Rate 'The Last Jedi'

After reading horror stories on here and social media about how bad this movie was, I finally plucked up the courage to watch it. But surprisingly, despite the agenda I thought it was a fairly good watch. The scene with Luke and [spoiler]Yoda, and the Binary Sunset throwback to ANH[/spoiler] was great. Mark Hamill is a great actor.



.5 for brilliant visual effects + .5 for another masterful Williams score = 1/10


I thought that the whole Rose and her sister duality thing was perfect. Finally seeing an Asian woman lead and have an essential central role in a blockbuster movie was astonishing and liberating, if a little too late. And when Rose nearly killed Finn in order to stop him from doing a guaranteed suicide win I was touched, I thought she was finally going to smash the patriarchy and didn't have a lens of racism on while doing so, just a very important sense of why the male identity needs to be stopped at all costs and by any means, all of them. That said finally seeing Finn wake up from his coma that that Klansman put him in the The Force Awakens made me feel empowered and want to shout out BLACK LIVES MATTER in the theatre I was in. When Poe came up to check on hiss boyfriend walking about in a giant colostomy bag I knew it was going to be a lasting love between the two. Just having a gay African-American man and lesbian Asian woman play such a cornerstone in such an important event like this movie gave my heart the warmth it so lacked.

Those two alone make the movie an 11/10 for me.

I'll not see the next one though if they don't include a transsexual ginger person front and centre of the movie.


You'll have your wish if they focus more on General Hux.


I line em up... And you knock em out of the park!


You actually had me going there for a while. Hard to tell these days!


It might be hard to tell but screw em'

Life is better today than it has ever been and it will only continue to get better for everyone, if not at an equal rate for all.


Very true but interpretation and perceptions matter. There's not much point in working hard to make society better and fairer if everybody is convinced everyone else is a hateful bigot thanks to the poisonous attitudes of the few.


There's always a war around the corner, that usually sorts it out for a while.

Sad, but true.


That would be a surprise! I thought for sure Kylo would be the one to "transition"...


Though Hux had already transitioned?



Never thought of that.. explains a lot...


The next episode might have Rey coming out... possible love triangle situation!


Not in a Disney movie. Sadly 😢



I initially went with a 6/10, but later settled on 5/10. For me that is the worst rated Star Wars film. The film adds nothing to the Star Wars saga and craps on everything that came before including TFA.




Wait...6 out of 10 is a "fairly good watch"??? Sounds like a D- to me...


Yeah, it's above average. Better than The Phantom Menace for me, but not better than Revenge of the Sith.


I went in with very low expectations, as well, and had a pretty good time. Sure there are flaws, but plenty of stuff to enjoy if one has an open mind. 6.5/10


1 of 10. Beside Williams soundtrack there was almost nothing tolerable included.
