MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Could Christopher Nolan save this franch...

Could Christopher Nolan save this franchise?

I mean he saved Batman from Joel Schumacher and made 3 amazing Batman films, could he do the same for Star Wars?


No, Christopher Nolan would not be good for Star Wars. However, he couldn't do much worse than Jar Jar Abrams.


Nah. It's dead. So much as I hate how they're doing it, I do agree with what they're doing. Putting the old films to rest and cleaning the slate. Unless they murdered the old cast, on screen, and made done with it, fans would have clamored until the actor's deaths for their return, and never forgiven them if they didn't. So they trotted them out and murdered them. We could have just jumped a hundred years in the future and made lovely new films having nothing to do with the Skywalker saga but the fans would have never shut up.

So Nolan could step in, but he'd just be doing what any other writer/director would be doing anyhow. Finally making something new. I'm taking these films as a dark age and am still looking forward to what they turn out once these Episodes are finally put out of their misery. There's plenty of EU material I ignore as well. It ain't no thing.


No. Star Wars is a fantasy. I do not want someone to try to make it realistic.


Inception was a fantasy and that film got great reviews.


I have never seen Inception. People who have seen it seem to claim it's a deliberately confusing film that makes no sense simply for the sake of making no sense. I get the impression that audiences think a film is brilliant simply because it is confusing. I disagree. I don't enjoy an experience if I have no idea what's going on, and I certainly don't want someone to make Star Wars confusing. I think Jennifer Yuh Nelson would be a better choice, although I am happy with JJ Abrams coming back. (Kung Fu Panda 2 was a great adventure movie that did a good job of exploring and fleshing out the backstory and family of the main character).


Inception is a very deep film that requires the viewer to think. It is very psychological and challenges the viewer mentally, it's not brainless garbage like the Disney Star Wars films.

Nolan would do great work with Star Wars.


Confusing does not equal good. Star Wars is supposed to make sense. Fans do not want a Star Wars movie they can't follow.


It's not confusing, it's thought provoking. If the audience pays attention and uses their head then Nolan's movies aren't hard to follow.

Nolan clearly understands the sci-fi genre, Interstellar is proof of that.


I admit I haven't watched it, so I will refrain from further arguing unless I see it.


You are missing out it's one of the greatest films ever made, and the end is the biggest mind f-ck ever.


After the messy, hilarious garbage that is Dark Knight Rises and the extreme lack of logic throughout Interstellar (beautiful movie though)..... No, Last Jedi is exactly the kind of Star Wars that Nolan would have made now.

Also, Looper was a popular movie with Nolan fans, it had the same kind of atmosphere and the same kind of pissing-contest "cool factor" that those fans love.

Hell, if you search Rian Johnson and Christopher Nolan together in Google, you get all kinds of results including interviews they did together.

Hell, look at this for evidence of the point I made above:

None of this is a surprise to me, it all makes perfect sense.


Ha the fact that you think TDKR is garbage and Interstellar doesn't have any logic yet you makes excuses left and right for the Disney Star Wars films just proves your bias. I know what the issue is though, you weren't smart enough for TDKR or Interstellar, you just didn't get it


Probably not.



Nolan would absolutely save this horrendous reboot disney and that crap director did to it. Anything Nolan touches is pretty much quality at its highest standards and he never disregards important elements in any of his storylines. The guy is just a genius at movie making.


My only concern is that people who don’t like Nolan will bitch and moan that they don’t understand it.


Nolan isn't a feminist director and doesn't seem interested in the type of world building minutia that is necessary for successful StarWars fan service...

i can't see him satisfying Disney, nor can I see him giving fans what they want... he's likely to be unfaithful to their very specific needs... even Lucas betrayed them! 😉

Star Wars fans are in love with the characters, whereas Nolan treats his characters mostly as vehicles for whatever themes he's interested in exploring or as devices to move plot or construct some part of his time shifting elements in his movies... e.g. half the characters in Inception are for exposition and nearly all of thr characters in Dunkirk are nameless archetypes...

I don't see him being able to distill Disney's corporate values into his movies... He rarely has purely noble characters in his movies and he likes moral ambiguity... Also, Interstellar is probably his only film that has a "good", strong female character... Yet it wasn't the typical female empowerment victim narrative...

I think a Nolan Star Wars would be interesting, for a Star Wars movie, but I'd rather see him work on something original and the fans would have as much of an issue with a Nolan Star Wars as they have had with Rian's... 😎


Not his style. Nolan is an amazing director, but he's not the right guy for a Space Opera movie.
