

Yes, but is McDonald's shit burgers suddenly made almost half less profit than they did the previous year they would care about that a LOT and be sitting at their drawing board, wondering why.

The Force Awakens was a $2 billion turd and The Last Jedi is a $1.2 billion turd. Something is severely wrong there and Disney knows it.

Rain will be out and maybe even Kathleen will be out on her ass if this keeps up. Good.



Yeah, that's definitely going to be the first ax throw for Disney. The second will be Kathleen after either Solo or when Episode IX underperforms.

I don't like Abrams either but my prediction is they'll ultimately dump Rain and Kathleen over time and double down their bets on Abrams.

Who even IS this Rain Johnson guy? He came out of nowhere like a fart in a flower field and is being propped up as some huge figure with four Star Wars movies attached to his a$$ like pimples. I thought Disney was all gun-ho for Abrams? In any case, I expect Disney to wash their hands of the other two and focus on Abrams. He's not really anything special either but at least he knew better than the screw with the fanbase too much. He likes to play things safe. Disney will crawl toward him on their hands and knees.



They were probably fired because they weren't fancying that new marxist direction the bitch was forcing them to go, but who knows...


The bitch doesn't own this thing though and if she keeps costing them money they will likely dump her. She'll of course try to make a political spectacle out of it and claim it's "discrimination against women" or some crap.


It's all been foretold! Grab some popcorn and enjoy the show!


Oh, I am! :D Star Wars is a complete joke under Disney.

Best case scenario would be for these movies to keep making less and less profit until Disney gives up on it and sells it back to Lucas, decanonising everything they did. I'd rather Star Wars sit in Lucas' possession, gestating and not doing anything than to see further insult to the franchise with all these sequels/spin-offs.

I don't think very many people would deny feeling extremely excited when these sequels were first announced...I doubt ANY of us were expecting what followed:

-The big 3 never being on screen together at the same time

-Two of the big three dying in pathetic ways as miserable failures who spent almost the entire time since Return of the Jedi miserable, bitter and self-loathing

-Carrie Fisher dying which now leaves her character with an unnatural write-off which leaves us with all three of our favorite characters meeting miserable ends completely disrespectful to their characters

-The last of the Skywalker blood being left in the hands of a psycho worse than Anakin who has almost no reason to be acting this way

-The Skywalker legacy completely trivialized by a director (and head of Star Wars division) who apparently hate Skywalkers and want to make them seem as trivial and useless as possible

-100% renders the Original Trilogy (and even prequel trilogy) useless by showing us that Anakin bringing balance to the force and Luke starting a new Jedi order all meant absolutely 100% NOTHING. NOTHING at all

So, yes--they should find a way to sell it back to Lucas at an extreme discount and let Lucas lock this shit in a vault and never touch it. Then we can go back to just having Return of the Jedi and EU again. That EU stuff was greatly stupid in some areas but nowhere near as stupid as what Disney is doing.


All fair points. EU could easily sustain the franchise's basic survival. For the fans. The most important responsibility was to coordinate EU and keep it away from rogue writers, who didn't understand the SW universe. Who knew, that by invalidating EU the new owners would also try to almost invalidate Skywalkers and OT.

But now that we finally got SW rolling, it would be silly just to lock it down again. I blame the management and politics. Get rid of the two, and there's a chance once again to see SW universe as we all wanted to see it. Disney should stop meddling with something they don't understand.




JJ has a contract with Paramount studios, he simply can't stay producing films for Disney. They already had to pay Paramount 10million dollars for stealing him for Episode IX.


It's Rian (pronounced Ryan). And he made the excellent Looper with Bruce Willis and Joseph Gordon Levit. On that movie alone I would have bet money on him to do something interesting with an SW movie, but as it turns out it didn't happen. I am pretty sure the studio probably interfered and he didn't get to make the movie he wanted. Of course all this will come out in the fullness of time, too soon now.


It's mostly loser liberal SW "fans", who jump to revenue arguments, when they have nothing to say to defend this piece of garbage, while at the same time propagating marxist ideas, multiculturalism and evils of western capitalism. Fucking idiots all of them.


