MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > What scenes were worth the price of admi...

What scenes were worth the price of admission alone?

For me,

1) Princess Lelia awakening in space, coming back to life. I think the music was amazing the cinema delivers over at home with the large screen and great sound system. I loved the music in that part.

2) Luke Versus Kylo Ren - wide screen shot. Most movies don’t put two people at opposite ends of the screen because it doesn’t work when transferring the shot to DVD or TV versions. But they didn’t care. It really was a cinema experience to see them at opposite ends of the shot, you actually had to shift your head to look at both of them.


leia scene was awful , suppose the fight with the guards was the best scene for me, not really that many scenes that appealed to me, I hated this film


Overall, I wasn't a big fan of The Last Jedi, but it did have some great moments.

1. Rey in the cave. I thought it was just trippy enough.
2. Luke teaches Rey what the Force is.
3. Luke says that preserving the Jedi is vanity. These two moments are the only moments that I bought Luke being a Jedi master. He had actual interesting, profound things to say and was behaving like the old, wise version of Luke. All the other stuff on the island was pretty terribly written.
4. Kylo Ren and Rey in Snoke's throne room. I didn't know what would happen, who would turn from their path, and the fight at the end was an excellent capper to the whole thing. It felt like a scene from a much better draft of the script had sneaked into this film.
5. Luke vs. Kylo Ren.
6. As dumb as it was, particularly given the repercussions for the rest of the Star Wars universe, the hyperdrive battering ram was really, *really* beautiful, visually speaking.


Throne room scene is the best part of the movie.


You mean that painfully predictable scene where we KNEW Kylo would turn on Snoke and where we KNEW main characters were not going to get killed by plastic red army men?

The only weight that scene held was when Kylo asked Rey to join him. That would have been the ballsiest direction ever taken.. and they balled on it. Weak!

I remember reading how there were huge reveals and the most surprising directions taken. How it was so unexpected and thrillingly surprising. I watched up to the scene and I was like okay where are all these twists? Then Kylo offers his hand and I gasped... this is it! But no sadly my idea of a thrillingly surprising twist is not shared by the majority of the film watching community.


When they walked into that throne room, I didn't know if Kylo would turn Rey or if she would turn him. I didn't know that they would kill Snoke (although I figured it out before they did it, but I didn't know they'd kill him or how it would go down). Sure, I knew that the red ninjas wouldn't kill them, but that fight was well done.

I'll agree with you that the scene could have ended better. I would have preferred somebody actually getting turned, Rey or Kylo, but the scene itself was still excellent.

Farther afield, as it were, I think your point - big twists promised, none delivered - is one of the film's big failings. It's a movie that states that things won't go how you think, and it does undermine a lot of stuff (Po's plan fails, Luke is mopey, etc.), but if never follows through by having the good guys really lose, Rey turn to the Dark Side, or Finn sacrifice himself. So, generally I agree with you, but I still think the throne room scene was top notch.


That would have been the ballsiest direction ever taken.. and they balled on it. Weak!

Yeah, Rey should have joined him. It would also be a good setup for her turning him back to the light side in Ep. 9.


I agree with all of those. They were all intriguing moments.


It was pretty badass when the Falcon came to help on Crait, specifically the first shot that cut through three TIE fighters at once. Quite a grand entrance.

Also, I love how the TIEs are treated like real vehicles with actual mass and large shrapnel in these sequels. There was too much of them becoming puffs of fire in the old ones, although ESB and ROTJ did have some TIE destruction scenes that were fairly realistic.

Having their pieces tumbling on the ground is fantastic.


I liked that Falcon scene too. IIRC they played Rey’s theme (one of my favorites) when it came charging in, so that amped it up even more.


Artoo playing for Luke the original hologram of Leia begging for Obi-Wan’s help.


I forgot that scene; that was terrific.


I also liked those on your list.


Reylo scenes made me wet


I'm guessing that you're being funny, but may I be the first to say "Eeeuueewww!"?



