Why did projected Luke?

Have Anakin's lightsaber that Rey/Kylo just broke?

Would have made more sense to have his green saber.


It was probably a hint given to the audience so that some will predict it's not really Luke.


An un-necessary one.


that and the close-up of his feet leaving no red tracks


I didn't notice that. But the projection looked younger than Luke on the island so it kinda had me wondering, why this sudden change in appearance? Also, Luke had no means of getting there so fast, and I was already thinking about how poorly written that whole sequence is, but, hey, they managed to surprise us with at least one thing, despite this movie being a complete garbage (just like TFA).


hi jan xxxxx


The bigger question is, how did the projected Luke give Leia a medallion? Did he magically transport it from one end of the galaxy to another? If so, can he transport himself as well (physically, not projection)?


To be fair we see this medallion vanish later aswell, but I do not think it explains how he could put it in her hands...


It was odd to have Kylo find the dice, odder still for them to be a projection... oddest that they were projected after Luke "died." I still think his presence on Ach-To could have been a projection too.


So he will be back? damn that sounds dumb and yet I wish wish this will happen in 9. :)


Best way for Luke to hide is to project himself to where others will be lead to find him.