Well, political arguments aside, Star Wars already IS a universe of diversity: humans, humanoids, aliens and droids all living/working together. Then that feminazi, Kathleen Kennedy, decided to come along and ruin it with super females and racial checklists.



Seriously. Rogue one had all the diversity and female leads one could want and it was still a great movie.


Kathleen Kennedy made it less diverse in a way for the Star Wars universe, if Lucas was still around a few aliens would have been leads or had large speaking roles in the sequels instead of the humans, who were used simply because they’re a different skin tone than used before.


That bothered me too. There's too much forced human diversity to make room for any prominent aliens in these films which makes the Star Wars universe feel really small. Sure there were a few alien lurkers in the background and fan-service Nien Nunb etc. but there were none that weren't just window dressing or part of the cartoon sequence in the casino.

No wonder the resistance can't get any replies when they cry for help from the other species in the galaxy. They're like a racist humans only club.


Yeah its pretty much humans vs humans now, in a time when it’s easier than ever to make a great looking alien! I never really watched Star Wars Rebels but it’s a shame the movies didn’t use aliens like that show did.



You are right. High ticket sales doesn't always mean a movie is good. A lot of factors is go into if a movie is a hit or not. A lot of movies that have bombed in the theatre became classic hits in the home rental market.



There was a movie called Dredd. Didn't do good in the theaters, but a damn good movie, I must say.


Holy shit was that a good movie. I felt that Rogue One kind of captured the sort of magic in Dredd.


Yep. Dredd reminded me of the first Terminator movie somehow. I think it was because of one specific soundtrack song.


Yes! It also kinds felt like Robocop. It captured that 80s action movie feel perfectly.



Mcdonalds don't make there money from the food, they making from the franchise leasing.



No, property and land



i dont think you understand , they dont make a great deal of markup on the food they sell 70% of the turnover Mcdonalds make is on real estate



no they werent and no they arent, Ray Croc got investiment to start a new model based on leasing land, profit from that meant he could build the mcdonalds real estate empire, he would of actually made huge losses if he didnt change the business model , he was signficiantly in debt before they started to lease the land they purchased, so im afraid you are wrong.



nope, he franchised the land



“we are not technically in the food business. We are in the real estate business. The only reason we sell fifteen-cent hamburgers is because they are the greatest producer of revenue, from which our tenants can pay us our rent.”



"from which our tenants can pay us our rent."


That's a real estate business right there.

The ones making money selling burgers are the tenants. McDonalds is simply leasing them a place to do it.


Read again, the Tennant's sell the burgers so they can pay the rent to McDonald's



85% of the company is made up of its real estate portfolio, it makes its money through land ownership, you can kick and scream all you want, this is fact.

more reading for you, maybe soon it will sink in



"About 85% of the company in 2016 was represented by franchisee-run locations—people who agree to operate individual McDonald’s restaurants with a licensed privilege to the branding. But rather than collect a lot in royalties or sell its franchisees cooking equipment, McDonald’s makes much of its revenue by buying the physical properties and then leasing them to franchisees, often at large mark-ups"

game set match



Finally it sinks in, so as you say McDonald's gets paid rent via the franchise, thus make money through leasing property , we got there in the end .



at first yes , and based on that Ray Croc made absolutely f all on food, he was significantly in debt and about to lose everything when a new business model was created to buy land , and sell it as franchises, so not food but property , I thought this was common knowledge, perhaps you are just very immature and butt hurt that I have schooled you



If I wanted to buy a McDonald's franchise that's exactly correct, well done



Most people don't realize it, but McDonald's (NYSE:MCD) is not a burger-flipping restaurant chain; it is one of the world's best real estate portfolios. Franchisees flip the burgers. McDonald's simply owns the best commercial property all over the world.




You can't argue against what is fact



A highly rated very good star wars movie would make billions at the BO, a very bad one wont



Yes and RO and TFA were highly rated with critics and fans, 1 made 1.3 billion the other made 2 billion, if TFA was poorly received with critics and fans, it would not of made 2 billion


Anything with Michael Bay as the producer.



Why does Michael Bay have to be called Michael Bay?



Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

