experience pain and loss, overcome adversity and in doing so grow from being ordinary to extraordinary. This taps in to the fantasy that we can be swept away from our ordinary lives and that anybody can become a hero.

The prophecy - (Neo, Annikin) - The hero is special, unique and destined for greatness. They might have to work for their power but it comes from within, something unlocked rather than acquired. This taps into the fantasy of being special, unique.

The apex - (Riddick, James Bond, Alice from RE) - A hero who is already completed their journey, already unlocked their potential. The fun here isn't the struggle, it's in watching the bad guys realise they're fucking with the wrong person - just after they murder them with a mug. And this taps into the fantasy of being the best.

So three classic ways of writing a hero.

And which one is Rey?

Well she's some kind of bizarre mash up of all three and - IMO - contains the weaknesses of all of them but none of the strengths.

You can't empathise with her like she's on a hero's journey, because her abilities don't feel earned. The story telling about who she is or whether she's destined for greatness has been totally muddled by two directors seemingly pulling in two separate directions. And you can't just sit back and enjoy watching her dismantle the bad guys because it doesn't feel like we're watching 'the best', the 'ultimate', the 'apex' it feels like we're watching someone who the script is warping reality around to make sure they never fail.

In short, she's pretty much the perfect example of how *not* to write a hero and JJ/RJ should be hanging their heads in shame for this mess of a character they've foisted on Star Wars (not that any of the newbies are much better).



Instead of rushing her development under a briefly feigned hero's journey they should have just introduced her as a trained & experienced force adept to somewhat alleviate her exemplification of the Mary Sue trope. But no of course they didn't do that. That would make her not as "special" that she actually had to work to acquire her skills & powers instead of just turning on her awesome button whenever the script calls for it.


This is just it - it's a 'feigned' journey, a fake attempt at making Rey be both simultaneously down on her luck and struggling to get by whilst also being amazing at everything. Maybe that's why some people seem to like Rey so much? She ticks both the 'you're ordinary but you can be amazing if you try' and the 'you're born for greatness' boxes simultaneously. Which of course is nonsensical but I guess some people like having two mutually exclusive wish fulfilment fantasies on screen.



She is god among Jedi... This is what people have yet to comprehend...

Once people see her destroy deathstars and collapse planets into one another by mere 'force-thought' in the next episode, people will come to realise that far from being shown as too powerful in the first two of her movies, she has in-fact been smurfed!



Somehow I don't think it's either directors fault, when you consider what kennedy has stated about rey's character and how she deliberately planned it publicly.


Without a doubt Kathleen Kennedy had a major hand in the creation of MaRey Sue but Jar Jar was an ever willing partner in this. Not to mention Rey's bland Mary Sue characterization is only one of the problems with the film.


When directors don't follow Kennedy's "vision", they are fired. Lucas did sell his children to white slavers.


True enough indeed. I'm never one to overlook the major hand she has had in this mess with her arrogance & incompetence.


The new films I don't feel much for them. No fear, excitment or joy or sadness. They feel more like I'm watching other people on a rollercoaster.

By this point in the originals Luke had been knocked out, relatives incinerated, hassled in a bar by nobodies, nearly drowned by a one eyed snake thingy, nearly crushed if not for droids, saved from Vader by Han, been knocked out again and hung in the Wampa's fridge, had a confusing scary vision of Vader, hand chopped off then finding out the man who did it was daddy.

What has Rey endured to allow us to see her grow as a character? She got wet in 8 and Snoke made her float?


Finn led her by the hand several times in TFA and she had to tell him, more than once, to stop doing it.

You probably repressed the memory, and understandably so. No one should should be expected to bear witness to that kind of suffering. Frankly, I'm amazed it got past the MPAA with a PG-13 rating.


Hahaha! Let's not forget in The Last Jedi she knocked Luke down in combat...Luke, the supposed Jedi Master, gets overpowered and knocked to the ground by Rey...I couldn't roll my eyes hard enough at that one, unless he let her do that.


guys, don't be unfair please, she got a scratch in the Guards fight and she even cried ouch.

A Mary Sue hunt!


Spot on analysis of what's happening in her story.
If you notice, a similar sketchyness plagues every character in the movies: they all are "weird" (badly written). Somebody might say that they are original, so they don't fit into these classic categories, but like you point out, instead of opening new possibilities, they end up having all the drawbacks and none of the strenghts of each model they are mashing.

Even the old characters are a sketchy version of their established version, they have new abilities or weaknesses that don't fit in their old and well known version.

So, clearly, these are not properly developed sequels to a beloved story, but they are executive drivel churned out to move ahead Disney commercial scheme.


Glad you think so Heisenberg.

And this is just it - I wouldn't even say it's a bad story I'd say it isn't even a story anymore. The characters and plots of star wars are now not being written, they're being forced to be certain ways due to board room discussions and politics.

Rey is a gender swapped Luke only they clearly felt they couldn't have Rey fail the way Luke does so they simply made her brilliant at everything. This then created the problem of explaining how she is so incredible and JJ 'solved' this by hinting that their might be some explanation to it due to her parentage and past. RJ then decides that as everybody is now expecting an explanation he'll pull the old switcheroo so as to have a twist for a twists sake. The result is a total mess of a character that doesn't make any kind of sense and guts the story of all drama and purpose.

Poe was going to be a one note 'hot shot hero that dies early on' trope but as they liked the actor they decided to write him back in - with no explanation, or any attempt to flesh out his character. Rian at least tries to give him more depth in TLJ but does so in such a clumsy fashion it just alienates the viewer.

Fin was the only character that had any potential but for some reason they decided to completely abandon all that potential (a character trained to kill from birth, someone who has only known the first order, someone who decides he needs to kill his former brothers in arms) to turn him into some kind of comedy sub Martin Lawrence esque borderline racist caricature. And I hate to say it but the only explanation I can think of is that as they had cast a black man they decided he needed to be 'more black' so instead of a trained killer we get "Droid please".

Everything about the new Star Wars is about ticking certain boxes (for bad reasons) and *nobody* in the whole goddam shit show seems to be concerned with how to actually tell a good story.


sjw's pay money to see this though.


Not just sjw's though, that's the problem.


Again, spot on analysis.
You forgot Kylo, Snook, Luke, Leia.
This feels like a knockoff of Star Wars, not that the prequels were good but this sequel trilogy feels like the gobot version of the original, or like Alladin 2 or any other Disney sequel: something done by people that didn't really get the spirit, but liked the concept of "space wizards and battles".


I agree rey is a mess. Her hair was pinned up in those balls and wore the same dirty clothes over and over. Ha ha ha. Could not resist.
