Nude scene

I wanted to walk out of the theatre after that first scene. That girl Nadine was not necessary in terms of walking around like that completely butt naked. I mean they can show that they had sex without having us see her 10 foot nipple or every hair on her body. I just would like to see a movie with my husband that doesn't have a naked woman in it just for shock value, it lasted too long in my opinion. Am I the only one? I ended up loving the movie regardless, but will just fast forward it when I see it on dvd :)


Loved the beginning nude scene. It didn't push the story forward all that much but she sure was some nice eye candy. Nudity doesn't bother me too much, but I guess it does other people.


I fapped hard to this scene in the theater.


In front of the gays?


I'll play it in slow motion. ;-)


Hilarious. All the guys saying they loved it and only women whining about it. Without that scene, there’s nothing worth watching in this boring, generic drama.


except when he flew upside down...
